1. Update v1.6.0:
  2. New Features in Update 1.6
  3. Free: Migration system rework with Cultural Communities limiting which states pops might consider moving to, as a measure to improve UX and late-game performance
  4. Free: Filterable and sortable fullscreen Census Data panel, to give you more insight into your population than you ever thought you needed
  5. Voice of the People: Implemented additional content for abdicating during revolutions
  6. Voice of the People: Added resign from Office character interaction
  7. Voice of the People: Implemented additional character interactions for countries with Secret Police, allowing for the assassination of troublesome characters
  8. Improvements
  9. A newly spawned country that inherits a war goal from a war in progress will now be automatically targeted with a new war for those war goals by the holder of that war goal, at no additional infamy. A common issue addressed by this change is that revolutions no longer invalidate war goals.
  10. It is now possible to merge the entirety of a formation (A) that is itself the target of a merge into a different formation (B). This will retarget the formations that are traveling to merge with A so that they will instead travel to merge into B. Previously, this kind of merge was forbidden.
  11. The Art pop need category has been replaced with a new Leisure category, letting the very wealthiest among your people self-actualize in style. This need consists mostly of Fine Arts but also an assortment of other goods such as Clippers, Small Arms, Wine, Aeroplanes, etc. Services act as a low-weighted fallback if these other goods are exceptionally rare in your market.
  12. When a subject starts an Independence or Increase Autonomy diplomatic play, that play now takes place in the subject's capital rather than in the overlord's
  13. Overlords taking control of a play no longer get the option to switch sides
  14. Native Uprisings now have the native country as attacker rather than defender, and so no longer prevent the colonizing country from starting their own plays
  15. Added button to upgrade all units in a unit group
  16. The game will now warn you if you launch with mods that aren't marked as compatible with your current version. Pressing "ignore" will ignore this warning for the current version of the game.
  17. Garibaldi will no longer show up to defend countries against autocratic revolutions (e.g. Garibaldi should not be getting involved in Indian Peasant uprisings)
  18. Garibaldi will no longer show up to defend democratic countries against significantly weaker autocratic ones (e.g. Garibaldi should not be defending the USA against Native Americans)
  19. Garibaldi can now show up to fight for democratically inclined revolutions and secessions against autocratic countries
  20. Only fully occupied states now contribute towards war exhaustion, occupation progress has no effect
  21. Added new Mass Migration Attraction concept
  22. Updated migration concepts to be more representative of the current state of the game and be more interconnected
  23. Added mobilization and movement speed modifiers for formations and unit modifiers for formations
  24. Added a button to upgrade all upgradable units in a Military Formation, and one for all Military Formations owned by the player
  25. It is now possible for subjects to switch sides in a play if the other side has a Liberate Subject wargoal targeting them and haven't added any additional wargoals against them (the AI will do only do this if they are Rebellious)
  26. It is now possible to attempt to sway rebellious and human-controlled subjects by offering them Independence or Increase Autonomy as a wargoal. Reverse-swaying is also supported, so the subject can offer to side against their overlord in exchange for one of these wargoals.
  27. The effects of breaking manually vs auto-breaking a pact can now differ, auto-breaking an Alliance won't cause a relations hit but still creates a truce, for example
  28. Added more URLs for Historical Characters
  29. Canals now provide a bonus to migration attraction
  30. Mandatory baldness is no longer enforced on non-Buddhist Devout IG leaders
  31. The Pampas state trait now gives a bonus to ranching as well
  32. Mongolia is now only released in Outer Mongolia. A Greater Mongolian state will take some additional effort.
  33. Japan, Korea, Siam, Vietnam, Tibet, and Cambodia now start with the Sericulture technology
  34. Adjusted the population/arable land of Inner and Outer Mongolia to better reflect the situation in 1836
  35. Replaced the 'Gobi Desert' trait in Monan with 'Eastern Steppe'
  36. Renamed the 'Tianshan' state region to 'Tarim Basin'
  37. Added a Mongolian homeland to Dzungaria
  38. Updated the demographic data of Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin to better reflect the situation in 1836
  39. Revised Bulgarian and Corsican namelists
  40. Enacting Free Trade will now remove opium ban if you have it active as China
  41. Improved tooltips and performance in the Diplomatic Actions lens
  42. Decentralized nations now have their own logic for which attitude they display based on tension and whether there is an ongoing native uprising, and won't randomly display a friendly attitude that doesn't actually have mechanical significance
  43. Taiping states now require turmoil to be selected
  44. Baluchistan now requires Nationalism rather than Pan-Nationalism to form
  45. Moved a Dutch general from the character pool to the Dutch East Indies, where he will serve as a general and an IG leader.
