- Version and Hostile Takeover news
- Hello Executives!
- Rolling out a small patch today to address an issue with the AI not building Xeo gas refineries and a few other minor fixes. You will now be able to construct these vital structures both on the ground and in space, allowing more choice of where to build them when it comes to the power hungry structure.
- But that’s just the beginning! I'm thrilled to share exciting updates on the development front.
- Last year, I announced Hostile Takeover, a brand-new, high-intensity game mode designed for fast-paced action on a single map—perfect for Executron gameplay. Since then, I've been hard at work implementing significant improvements to the whole game, including:
- Quality of Life enhancements.
- A graphical overhaul with stunning new lighting.
- Code overhaul improving gameplay and stability.
- Throughout the past year my team have been dropping exclusive sneak peeks of Hostile Takeover in our Discord community. Here’s a glimpse of what’s been unveiled so far:
- Enhanced graphics with a new render system.
- Multicrew vehicles for Executrons.
- Revamped first-person terminal interface.
- Tier 2 ground defences for all factions.
- The colour purple!
- New mobile ground artillery for all factions.
- Spy hover tanks—fast, powerful, but lightly armoured.
- Fleet formation jumping—no more trickling through warps one ship at a time!
- Executron base-building—construct buildings and outposts directly.
- For those craving more in-depth insights:
- Tier 2 defences are large, power-intensive, and pack a punch—think of them like the Industrial Anti-Starship Cannon, but specialized for ground combat.
- New artillery units provide long-range fire support.
- Spy units now include three new hover tanks, offering high-speed mobility and firepower at the cost of heavy armour.
- New HQ command terminals allow Executrons to construct buildings and establish outposts, adding another strategic layer to gameplay.
- And we’re not stopping there! Further teasers have been dropped, hinting at a new internal defences system, a winter biome complete with snow, and more surprises in the works, eventually a complete list of features will be released and there are plenty of them!
- Join the conversation and get the latest updates in our Discord
- We can’t wait to see you in the field, leading your forces to victory in the name of your company. The stars are yours to conquer!
- Cheers,
- Rob