1. Changelog v2.2.22.127885
  3. New Content
  6. Update field guide procurement text for stone/oxite
  7. Committed refactor of CPP enum to DT enum for Icarus Resources
  8. Tag ploughs for field guide
  9. Replaced exotic procurement image on field guide to new one
  10. Update field guide resource networks UI to show storage on batteries and fix generator / pump display
  11. Fixed duplicate zebra carcass showing up in field guide
  12. Field Guide: Increase menu scroll bar width by 50%
  13. Fixed field guide Medicine category width
  14. Swap position of Shields and Benches in Field Guide to put Benches closer to the top
  15. Added Cargo Hauling talent option to Horse and Terrenus talent trees
  16. Field Guide: Added sets to C0NT4CT and Beehive for upgrades
  17. Field Guide: Fix alignment on different categories (use/used by notably)
  18. Field Guide: Update scrolling to be grouped in the category for most item types, exceptions are benches as they have a lot of items and resource networks that need to be visible
  19. Field Guide: Fixed alignment on search / items list
  20. Field Guide: Increased number of item categories shown in each row, so main item screen shows all categories icons
  21. Field Guide: Fix filter to have sticks in resource lookup
  22. Updated Field Guide feature level lock to be based on Cheats rather than Development, so it is available on other dev facing builds
  23. Made adjustments to the text on various shovel items for clarity
  24. Enable Field Guide
  25. Field Guide: Fix opening by default opening to items page. Allowed context menu opening to work while the Field Guide is already open
  26. Field Guide: Moved shovels to Tools category and tagged sets
  27. Field Guide: Added fuel and oxygen recipes for items that produce or are used in recipes that produce these resources
  28. Field Guide: Added Character Crafting page, removed old dummy page
  29. Field Guide: Workshop item headers now have a purple border
  30. Field Guide: Add item based fuel sources to applicable benches (campfires, torches, etc)
  31. Adding Ability to show if an Item required DLC in the field guide, and making icon clickable to show the DLC store page
  32. Field Guide: Electricity and Water tools now show their respective networks
  33. Fixed network inspection (R on electricity or water tools) not opening when aiming at a deployable
  34. Unlock Stationeers DLC Package data so we can query for the game
  35. Field Guide: Added procurement info for collecting individual pieces on the ground, moved red exotics to plants so it is shown as growable
  36. Unlock Stationeers Bobblehead recipe and update talents / description
  37. Fix tag casing and removed chicken coop tag
  38. Field Guide: Added resource pages for Biofuel, Electricity, Oxygen and Water
  39. Field Guide: Now shows when recipes require a resource input, such as water or biofuel
  40. Field Guide: Composter and Oxite Dissolvers now show recipes for creating their related resources
  41. Field Guide: Resources now have links and tooltips to their relevant pages
  42. Add Stationeers Bobblehead blueprints and deployable item data
  43. Fix some out of date blueprint pins
  44. Add resources (water etc.) required for recipes in the Field Guide
  45. Adding SK version of bobbleheads to use for interactable BP springy heads when you pat them, blueprint hookup to follow
  46. Redo Remove vesitages of dummy character crafting entry from Field Guide (now we have a real character item)
  47. Redo Add a third (optional) image and description to Field Guide meta
  48. Remove vesitages of dummy character crafting entry from Field Guide (now we have a real character item)
  49. Add a third (optional) image and description to Field Guide meta
  50. Fix Show In Field Guide inventory context menu does not work in space
  51. Field Guide: Show scorpion carapace and sandworm scales procurement info (as these are not drops, not automatically detected)
  52. Field Guide: Update Plants page to show dirt mounds as a growable place. Crop plots now show other plots as their set
  53. Field Guide: Update vestiges page to show correctly for creatures which naturally drop vestiges, rather than requiring taxidermy knife (eg bats)
  54. [/expand]
  56. Fixed
  59. Committing Quest Fix for Riverlands Stockpile
  60. Added Apex DM meshes for left and right Concrete Corner Stairs
  61. Committing Fix for Crafting Modifications Table