  46. AI
  47. The military AI is now much better at organizing its formations in HQs, and will create, merge, split and rearrange its formations to have more balanced sizes
  48. The military AI can now split off temporary formations during wars in order to defend or advance on fronts it would not otherwise be able to properly cover. The temporary formations are merged back into their parent formation after the war is over.
  49. The AI is now less interested in subjugating themselves to foreign powers they do not have a good relationship with in diplomatic plays
  50. The military AI will now create explicit garrison formations in important HQs that will focus on defending that HQ and not travel too far away from it. Garrisons have their own separate mobilization logic and will usually be mobilized during war if there is a perceived threat to their HQ.
  51. The AI is now more reluctant to give up its subjects in diplomatic plays, particularly if they are of significant value
  52. The AI now places greater emphasis on defending their capital state, especially against backdoor naval invasions
  53. The AI now tends to use defensive orders for their generals if those generals are commanding below-average quality troops on the front, so as not to reverse the overall progress with failed attacks
  54. The AI now considers qualifications to be more of a factor when determining what buildings to build and PMs to change to
  55. Balance
  56. Capped the amount of of interests you can receive from Naval Power Projection
  57. Technologies can now increase the amount of max Interests
  58. Added another canning Production Method to Food Industries that allows you to pick between Fish or Meat as a consumption good
  59. Lowered Farm output of Grain from 30/50/90/140 to 20/40/80/120
  60. Removed South Africa's starting navy.
  61. Added a cooldown to establishing and disbanding companies. A recently established company cannot be immediately disbanded and a recently disbanded one cannot be reestablished right away.
  62. Pops will now consider their job satisfaction during employment updates.
  63. Reduced penalties on decentralized nations to prevent mass starvation
  64. Rebalanced the starting situations for most countries with Military Formations in the History files
  65. Hardwood Production and Focused Hardwood Production, Production Methods reduced Hardwood output to 10 and 20
  66. Decreased the amount of food from Subsistence Farms from 2.5 per level to 2
  67. Agitators may now only participate in an election once every six months.
  68. Edited the starting Spanish, Hanseatic, East Indies, Luxembourgish, Portuguese, Prussian and Russian armies to better reflect the historical situation.
  69. Greener Grass Campaign has been rebalanced and now provides a flat migration attraction bonus along a lower multiplicative bonus.
  70. Downsizing a building level that isn't fully staffed now only generates a proportional number of radicals to its staffing, and no radicals at all if the level was not staffed at all
  71. Researching Paved Roads no longer adds any infrastructure from Pops
  72. Pop Consumption of Automobiles in a state now adds a small amount of infrastructure, which is increased when Paved Roads is researched
  73. Converting to State Atheism now gives you a larger number of immediate 'converts' in incorporated states
  74. Added combat penalties to Panicked Retreat
  75. Added morale damage penalties to Controlled and Panicked Retreat
  76. Added Straits between: Sumatra and Java, Java and Bali, Zealand and Jutland, and New Zealand
  77. Citrus Orchard Production Methods now don't consume all wheat
  78. Barbed Wire is now unlocked by Field Works
  79. Removed Serfdom and swapped Slave Trade for Legacy Slavery in Grao Para
  80. Companies that required 10 levels of Buildings now only require 3 levels
  81. Changed unlocking technologies for some Cavalry units
  82. Consumer Goods Tutorial now looks at local prices instead of market prices for goods
  83. Travel time for formations through different terrains has been lowered
  84. Stormtroopers Technology now gives Offense bonus to Trench, Squad and Mechanized Infantry
  85. The Brazilian monarchy now benefits from Great Power status
  86. China now starts with the Closed Borders law
  87. Drastically increased the naval power projection requirement for Brazilian slave trade events.
  88. Job Satisfaction from being able to afford expenses now scales with the income / expenses ratio instead of being a flat value
  89. When a country is Cut Down to Size, it now receives a decaying prestige penalty and is unable to start any aggressive diplomatic plays for 5 years
