1. Update v1.2.1:
  2. Change list for the game
  3. ========================
  4. - Axis Operations campaigns have been reverted to use legacy paratrooper rules. Other content still uses new rules introduced in 1.2.0
  5. - Fixed issues with fog of war related to combined bad weather and high ground effects
  6. - Fixed torpedo animations getting stuck in some cases
  7. - Fixed "Shroud" advanced option
  8. - Fixed crash issues with 3d units in strategic mode
  9. - Fixed some cases of mouse cursor stuttering too much
  10. - Fixed chat messages in Multiplayer disappearing when a player exits and reloads the game
  11. - Various other minor fixes
  12. - "Limited stock" challenge no longer limits available land transports
  13. - It is now possible to specify the size of limited stock using a slider. It is no longer fixed to 20 points per unit type per scenario.
  14. - "Mortal heroes" challenge has also been extended with a slider to fine-tune probability of heroes dying in combat
  15. - It is now possible to access and change advanced options between scenarios in a campaign
  16. - It is now possible to drag Unit Details around the screen
  17. - Loading speed of Camouflage tab in Unit Details has been improved
  18. - Options screen has been rearranged, Display/UI section has been split into three: Display/UI, Units and Terrain
  19. - Options -> Display/UI section now has a selection of different hex grid styles
  20. - Options -> Other section now has some controls for game's map cache. You can turn the cache off completely, limit its size or clear the cache from inside the game
  21. - Added new parameters and options for more advanced scoring in tournaments
  23. Change log for Axis Operations 1942
  24. ===================================
  26. General:
  27. Fixed a number of text errors and typos
  29. 01Rzhev1942:
  30. Some Encircling Force Soviet units raised to default strength, up from 3
  31. Encircling Force Soviet Artillery units raised from 3 to 7 strength
  32. Several Soviet Aircraft now guard the eastern edge of the map
  33. A large cluster of Soviet units now patrols the eastern edge of the map
  34. A road now leads to the northwestern map corner
  35. A hidden cache of Soviet equipment has been added to the map
  36. A hidden cache of captured Italian equipment has been added to the map
  37. Text pop up for both caches added to the script file
  38. Pre-made CORE hero von Blonde moved from 8.8 AD to Panzer 38t unit
  40. 02DemyanskPocket:
  41. Added more swamp and forest terrain around the river lines
  42. Added a lot of Soviet infantry to patrol the river lines to further discourage crossings
  43. Added Soviet fighters to guard the river lines
  44. Mission critical JU52 increased to 30 strength
  46. 03OperationCerberus:
  47. Raised KMS Scharnhorst strength by 5
  48. Raised KMS Prinz Eugen strength by 5
  49. Mine warning triggers two turns earlier now
  50. Turn limit reduced from 30 to 28
  52. 04Kummersdorf1942:
  53. Fixed an issue with Commendation Points not updating properly during this scenario
  54. Female or Male special hero options both set to costing 3 CP each now
  55. Deploy limit increased from 50 to 99 to allow for more large slot unit deployment for training
  56. Campaign prestige awarded for entering this scenario increased from 1500 to 3500
  57. Experience cap set to 5000 to prevent experience loss for elite units entering this scenario
  59. 05KerchPeninsula:
  60. Reduced the amount of swamps on the bottom end of the Soviet defensive line to make the briefing recommended flanking maneuver easier
  61. Added some swamps in the center of the Soviet defensive line
  62. Added some bomb damaged villages to the bottom section of the Soviet defensive line
  63. German supply hex moved to an urban tile instead of a port tile to allow deploying of units during the battle
  64. Soviet units defending the Quarry have received a hero and large strength buff
  65. Hidden cache of Lend-Lease equipment added to a flag on the map
  66. Text pop up for cache added to the script file
  67. Fixed an incorrect briefing portrait image
  68. Romanian forces now start with 2000 prestige to allow for some limited repairing
  69. Converted one dirt airfield to normal airfield near the center of the map
  71. 06SecondBattleofKharkov:
  72. Fixed an issue with Commendation Points not updating properly during this scenario
  73. Converted one dirt airfield to a normal airfield near the middle of the map
  74. Romanian HQ unit does not patrol so far to the east to make it easier to protect
  75. Added a set of 4 Romanian units to escort their HQ unit around
  76. All Soviet Fighters have been recolored for visual camo variety
  77. Allied Romanian Prestige now visible, and increased for more repair options
  78. Turn amount reduced from 27 turns to 22 turns
  79. Scripts now properly check for and award a Commendation Point for the Romanian HQ Survival on scenario Victory
  80. One mislabeled Donets River hex relabeled to Oskol River
  81. Added several more Soviet Partisans around the map to delay any German force from directly advancing on Izium
  83. 07Voronezh:
  84. Increased scenario turn limit from 19 to 23
  85. Replaced a few 'rough' tiles with 'countryside' tiles to make travelling across the vast stretches of Russian terrain a bit easier
  86. Fixed a very strange rail bridge visual near Kursk
  87. Ju52(3) have been made available for this scenario
  89. 08VoroshilovgradSDO:
  90. CP event now properly says it will cost 3 CP instead of incorrectly saying it will cost 4
  91. There is now a formation of Soviet vehicles that patrols and defends the eastern most victory hexes
  92. Several Soviet aircraft have been added to defend the eastern part of the map
  93. Two more Soviet airfields added to move back new Soviet bombers slightly away from the middle of the map
  94. Replaced some rough terrain with clear terrain for more unit mobility
  96. 09OperationNordlicht:
  97. Reduced turn limit from 14 to 13