  62. Trail beacon icons no longer show on compass
  63. Committing Fix for Crop Plot Tooltip as it wasn't converted over to use the new resource DT enum
  64. Fixed a few typos
  65. Switched 'spawn actor' node to be 'spawn ai' to fix build error
  66. Resaving UMG_Resource_Connection as it was causing issues at compile time
  67. Fixed typo in cooling bandage description
  68. Optimize expensive (4k+) textures to reduce video memory consumption
  69. Light strength and light temp adjustments made to the standard Fireplace, and Gold Deco Fireplace
  70. Mark a bunch of meshes in (generated) prefabs as static mobility
  71. Redid LODs on CF Underwater rocks, shorter switch distances due to underwater visibility, ensured last LOD is low poly and no RVT, and fixed _02 variation using LOD material on LOD0
  72. Add NoRVT materials for final LODs for meshes which use RVTs. This should alleviate some performance issues by not processing RVTs for meshes that are far away
  73. Optimized expensive (4k+) textures to reduce video memory consumption
  74. Fixing the charging device as it was no longer charging powered objects after the new datatable enum switch
  75. Previous changes to Wood Rag Torch, Biofuel Lantern & Flashlight left them much less useful. Adjusted light strength, falloff and colour/temp. Resulting in overall more light, and establishing a tiered lighting progression
  76. Buffalo (and other mounts) have their roll and twist rotation zeroed on reload, should be a reliable bandaid fix for issue where mounts would become permanently rotated / on an angle
  77. Fixing first person wave animation being out of screen view so that proper audio can be applied to the sound and it can be seen visually in first person
  78. Adding audio to the wave animation to playback sound when in first and third person
  79. Fixed issue where Aluminium Trap Door collision was causing players to fall through when closed on dedicated servers.
  80. Fixed issue where servers weren't updating the animations of windows and doors correctly if they weren't rendered (never rendered on dedicated server), leading to desynchronised collision locations on server vs clients.
  81. Reduced weight of several aluminium deployables and building pieces
  82. Fixing blendspace issue with first person hands using the space station hands animation for idle which caused the hands to distort and bend the fingers on the character when running or sprinting
  83. Replaced iron item icons to more gray-ish ones
  84. Removing adjusted blendspace which was causing issues with arms getting in the way of the aim animation when grenades were aimed and walking or sprinting. Fixes all problems. Lowering left arm when sprinting with grenades
  85. Further adjustments to player lighting, with a focus on light strength/progression. Wood Rag Torch, Wood Flare, Biofuel Lantern, and Flashlight affected
  86. Adding correct audio for charging station
  87. Reducing the chance of wolf howling at distance in the idle audio event to allow the animations of the howl to be the main howls. Currently you hear the sound effect too often this will help reduce it
  88. Modifier state icons are now ordered in list: Biome -> Aura -> Permanent Buff/Debuff -> Temporary Buff/Debuff
  89. Creating a unique event for the tuskers idle audio to be used for the mount tusker.
  90. Reducing the rate of vocalisations on the mount idle to make sure it doesn't become annoying for the player.
  91. Slightly reducing other mounts idles also to account for multiple mounts in a small area
  92. Fixed bug where envirosuit would be returned to HAB if player returned any meta items using OEI. Added in some extra logging to track down meta loadout initialisation issues
  93. Fix Shengong and Larkwell envirosuits not having first person reskins applied
  94. Shortening a bunch of excessively long audio events to reduce voice counts.
  95. Adding bone hit audio to successful hit layer in FMOD fixing a few weapons where it felt too quiet for a successful hit
  96. Added new button in escape menu to copy current player coordinates to clipboard. Fixed UIcarusCompassWidget crash in editor
  97. Fix UMG to fix complile error
  98. Prospects without local save files are no longer shown on the 'Load' screen. This should fix issue where players would incorrectly see past multiplayer games in this list, without having access to the save file.