  90. Pop need rebalancing between categories, especially in the Wealth 20+ range
  91. Hanyang Company now gives 20% attack bonus for Shrapnel Artillery
  92. Removed Impassable Terrain from Islands and other areas where it is blocking combat for no reason
  93. Reduced Rubber input for Elastics to 10
  94. Lowered Rubber input, and Tools output for Machined Steel Tools
  95. Reduced Engines input of Reinforced Wooden Ships Production Methods
  96. Increased Steamers output in Steam Ships Production method
  97. Lowered the modifier for Metropolitian Railway
  98. Lowered the Interception chance of Admirals on Convoy Escort missions
  99. Added Submarine Offense Modifier to Experienced and Expert Convoy Raider
  100. Added a Farm to Piratini, Warsangali and Isaaq
  101. Gone through and balanced some Companies to make Prosperity bonuses more valuable
  102. Reduced the amount of Infrastructure from Streetlights Production Methods by 50%
  103. Increased the attraction of middle/upper strata pops in military industries to the Armed Forces.
  104. Slightly reduced the military penalties from the Lost the Opium Wars modifier.
  105. Reduced radical gain from losing the Opium Wars.
  106. Added Dye potentials to South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.
  107. Mass Migration now consistently checks for turmoil or SoL specifically in the relevant states (e.g. homelands) and not as much in the whole country
  108. Removed Strait between Svealand and Ã…land
  109. Publicly Traded is now available at all levels of Motor Industry
  110. Removed the Artillery Foundry in Mexico because they have no consumption
  111. Pollution is now on Meat Production Methods instead of Fabric Production Methods
  112. "Socialist Demagogue" will now spawn less often
  113. Puppeting Bolivia now makes the Peru-Bolivia journal entry fail
  114. Increased the requirements needed to form the Confederation of the Rhine
  115. Characters that basically agree with the government can no longer be exiled.
  116. Elected Bureaucrats law now makes Bureaucrats more inclined to join the Petit-Bourgeoisie, rather than boosting raw PB political strength.
  117. Hereditary Bureaucrats law now increases Aristocrats political strength rather than raw Landowners political strength.
  118. Appointed Bureaucrats law now increases Bureaucrats political strength rather than raw Intelligentsia political strength.
  119. Subsistence buildings under Collectivised Agriculture now employ fewer Clergymen.
  120. The Monarchy law now increases the political strength of Aristocrats, rather than providing a flat bonus to Landowners clout.
  121. Council Republics are now more inclined to enact progressive laws and develop industrially.
  122. Agitators no longer interfere in the enactment of laws they have no stance for.
  123. Few states penalty to mass migration chance now works through a multiplicative modifier rather than division
  124. Rebalanced the value of the population factor for migration.
  125. Gave Montenegro and Nejd a Grain Import Trade Route
  126. Compañía Sudamericana de Vapores now targets Shipyards instead of Ports so that it can be Prosperous
  127. Exiling interest group leaders now angers their interest group.
  128. Patronise Realism no longer requires so many Arts Academies
  129. Reduced Bureaucracy penalty for Greece restoring the Olympics.
  130. Art
  131. Tanks and Artillery now explode when defeated
  132. Added a representation of the Chemical Warfare mobilization option to battle dioramas when attacking
  133. Locomotive types are now spawned based on culture, political connections and market connections
  134. Added visuals to city buildings which to represent the Standards of Living in the area
  135. Added new first aid cart and field hospital 3D models to frontline graphics
  136. Fixed an issue with revolution flags appearing black, they are now correctly colored as the revolutionary interest group color
  137. Added new Flamethrower effects
  138. Added Maxim machinegun visual and audio effects
  139. Ships now splash when sunk
  140. Added new Vfx when battles end
  141. Fixed a bug where some of the Asian buildings would clip with each other
  142. Fixed a bug that causes the military flags to not be visible if the player did not have the Voice of The People DLC turned on
  143. Enhanced details on map units weaponry
  144. Reduced the range of the torpedo fired by the Submarine and Torpedo Boat
  145. Fixed lightmask on navy ships Frigate, Monitor and Submarine 3D model
  146. Interface
  147. Added manpower, organization, and morale bars to the Military Formation tooltip
  148. Added quick action buttons to move all or half of the units and commanders from one side to the other side in the Transfer Popup
  149. Added info about tariffs and consumption taxes to the Goods tooltip, and also added buttons to change them there directly
  150. Added a table of Undecided Countries in the "Start a Diplomatic Play" confirmation, showing Military Strength and how likely they are to join either side of the Play
  151. When there are multiple enemy/allied formations in the same location, they are now consolidated into a single map marker which shows a summarized view instead of forming a 'tower' of map markers. Clicking the consolidated map marker will open a selection list to let you select any one of the formations it contains. The player's formations still always get their own individual map markers.
  152. Building expansion tooltip now takes into account the impact of understaffed buildings and queued constructions and so no longer displays overly optimistic revenue estimates for a building that's mostly empty or which has a bunch of queued levels already
  153. Added current + expected number of a default unit type's units to their selection menu buttons.
  154. Added number of current + expected units in a Unit Type to the Unit Type tooltips in a Formation.
  155. Added a more detailed list item in the Construction Interaction list, showing Employment, State Traits, Production Methods and Local Prices
  156. !' is now removed from the production method after mouse hovers over it
  157. The tooltip for changing production methods should now show much more accurate information as to the building's production, consumption, revenue and employment immediately after the change takes effect
  158. The tooltip for showing an active production method now properly takes into account throughput, input and output multipliers such as economy of scale
  159. Revised the way qualifications are displayed so that for each pop type, qualifications are only shown if the qualifying pop would have a reasonable chance of actually taking the job, based on factors such as job satisfaction and pop type wage, meaning that the qualification numbers can now actually be trusted to tell you whether you have Pops that both qualify and would consider actually doing the job in question
  160. Added new Migration map mode that displays amount of migration to and from states
  161. Added new Mass Migration Attraction map mode that gives a rough idea of what countries mass migrations are likely to target
  162. Added new Mass Migration Potential Targets map mode that shows the migration attraction among the states that are eligible for mass migrations