  98. Reduced chance for rain from 10% to 4%
  100. 10BattleofLakeLadoga:
  101. Added an additional mobile airfield to the player's AUX forces
  102. Special unit exp raised from 2500 to 3500
  103. Special unit ammunition amount raised from default to 8
  104. Special unit strength raised to 30
  105. Special unit for unique objective now has a unique name and camo skin
  106. CORE slots raised from 70 to 85
  107. Completing the Unique Objective now awards 2 CP over 1 CP
  108. Chance for rain decreased to 15%
  109. chance for clouds increased to 40%
  110. Fixed a problem with scripts that was blocking Special Unit leader from being offered as a hero to join the player
  111. Turn 16 now checks for Special Unit survival
  112. Turn 17 awards Commendation Points for Special unit Survival
  113. Turn 18 offers Special unit hero reward
  114. PLACEHOLDER text replaced with proper text line for special unit survival event
  115. Assigned new string ID to new text to prevent blank text box issues
  116. Fixed an issue with Commendation Points not updating properly during this scenario
  117. Cleared some forest out of the eastern edge of the map to make traversing and searching this area easier
  118. Some Soviet artillery has been given hill tiles to extend their bombardment range
  119. Some soviet artillery has been slightly weakened from their trek up said hills
  121. 11Novorossiysk
  122. Chance for Clouds reduced from 20% to 10%
  123. Turn limit increased from 20 to 25
  124. CORE slots increased from 100 to 115
  125. Campaign prestige increased from 1500 to 3000
  126. 2 Train transports have been made available
  128. 12Grozny
  129. Fixed an issue with Commendation Points not updating properly during this scenario
  130. Chance for Clouds reduced from 30% to 20%
  131. CORE slots increased from 100 to 115
  132. Two extra caches of equipment have been added to this scenario
  133. Text pop up for both caches added to the script file
  134. Added an additional mobile airfield unit for the player
  135. Increased turn limit to 29
  136. Elite La5 now has a custom skin and custom name
  137. 2 Train transports have been made available
  138. One town added along the scenario rail line
  140. 14BombingofStalingrad
  141. Map updated with new visual variety in damaged city tiles and industrial tiles
  142. 6th Army Default skin changed so reinforcements share appearance with existing units
  143. The second 6th Army Reinforcement Wave has been removed
  144. Even more Soviet Fighters have been added around the map
  145. Turn limited reduced from 26 to 23
  146. One player AUX mobile airfield has been removed
  147. Soviet position around Pavlov's House strengthened
  148. Soviet ground defenses around the Central Rail Station greatly strengthened
  150. 14StreetsofStalingrad
  151. Map updated with new visual variety in damaged city tiles and industrial tiles
  152. Added some roads on the Soviet reinforcement area to prevent units from getting stuck here before their bridge engineers are gone
  153. CORE slots have been increased to 122
  154. Victory requirement increased from holding 6 VH to holding 8 VH in briefing, objectives, and any other config locations
  155. Main Night Witch increased in strength and experience
  156. More aggressive Night Witches added to the map
  157. Soviet global experience reduced from 2250 to 1250
  158. Removed a CP reward script that wasn't being called on during the scenario
  159. Ju52(3) have been made available for this scenario
  161. 15AssaultonStalingrad
  162. Map updated with new visual variety in damaged city tiles and industrial tiles
  163. Amount of Tiger Is offered for CP increased from 35 to 45
  164. A new CP event has been added to scour warehouses of various German and Allied Lend-Lease equipment
  165. Scenario text links now properly point to scenario_AssaultonStalingrad
  166. Campaign prestige reduced from 1500 to 500
  167. Chance for snow increased from 33% to 55%
  168. Changed Soviet mobile airfields into deployed state so their aircraft dont crash on turn 1
  169. Removed about half of the Soviet aircraft from the map, as it is now a bad weather scenario
  170. Flags now all have appropriate prestige settings for their capture applied
  171. A pair of train transports has been made available, for quick reaching of the Chir Rail Station
  172. Train embark points have been added near the outskirts of Stalingrad
  173. Added a player Supply hex on the edge of Stalingrad to deploy reinforcements, if necessary
  174. South Rail Station string added to the map
  175. Added some truck equipped Soviet engineer infantry to join the assault on the Chir Rail Station
  177. 42_path_selection_5.json
  178. After Mission Decision text shortened so it properly fits into the UI
  180. 16OperationBlut
  181. Flags now have prestige amounts assigned to them
  182. The entire Evacuation zone has now been highlighted to be more clear for where the transports need to reach
  183. Arrows now point directly to the Evacuation transport during the briefing
  184. Objectives for this scenario have been completely redone
  185. The objective to escort at least 6 Evac transports now required escorting them to exactly the six marked hexes
  186. Custom scripts have been turned on to enable this proper escort objective
  187. Scenario now ends in victory instantly upon the 6th transport reaching its destination
  188. Improved some briefing markers slightly
  189. Mission Critical Mission units have been camo painted for better visibility and recognition
  190. Turn limit increased from 20 to 24
  192. 17OperationWinterStorm
  193. Changed a debriefing portrait to be less cheerful
  194. Moved some Soviet aircraft away from Stalingrad
  195. Added a couple 6th Army AD units at Stalingrad
  196. More Soviet attack waves have been added, especially before the scenario midpoint is reached
  197. Soviet attack waves have stronger vehicle forces, including captured Axis vehicles, and slightly less infantry forces