  99. Prospects in the 'Load' screen list are now sorted by date last modified (prospects associated with current character are still shown above non-associated prospects)
  100. Mounts are now bound to the account that claimed them instead of the specific character, this should fix issue where players bringing down mounts that were claimed by a different character on the same account weren't able to properly access it
  101. Chickens will now automatically deposit their eggs into a nearby coop (within 10 metres) if they're unable to path inside for whatever reason
  104. Future Content
  107. Adding stasis bag zip up npc player audio and BP imp
  108. Added texture maps for the slug slime splatter
  109. Ice mammoth iteration. Ice mammoth arena has been blocked out. Added 3 new types of birds for the mammoth to spawn. Added nests for birds to spawn out of
  110. Cliff Placement Pass and Macro Cliff Pass, Outpost 11
  111. Fixed mobility on several nest actors to prevent warnings
  112. Improve collision on Army props, optimize textures, add LODs, add 2-sided to camping chair material
  113. Adding the nullsector audio delay map
  114. Weighting cleanup pass on the NPC character, still some slight stretching so a bit more clean up required but 85% there
  115. Committing new json for ashlands camp
  116. Adding Camping Chair as a mission prop
  117. Adding new Camp Setup for the CRISIS mission and adding a new prebuilt structure
  118. Added functionality to allow NPC's to show a mission UI and kick off a mission
  119. Provided a base quest for CRISIS / STRANDED / RESCUE so we have consistent spawning and cleanup where requried
  120. Setting new NPC's to have a recorder component so they can persist between quests
  121. NPC's desciption will now change based on stability
  122. Adding collision to large exotic rock, new mesh copied from meteor
  123. Fixed null ptr on Recipe tool tip hover function by doing a valid check first
  124. Adding Assets for Ashlands Logistics Missions
  125. Added Missing C++ Files for the Mission Character and Item Manipulation Component
  126. Medical Scanner now works with Mounts & Characters
  127. Adding Churches new lines to NPC to play when interacted with
  128. You now treat NPC's by holding the medicine in your hand and treating and right clicking
  129. Fixing issue with the medical scanner where it would shopw the widget offset in 3rd person
  130. Converted the Mission NPC's over to their own c++ base class and assigned them a survival character state
  131. Mission NPC's now use stats and survival character state of stability calculations
  132. NPC interactions now play on clients
  133. Setup new Medical Evac Ship
  134. Medical Scanner no longer opens up when there is nothing to scan
  135. Started Set Dressing Volcano Cave/Creater & Added Geothermal Pools on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  136. First pass of logic / item data for armour stand
  137. Outpost_012 - terrain and riverbank blending with decals
  138. Converting all npc bark line spacialisers to a preset for ease of use of future tweaking and balancing
  139. Adding in red roat texture and material setup for carcass to use for Lava roat in the nullsec
  140. Prevent players from building on top of teleport components
  141. Further in game volume adjustments for NPCs to make sure they are all sitting at a similar volume
  142. Fixing interact camera orientation on the new Medevac pod for the RESCUE mission
  143. Changing stored names for NPC4 and 5 -> NPC4Rescue & NPC5Rescue for the rescue mission so there is no overlap, cleaned up NPC4/5/Rescue at various quests steps / abandoning
  144. Fixing issue where CRISIS / STRANDED / RESCUE where not cleaning up correctly
  145. Fixing Issue where duplicate quest items where spawned (the audio log for Ashlands Story)
  146. Fixing Spawn Points for the Ashlands Story, the spawn points are now manual, the rockdogs will return to protect the outpost and not spawn in buildings
  147. Adding the Return to Anchor behaviour for Rockdogs as they where missing it
  148. Added BLD_Wall_Angle_Curved_Concrete, including Left, right and inverted variations. Apex DMs still need to be done
  149. Removing Speak Steps in CRISIS / STRANDED / RESCUE as this NPC dialogue is now played in the Briefing Screen
  150. Fixing 'MISSION COMPLETE' Screen and UI so it no longer overlaps with other elements
  151. Fixing Issues with the NPC's in CRISIS / STRANDED / RESCUE not saving their food / water / oxygen values since the base class switch over
  152. Fixing NPC Bark lines interupting quest dialogue in CRISIS / STRANDED / RESCUE
  153. Outpost_012 - riverbank and cliff placement, landscape decals
  154. Volume pass on NPC church lines barks vs important orders
  155. Fixed a typo and edited the text for the recovery crew highlightables