  163. Added customize button for a Formation's name/icon to their right-click menu.
  164. Added groups for journal entries
  165. Added a short "label" and a "status" for a Country, describing who they are to you and your relationship.
  166. AI Strategies are now shown in the tooltip for a Country
  167. Character Interaction cooldown duration now shows as preview before interaction is triggered
  168. Buildings that are unwilling or unable to hire now show more detailed tooltips with the exact reason they are unwilling/unable
  169. Reworked the layout of formations on the Military Panel
  170. Reworked Migration Attraction map mode to only show states in your market to better indicate how intra-market migration works and better indicate where pops move in your market
  171. Migration tooltips now indicate if a state is eligible for mass migrations or not
  172. Cleaned up and sorted the interest group tooltip
  173. Added Infamy value to the topbar.
  174. Exposed a Country's preference for each side in the Diplomatic Play directly in the Sway panel without having to dig through several layers of nested tooltips
  175. The Government Interest Groups are now added to the tooltip for a Country
  176. The current direction (up/down) of your Relations in the tooltip for a Country is now visible
  177. Replaced "State Taxation Revenue" text list in with the same information as a table
  178. Removed the Ongoing Diplomatic Pacts Outliner section (replaced with pinnable Countries)
  179. When Fleets are zero, they will no longer appear in the Diplomatic Play Sway panel
  180. When Mobilization is zero, it will no longer appear in the Diplomatic Play Sway panel
  181. Lists within the panels on the left side of the UI no longer reset their position back to the top when you close the window and then reopen it. They also retain their old positions when switching between tabs.
  182. Added the companies icon to the sidebar button
  183. Fixed issue where NO_ORIGIN_FORMATION_SELECTED was shown as tooltip text in Transfer Popup.
  184. An army or fleet without a commanding officer can now be merged with another formation
  185. The tooltip for changing production methods now warns you if changing a PM would result in other PMs (such as ownership PMs) would be changed as a result, and includes the effects of those changes in its calculations of production, revenue etc
  186. Migration values are now displayed as weekly values rather than annual ones (with a few exceptions)
  187. Added a small Price graph to each Goods item in the Market panel
  188. The number of Conscripts is now visible in the Diplomatic Play Sway panel
  189. Added new icon for electric companies
  190. Map notification for Grant Independence shows valid text
  191. Fixed Slave pops mentioned in Slave State tooltip not having a tooltip
  192. The warning for insufficient qualifications now provides more information, such as how many months of current qualification growth the missing qualifications represent for the relevant pop types
  193. Alerts that a diplomatic pact is about to break now only show up if relations are actively trending towards the break point due to ongoing actions/pacts, not if they're just close to the break point but have no reason to up/go down further
  194. When a pact breaks or is about to break, the interface will now provide much clearer and more readable information about the reason for the break
  195. Devastation and Turmoil Effect Map Markers are now visible on mid zoom level if State is being highlighted
  196. Tweaked the layout for the Country Details panel to show AI Strategies without having to scroll
  197. Reordered things in the tooltip for countries to more closely reflect the order of importance
  198. The Subject Types a Country has is now shown in the tooltip for a country
  199. Exposed the Ranking Number for the stats on the Country details panel
  200. Replaced "Members" text list in the tooltip for parties with a table
  201. The "Attitude towards you" icon is now shown on each Country item in the Diplomatic Play Sway panel
  202. Sorted all lanes based on total Power Projection of the Country in the Diplomatic Play Sway panel
  203. Agitator number on hover shows tooltip on where the Agitator Slots comes from
  204. Tooltip for political strength shows reason for slaves not having political strength
  205. Generals who used to Advance on a front but have switched to Defend no longer contribute their old Advancement progress to the front side's combined Advancement meter (visual bug only)
  206. Added tooltips for the sort header buttons on the Local Price tab for a Good.
  207. Optimized the performance of the Outliner by flattening the layout hierarchy
  208. Made it possible to unpin Diplomatic Plays from the Outliner
  209. Made it possible to unpin Political Movements from the Outliner
  210. Added a Country Map Marker to the Diplomacy Map Mode, showing Attitude and Relations
  211. Cleaned up the layout on the Diplomatic Play Sway panel, generally made things more compact to give a better overview
  212. Added a setting for having the Notification Feed show up the left of the Outliner
  213. Added colors to Notifications (good/neutral/bad)
  214. Transfer formation popup now supports state and unit filters
  215. Added Military Formation breakdowns in Country battalion tooltips.
  216. Fixed issue where unit type icons would sometimes not show up in nested tooltips
  217. Will now show the reason for Commanders not being able to transfer sides in Transfer Pop up
  218. The text for loading game in both main menu & in-game menu now says 'Load Game' for consistency
  219. Fixed long country names in various places
  220. Fixed overlapping text in Lenses for different languages
  221. Increased time allowance for players to answer sway offers from 7 to 14 days. The AI should still answer them within a few days.
