1. Update v1.0.35174:
  2. Base Game
  3. General
  4. Fixed Early Access saves that had access to an old black market
  5. Fixed issue with the new trading route that couldn’t be built
  6. Battle
  7. Fixed reinforcement causing freezes during battles, such as [spoiler]Arena of Legends fights[/spoiler], [spoiler]Sea Serpent fight[/spoiler], [spoiler]Celestial fight[/spoiler]
  8. Fixed crash after moving units
  9. Fixed crashes caused by units overlapping each other [spoiler](eg: Celestial fight, Sea Serpent)[/spoiler]
  10. Fixed crash during Master Tracker Bionn fight
  11. Fixed issue with dead body that could be doubled after a battle
  12. Skill
  13. Fixed “Encouragement” skill not working if a wolf was nearby
  14. Camp
  15. Fixed Delicious food and brew not properly stacking in the inventory
  16. Pirates of Belerion
  17. Battle
  18. Fixed issue with Eokeld that could be pushed overboard, preventing you from getting his loot
  20. Update v1.0.35102:
  21. Base Game
  22. General
  23. Fixed legendary weapons not being upgradable in Brotherhood Training Camps
  24. Fixed dismantling weapons that had oil applied, now working properly
  25. Fixed softlock after talking to the Pedler
  26. Removed a bounty [spoiler]Elite boar in Edoran (it had escaped from its herd hihi)[/spoiler]
  27. Fixed crash after capuring crocswine
  29. Community Update 3:
  30. Battle Maps
  31. These new maps have been finely crafted by our team to grant new exciting ways to battle in camps, towers, hamlets and villages. This addition will provide you with new combat environments, form existing loications, but also new tactical possibilities! With bigger obstacles, battles in these places will require you to adapt to new strategies.
  32. You will be able to find these new battle maps in the following locations:
  33. Towers
  34. Camps
  35. Hamlets
  36. Villages
  37. Battle Traps
  38. In addition to the new battle maps, new deadly (and not so deadly) traps have also been added! Some of them have a unique interactions and are only found in specific locations. These additions will offer new opportunities to turn a fight in your favour!
  39. Powder Keg
  40. When destroyed, it will create a fire surface around itself while damaging and knocking back close units.
  41. Caged Plague-ridden
  42. Deals damage and inflict Fever to units who pass nearby or end their turn next to them.
  43. Raw Materials Pickup
  44. Repair a small amount or armour when used.
  45. Oils Pickup
  46. When used, will apply the effect of the oil on the unit’s weapon on top of any other oil for the duration of the battle.
  47. New Backstory
  48. A new start option related to Belerion with a Pugilist has been added, we didn’t want to restrict it to people that own the Pirates of Belerion DLC, that’s why this new starting option will be available for everyone!
  49. The Pugilist is a somewhat complex class which can be tricky to handle in the hands of a new player. Which is why we have decided to lock it behind simple requirements, to ensure new players can first familiarise themselves with the basics of the game.
  50. To unlock the new starting option you will need to have completed one of the following requirements:
  51. Have a level 5 (or higher) Pugilist
  52. Have unlocked a new starting region other than Tiltren
  53. Have completed the scenario of a region
  54. Features
  55. Companion list
  56. For players that have a large amount of companions in their troop, it can sometimes be a chore to remember which ones have had their turn, or set them up before starting in combat. Thanks to this addition, you will be able to rapidly see where everyone is at and easily select them without having to find them in the crowd. You will need to activate this option under “General>Advanced” to be able to use it.
  57. Inventory filter
  58. You can now filter objects with various tags to ease your navigation in the inventory.
  59. Hide backpacks
  60. You will now be able to hide the backpacks of your companions to better appreciate the back of their armour!
  61. Bug Fixes
  62. Wartales
  63. General
  64. Fixed name generator only generating male names
  65. Fixed carrying capacity for ponies after increasing their constitution
  66. Fixed several issues with UI, animations, FX
  67. Battle
  68. Fixed crash/freeze during the final fight in Drombach, after reinforcements (Celestial fight)
  69. Fixed freeze and other issues with Reinforcements in different battles
  70. Fixed barrels in Gosenberg making player unable to end their turn
  71. Skill
  72. Fixed Pirates Lucky charm passive
  73. Fixed Dry Yeast skill
  74. Fixed "Quick Shield Bash" passive skill being spammed
  75. World
  76. Fixed icons in Gosemberg City disappearing after battles
  77. Fixed ropes overlapping with some cave entrances
  78. Fixed guards always sprinting into the world after an interaction with player
  79. Quest
  80. Fixed Question box in Gosenberg when playing in a different language to french
  81. Pirates of Belerion
  82. General
  83. Fixed Hector Halios animation after Belerion final fight
  84. The Tavern Opens
  85. General
  86. Fixed UI issues
  87. Fixed Golden Chef’s Hat, now upgradable
  88. Brewer
  89. Fixed barrel issues when aging or selling brews
  91. Update v1.0.34584:
  92. Base
  93. General
  94. Fixed several UI issues, including:
  95. Paths menu which wasn’t properly displayed for some languages
  96. Controller UI that didn’t match with the actual inputs
  97. Fixed an issue with overloaded prisons
  98. World
  99. Fixed pitons after recent updates
  100. Co-op
  101. Fixed some crashes
  102. Fixed minor UI issues
  103. Camp
  104. Fixed camp equipments and companion’s position changing
  105. Pirates of Belerion
  106. Battle
  107. Fixed duel animation
  108. The Tavern Opens
  109. Profession
  110. Fixed several bugs linked to specialities
  112. Update v1.0.34505:
  113. Base Game
  114. Known Issue
  115. For players who have encountered groups of 3 ennemies in combat:
  116. Go to settings and change combat difficulty to a different difficulty
  117. Return to the World
  118. Reset the difficulty to the difficulty you wish to play with
  119. Battle
  120. Fixed throwing projectiles animations
  121. Fixed a crash after loading a save in the middle of a Rouste game
  122. World
  123. It is no longer possible to loot “Dried Fish” in fishing points anymore
  124. Quest
  125. Convincing Information quest is fixed
  126. For players who already have completed the quest:
  127. Go to the Valiant Tower
  128. Go inside the tower, then open your map
  129. The quest should be validated
  130. Fixed Winfel Estate’s NPC that couldn't be clicked on
  131. Camp
  132. Fixed confessions exploit
  133. Fixed injured companions/prisoners animation in camp
  134. Pirates of Belerion
  135. World
  136. Fixed collision on Isle of the Worthy’s bridge
  137. Quest
  138. Fixed marker in “Missing Person” quest
  139. Fixed a missing name in Belerion’s bounty
  140. The Tavern Opens
  141. Cook
  142. Cooking pot can now be upgraded after starting a new game with the Tavern destiny
  143. Recipes giving Valour Point are fixed: translations have been adapted + bonuses have been fixed
  144. Item
  145. Weapons can no longer be duplicated using the “Weapon Display” board