  156. Optimized expensive (4k+) textures to reduce video memory consumption
  157. Fixed incorrect physical material on drop pod materials
  158. Adding generic deploy audio to teddy
  159. Tent ropes no longer cast shadows
  160. Mission NPCs now use the 'FriendlyAll' relationship - should stop them being attacked by nearby AI
  161. Atmosphere controller no longer affects level bounds size
  162. Started Set Dressing Volcano Cave & Added Geothermal Pools on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  163. Updating Medevac pod so the legs have collision and it has a highlightable explaining what it is
  164. Ice Mammoth Arena - mesh and landscape adjustment to reduce overall size of arena
  165. Adding Function Library for Missions, adding functions for checking if an operaiton was complete on this open world and getting the mission in progress
  166. The Mining Trucks Engine has been swapped to the front
  167. Adding Text hints for the Logistics mission mentioning the biofuel tank and water tank
  168. Fixing issue where the Mining Trucks Water & Fuel Tanks fillable state where not persisiting between sessions
  169. Adding Collision to the Mining Trucks Rocks
  170. Fixing issues where the missions spawn blockers where not active, removing search area from mission spawn blockers
  171. NPC's in Rescue are now hurt and have 1 stability
  172. Added Ashlands Blocker static meshes to the Ashlands_Blocker BP
  173. Updated the rotation, scale and material assigned to the medical drop ship legs
  174. Added Ashlands Blocker meshes, textures and materials
  175. Added in new equip and idle animations to fix the strange holding position of the meta fuel canister, suggest to do a hand context for the jerrycan which fits this new hold position as well as need to override the hand position in the locomotion anims to fix the canister rotating back to the old position when moving
  176. Updated the physical material on the exotic meteor to be stone rather than metal. This will play the correct sound when players interact with them in the bed of the truck
  177. Added setup for concrete and aluminium corner stairs
  178. Added minable rocks on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  179. Adding unique audio for NPC standing healed after being sick
  180. Fix tooltip on character creation/selection button in main menu UI
  181. Started Set Dressing Volcano Cave & Added Geothermal Pools on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  182. very small volume adjustment to port water carry sound to account for over encumbered speed
  183. Added punctuation for clarity on a hint quest step for pro_d_recovery
  184. Updated the LODs on the medical dropship static mesh
  185. Adding code when beginning or abandoning ASHLANDS story which removes any extra blockers which might be present
  186. Adding logic for destorying new destructible blockers, if the assigned operation has been completed on the current open world
  187. Adding Recorder component for destructible blockers so they don't try and spawn another object everytime the prospect is loaded
  188. Added Decal and VFX to Hammerhead Slug Poison Spot, Added more option to POM shader
  189. Sanity pass and param cleanup on materials which have RVT disabled but tooling picked up on them possibly being enabled
  190. Adding interactable Notes Datatable and setting up ashlands notes
  191. Added Oil Geyser FXs, Oil Material, and OildGeyserText BP
  192. Added minable rocks & foliage on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  193. Cliff Placement Pass and Macro Cliff Pass, Outpost 11
  194. Outpost_012 - decal and landscape work, added new LOD material for LRG river banks
  195. Added CPU access to beds' gfur that didnt already have it along with the gfur for the black wolf trophies. This is to fix crashing when placing down a blackwolf trophy and may reenable the fur on the beds
  196. Storing references to animations used for bandaging mounts / NPCS so the animations always play. This allows the audio to play also
  197. Fixed map markers not highlighting when walking inside its radius and not showing an icon on the radar for the new search area components. Made old map search area actors use the new component also
  198. Fixed bug where NPCs were looking above the players head when player was mounted. Player Character's 'ViewPoint' location now correctly follows the player's head
  199. Adding audio for bandaging targets npc or mount. This has been put on a duplicate of the petting animation and montages and assigned to the actions table to play back when right click healing. BP imp for the actionable to play the appropriate animations and also only play the animation if there is a valid target. This helps give the player much better feedback for the action of healing others which can be important for new Nullsector missions
  200. Add Scyther Tadpole fish setup, added physics asset setup and another LOD