  222. Tooltip when attempting to Disband Formation with too many commanders is now more intelligible
  223. Tooltip for Diplomatic Actions that improve or damage relations have been reworded to be less confusing
  224. Added better tooltips for commander orders
  225. Added keyboard shortcuts for "Zoom to" (z) and "Pin in Outliner" (x)
  226. Hooked in "Go to details" keyboard shortcut in all Information Panel headers
  227. The Religion texture is now visible in the tooltip for Religion
  228. Made it possible to pin Countries to the Outliner
  229. Reworked all Outliner items to have more, and better, information
  230. Market Goods Shortage is no longer duplicated in the Notification settings panel.
  231. Combat Unit unlocks in the tech tree now has frame around it
  232. If Load game is not available, an in-game menu with show 'Load Game' text in italic for consistency will appear
  233. Changed Judaism's color to light blue
  234. Fixed an issue where an empty army's mobilization status failed to display correctly.
  235. Changed the "Never" label for permanent Modifiers to "Permanent"
  236. Cultural turmoil now displays with consistent number rounding.
  237. Release subject option will be default option in Release-Subject tab in Diplomacy panel
  238. Added localization to sea node names
  239. Updated Attrition concept
  240. Performance
  241. Reworked how pops migrate to reduce the overall number of pops in the world, in order to improve late game performance
  242. Shortened load times when starting a new game
  243. Made AI spending updates more performant
  244. Reduced the size of several of the particle textures to improve performance
  245. Resolved a performance issue with the revolution update toggling all mesh objects off each frame even when unnecessary
  246. Reduced performance impacts of Diplomatic Plays by having the AI calculate when it wants to declare neutrality once per diplomatic play instead of checking each tick
  247. Optimized battle code to prevent unnecessary modifier recalculations
  248. Parallelize checks for battle condition updates
  249. Improved performance when iterating pops by reducing the object's memory footprint, leading to better cache utilization
  250. Improved the performance of unit morale calculations
  251. Modding
  252. Several migration defines have been renamed, restructured or removed
  253. Production Methods can now specify that they require access to particular goods to be able to be selected
  254. New trigger (num_cultural_communities) to check how many cultural communities are present in a state implemented
  255. Added new trigger that checks if a given state is eligible for mass migrations
  256. Added functionality to create and add tables to tooltips
  257. Added script links for migration attraction to be able to check what a state or country's migration attraction is
  258. New event target links for formation to home_hq, formation to current_hq, hq to strategic region
  259. country_army_unit_type_fraction and formation_army_unit_type_fraction triggers check the fraction of a specific unit type in a country's army or in a specific formation
  260. country_navy_unit_type_fraction and formation_navy_unit_type_fraction triggers check the fraction of a specific unit type in a country's navy or in a specific formation
  261. army_mobilization_option_fraction trigger checks the fraction of units having a specific mobilization option in a country's army
  262. Added console command enactment_checkpoint
  263. Removed is_repairing trigger, because it was untruthful
  265. Update v1.5.13:
  266. Bugfixes
  267. Fixed a crash caused by peace deals allowing to-be-annexed countries to press conquer state wargoals.
  268. Fixed an out-of-bounds access crash related to Military Path Arrows
  269. Fixed a crash related to Military Path Arrow length
  271. Update v1.5.12:
  272. Fixed OOS in AI related to headquarters when a client has a different operating system than the host
  273. Fixed OOS in AI related to fronts
  275. Update v1.5.11:
  276. Improvements
  277. Formations that are merging into a formation that is destroyed will now try to merge into the closest available formation to the one that got destroyed
  278. After completing the Opium Crisis Journal Entry, it is now possible to unban opium through a decision, but doing so will remove the reward modifier granted from winning the opium wars
  279. Resolving the Opium Crisis now gives a much stronger reward modifier for a longer time
  280. Refusing to address the Opium Crisis now gives a negative modifier for a longer time and adds progress towards shattering china
  281. There is now a 10 year limit to complete the Opium Crisis Journal Entry, after which it will fail with similar effects to refusing to address the crisis
  282. The Tibet-India border is now only passable in a couple places, so that a frontline won't be created in the Himalayas between India and China in the Opium Wars
  283. Power Plants now have the same structure of ownership PMs as Railway, and can use the Government Owned PM under most economic systems
  284. Power Plants can now be subsidized under laws that allow subsidies for critical infrastructure, such as Laissez-Faire
  285. Naval HQs are no longer created in regions with only impassable coastal provinces or sea regions
  287. AI
  288. The AI is now properly able to understand the need to construct Power Plants in each relevant state to 'seed' those states with electricity
  289. The AI now considers subsidies for critical infrastructure (power plants, trade centers & railways) a must-have due to the potential economic armageddon that can be created if they are removed
  291. Balance
  292. Reduced Attrition values from an average 2% per week to 0.8%, through a combination of reducing the chance and also the min and max casualties of Attrition
  293. Increased the average time between convoy raids in a node from 15 to 20 days
  294. Convoy recovery is now 4x higher during peacetime
  295. Capital Ships are now only 50% as effective as other ships at Convoy Raiding, as a scaler to Offense
  296. Naval bases now recruit new manpower somewhat faster
  297. Front advancement speed bonuses has been replaced with equivalent character (general) advancement speed modifiers
  298. Changed unlocking technologies for some Cavalry units
  299. Increased the requirements needed to form the Confederation of the Rhine
  301. Art
  302. Replaced the background graphics of historic companies with more fitting ones
  304. Interface
  305. The disband formation button will now mention that there are formations that are traveling to merge into the formation that is being disbanded, if any such formation exists
  306. Updated the Special Unit Group concept tooltip to list the correct Special Unit groups
  308. Performance
  309. Improved the performance and thread utilization of supply network updates
  310. Small optimization in respawning unit entities
  312. Modding
  313. It is no longer possible to target fronts with timed modifiers, or to make new modifier types that target fronts
  315. Bugfixes
  316. Fixed a CTD when create_military_formation was run in an invalid HQ
  317. Fixed a CTD when one tried to add characters to a non existing formation
  318. Fixed an OOS causing error in the Characters category
  319. Fixed a bug that would multiply Convoy Raiding strength for every hostile country that held shipping lanes in a node
  320. Defeated Admirals are no longer able to contribute to convoy raiding
  321. Fixed an exploit that would allow ship-less fleets to be deployed to a sea node, blocking naval invasions
  322. Fixed a bug where Native Uprisings would not mobilize their armies properly
  323. Fixed an issue where AI attitudes were not correctly initialized on game start, causing most countries to have the 'Cautious' attitude regardless of strategic considerations
  324. Removed non-functional and misleading "enemy advancement speed penalty" modifier on the Defend order
  325. Commanders will now properly inherit relevant modifiers from active Mobilization Options (while mobilized) or timed modifiers on their formation
  326. Fixed a bug where state occupation percentages were not properly cleared when a country is leaving the war
  327. Fixed an issue where modifiers to war exhaustion from casualties would affect all sources of war exhaustion and not just from casualties
  328. Fixed a bug that could cause fronts to largely overlap one another
  329. Fixed a bug where the navy would travel to a node via land as a horse caravan when traveling through the land nodes was available
  330. Fixed a bug where adding conscripts to navies was not explicitly blocked, causing some very strange AI navies to occasionally appear
  331. Fixed a bug where the cost of construction queue items would sometimes not be properly calculated when the entire construction queue capacity wasn't used, which could cause private investment to over- or underuse the investment pool
  332. Autonomous Investment is now properly re-evaluated when a state is ceded, to prevent invalid constructions from being added in states a country no longer owns
  333. The Republican Proposal for Brazil now properly sets Pedro as the ruler of the country
  334. Fixed a bug where Paraguay's starting leader and traits would never go away in non-CotS versions of the game
  335. Fixed Mobilization speed modifier
  336. Fixed incorrect modifier for Truck Transport mobilization option
  337. Fixed Chocolate Mobilization not reducing 50% morale when removed from mobilized army
  338. Armies are no longer leaving a front for an HQ just because a participant left the Diplomatic Play that is still ongoing
  339. Fixed an issue that made it so AI countries with the relevant Journal Entry would not liberate subjects of Peru-Bolivia unless they had high infamy