  201. Disable DT Validation for ProspectList checking if there are MetaSpawns defined vs IsPersistent Prospect check, as this check is no longer valid since we change the way we spawn Meta
  202. Added an albedo texture map for the slug slime splatter effect
  203. Landscape Painting on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  204. Adjusting the curves of the arm animation for bandaging other players or mounts to differentiate between petting and bandaging
  205. Added metal corner stair icons
  206. Fixed infinite loop dection being triggered during data table validation
  207. Further small adjustment to blendspace of sprinting with grenades to make sure the jogging vs sprinting speeds feel appropriate. Also stopped pinkie finger sticking out weirdly when sprinting with grenade
  208. Add SKItem for Slug Grenade and experimental Liquid shader
  209. Add an EQS failback when teleporting into an instanced level is blocked by another pawn
  210. Added BLD_RoofCorner_Curved_Concrete and BLD_Wall_Curved_Concrete, with all meshes, textures, materials. APEX DMs still need to be made
  211. Cliff Placement Pass and Macro Cliff Pass, Outpost 11
  212. Painted minable rocks & foliage on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  213. Added roat: Lava variant setup
  214. Adding Great Hunts Feature Level and DLC Package Data
  215. Putting some hard limits on bats to stop using a million audio channels when flying or in aggro states. This is to accomodate for mass bats
  216. Added material instance and map for testing DLC2 landscape materials
  217. Cleanup instanced level flags when unstuck is used
  218. Cliff Placement Pass and Macro Cliff Pass, Outpost 11
  219. Added & Blocked out new cave level CAVE_CF_MED_005_Spider for testing
  220. Added concrete corner stair variant icon
  221. Switched lava light mobility back to movable from static
  222. Submitting test level
  223. Updates to Oil Geyser Material, Behavior and FXs
  224. Added New Slime Decals and VFX to Poison Spot w/ updated textures
  225. Updating Icesheet story to use new outpost build
  226. Updating Icesheet story to fix the quest steps so it can be ended corrected
  227. Updating Icesheet story so the dead prospectors are now spawnable and interactable
  228. Updating Icesheet story so it has notes in the outpost
  229. Updating Icesheet story so the caveblocker uses a correct mesh
  230. Added specific recording and interface for the collectable notes so they don't require a new blueprint each time
  231. Added Lava Roat to Ashlands spawn map
  232. Outpost_012 - landscape, riverbanks, decals
  233. Added BLD_Roof_Curved_Concrete including meshes, textures and materails. Apex mesh still needs to be made
  234. Adding ice mammoth projectile travel and impact event and data table setups. Adding cooldowns to several events to stop multiple events firing at once unnecessarily
  235. Fixed buildable blueprint for iron corner stairs
  236. Hook up Rock Golem Gun mesh
  237. Elysium map blockout - swapped textures in material, added switches into master material to correct and/or remove grass types on changed layers
  238. Lots of adjustments to reduce audio voice counts on cave bats and other things. Lowered priority of bat wings and shortened events that were unnecessarily long
  239. Fix Roat droptable to not have potato and tomato (was previously restricted by a stat never granted to players)
  240. Improve layout of the WorldManager utility Selection tab to make it more usable, hide deprecated functionality. Add Location tab which allows WBs to teleport to a specified location for issue tracking
  241. Fixed icons for Hammerhead coil trophy and small vial variant
  242. Switched up from an animation fix to an attachment offset to catch the locomotion states of holding the canisters too, hooked up to the hydrazine canister which was still using the old focusable
  243. Replaced purple hue plant procurement images for non-grasslands area
  244. Shortening more audio events to reduce voice counts. This helps with boss fights with large amount of creatures spawning etc
  245. Prevented reinitialisation of voxel resource count in-editor to fix bug where they were only giving a couple of resource each
  246. Landscape, Decal Painting & Set Dressing Volcano Cave on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  247. More shortening of overly long audio events to clear audio voices. This is to prevent voices from running out
  248. Cliff Placement Pass and Macro Cliff Pass, Outpost 11
  249. Elysium (DH map) - added blocked out landscape to test map
  250. Feature locked Ape Carcass, Eagle Carcass and Armor Stand, to ensure they're hidden from the field guide (as they are not released)
  251. Updated many items feature locking to hide from field guide / builds
  252. Fix DT whitespace validator