  340. Fixed a bug where naval invasions could get stuck and never proceed to landing phase if the attached army's supply was not at 100%
  341. Fixed a bug that could cause Naval Invasions not to end properly
  342. Fixed a bug that would display irrelevant shipping lanes that didn't intersect the selected sea node
  343. Fixed an issue in the military formation notification for being restationed
  344. Audio soundbanks updated which fixes a couple of audio bugs like sounds appearing when zoomed out
  345. It is no longer possible to switch sides or declare neutrality in a diplomatic play where one of your subjects is targeted by Transfer Subject (this could be exploited to get subjects through sways and then invalidate the enemy wargoal by declaring neutrality)
  346. Fixed a bug where a Transfer Subject wargoal could cause subjects to not capitulate along with their overlord, resulting in strange lingering wars
  347. Fixed a bug where the overlord of a peace negotiating country in a war would sometimes not be considered a peace negotiator themselves, which could block peace entirely
  348. Fixed a bug where it was impossible to support allies against their subjects due to having an alliance with them
  349. Fixed a bug where an alliance with your market owner could block starting plays against your subjects
  350. Fixed a bug where Customs Union leader was considered to be the overlord of subjects of countries in their market, leading to incorrect diplomatic blocks and AI behavior
  351. Fixed a bug where only one 'liberate country' wargoal would show up for each target when adding wargoals
  352. Fixed a bug that prevented mobilization of armies with only non raised conscripts
  353. Mult modifiers can no longer reduce a value below the fixedpoint resolution limit (0.0001)
  354. Fixed a bug where the player got alerts for shortages for other countries in their market
  355. Fixed a bug that caused the notification for a repaired fleet to fire multiple times
  356. Fixes an issue in the naval invasion tooltip
  357. Fixed missing Loc for Subsidizing Power Plants
  358. Removed unnecessarily eliding label for job satisfaction in the Pop Details panel
  360. Update v1.5.10:
  361. Improvements
  362. Convoy Raiding mechanics have been rewritten to operate on a sea-node-per-sea-node basis, triggering intermittent attacks on convoys from local raiders, which is reduced by fleets defending convoys in that node
  363. Military Formations can now start moving away from a front even if some of their units are in battle
  364. Your and your allies' formations can now borrow/lend troops from one another even for offensives if the "Allow borrowing and lending troops" toggle is set under Formation Settings
  365. Pops that get paid dividends or have investment losses will now be more or less satisfied with their jobs accordingly
  366. Disband Formation button with an informative tooltip of what will happen to Commanders and Units in the formation when disbanded
  367. Peasants will no longer feel satisfied with their job just because the aristocrats and clergy that own their lands are paid on average more than the rest of the country, as a consequence peasants are now more likely to go work somewhere else
  368. Buildings that fail to hire will now adjust down their hiring target and attempt to hire a smaller number of people next week (down to a minimum), while buildings that successfully hire will raise their targets instead (up to a maximum). This should address the cases where limited market sell/buy orders would make a building at 10% employment not hire because it would be unprofitable at 20%, even though there is a shortage of the goods it produces and it would still be very profitable at 15%.
  369. Added a button to voluntarily cancel a Naval Invasion in progress for the invading player on the Naval Invasion panel
  370. Defeated Admirals are no longer fully ready to return to battle as soon as they arrive at their home HQ, but require at least 50% manpower before they can set sail again
  371. Job satisfaction term for pops feeling overqualified has been reduced
  372. Job satisfaction term for pops comparing the wage rate in their building with the national wage rate has been reduced
  373. Added a new journal entry to China, covering foreign missionary activities
  374. The Feminism technology will now change the stances of Liberal and Egalitarian Interest Groups on women's rights
  375. Buildings now fire a smaller number of people each time it does layoffs, but will do more frequent layoffs instead.
  376. Colonies no longer grow if the State is occupied or has any occupation progress by an enemy
  377. Extra Supplies and Luxurious Supplies mobilization options now also increase the overall goods consumption of units but grant them stronger combat bonuses
  378. Establishing and disbanding companies now have a cooldown; a recently established company cannot be immediately disbanded and a recently disbanded one cannot be reestablished right away
  379. Added entity visualization for off-road travel for armies
  380. Input Good Shortages in military buildings now affect Formation Supply
  381. Liberate Country wargoal is now considered contested if all the states that it would release are occupied by the holder or their allies
  382. Regular battalions under Peasant Levies no longer have any limitations on what unit type they can be, but conscripts are limited to only Irregulars and Hussars
  383. Forming Turtle Island now has additional requirements
  384. You can no longer use Disband Formation if this would result in Commanders being dismissed
  385. It is now possible to transfer all Admirals out of a fleet in a sea node, resulting in the original fleet automatically returning home
  386. Rehoming a formation now also causes it to travel to the new home headquarters
  387. It is no longer possible to construct unit types whose upkeep goods you have no access to in the target state
  388. Added formation mobilization and movement speed modifiers to military units
  389. Demobilization cooldown is now triggered for armies demobilized during diplomatic plays as well as after the war has broken out
  390. Armies can only be rehomed when demobilized; fleets can be rehomed at will
  391. Cavalry other than Hussars now require Military Drill to recruit
  392. Jobseekers metric now correctly excludes employees working in government or subsidized buildings (they were already excluded in logic, this just make it clearer what employees are actually available)
  393. Only Great Powers may now establish the Confederation of the Rhine
  394. Rivalries can no longer be immediately removed after being declared, you have to wait 5 years to do so
  395. Historical starting Companies now have establishment dates
  396. Adjusted the building groups that affect the Canal companies and their bonuses so they can achieve profitability
  397. "The Great Locomotive Chase" will now stop firing some decades after the end of the American Civil War, even though it's fun to steal trains even in peacetime
  398. Starting Chinese and Russian commanders have been assigned to relevant formations
  399. Added more dynamic country names in South America
  401. AI
  402. AI will now correctly identify whether it can or cannot borrow troops from other formations on the front and use that in its advancement decision making
  403. AI will now Convoy Raid again (previously disabled due to a performance-related bug in 1.5.9)
  404. AI will no longer advance with small armies if there are other larger armies on the front that could attack instead
  405. AI is now more likely to back down in plays where they are outmatched and the demands against them are not particularly harsh, particularly if by doing so they can avoid harsher secondary demands
  406. AI is now less likely to back down in plays where they have a large quantity of harsh primary demands being pressed against them, particularly if those demands include taking states
  407. AI will no longer advance with armies that have low morale or organization
  408. AI is now more likely to agree to an alliance or defensive pact if you have rivals in common with them
  409. Fixed an issue where the AI would be reluctant to mobilize too much of their army due to powerful allies even when they were in the process of losing the conflict and being occupied
  410. Fixed an issue where the AI would never upgrade its training production methods for barracks
  411. AI is now much less interested in offers of support that wouldn't contribute a meaningful amount of military power to their side in the play
  412. AI is now much less interested in offers of support if they already have overwhelming military power on their side in the play
  413. AI is now less keen on bankrolling countries in exchange for diplo play support if it would be a significant expense
  414. Added a new AI strategy for France, which assists it in gaining natural borders
  415. Fixed an issue in the AI where Britain would not start the Opium Wars due to their desire for treaty port not being correctly applied to their conquest attitude score
  416. AI will now never cancel trade routes with countries whom they have a trade agreement with unless those routes are at level 1 and unproductive, since those routes cost no BUR to maintain
  417. Fixed an issue where AI countries trying to open Japan would do so in a rather overly aggressive way, starting with treaty ports instead of using it as a defensive wargoal if attacked by Japan or outright annexing states alongside Open Market
  418. The AI's choices in the Fall of Salaverry event now properly impacts their diplomatic relations with the Federation
  420. Balance
  421. Increased migration values across the board (to account for a general decrease caused by fixing a migration bug that enforced a minimum per pop)
  422. More advanced unit types now consume far more goods, particularly advanced naval units
  423. Somewhat reduced Persian resource potentials (primarily iron, suplhur, and coal) due to balance and historicity issues
  424. Stormtroopers Technology now gives Offense bonus to Trench, Squad and Mechanized Infantry
  425. Updated Trade routes so that nations are not missing artillery at game start
  426. Rebalanced the combat stats for many of the previously less useful unit types, particularly Submarines and Carriers
  427. Increased the chance of wealthy lower-strata pops joining the Petit-Bourgeoisie
  428. Industry Banned now gives a throughput bonus to plantations
  429. Removed de Francia's starting health bonus, making the Perpetual Dictator a little less... perpetual
  430. The South Atlantic Slave Trade Journal Entry for Britain now times out after 50 years, as opposed to 20 months
  431. Shopkeepers pops in resource buildings now may join the Petit-Bourgeoisie
  432. The Brazilian monarchy now benefits from Great Power status
  433. China now starts with the Closed Borders law
  434. Replaced some company prosperity modifiers with the new formation speed modifiers
  435. Reduced the enactment chance penalty for the starting Pyragües modifier, and removed it entirely for the follow-up one
  436. Reduced Brazil's starting army size to ensure all starting war participants can at least achieve a white peace
  437. The Strike event no longer reduces the productivity of the entire country
  438. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom will now be much more of a credible threat
  439. Paddle Steamer tech now gives a small combat bonus to navies instead of extra convoys
  440. Patronise Realism no longer requires so many Arts Academies
  441. Removed the Artillery Foundry in Mexico because they have no consumption
  442. Removed starting Portuguese claims in Africa
  443. Slightly adjusted the population makeup of Mesopotamia
  444. Tweaked revolution_pulse2_events.5 to be less severe
  446. Art
  447. Added flamethrower representation in battles when attacking
  448. Added a new victory and defeat battle end vfx
  449. Military troops will now start marching around your states when you mobilize your formations
  450. New audio events for flamethrowers, battle victory/defeat, rowboat, cancel naval invasion button
  451. Added backgrounds to the Company list items, based on Company Type
  452. Added Electric company icon for generic electric companies
  453. Updated some Alert icons
  454. Turned down revolution effect brightness during night-time
  456. Interface
  457. Added a "Mobilization" tab to the Military panel in order to make it easier to change and get an overview of each Formation's Mobilization Options
  458. Added a new confirmation for switching production methods that is shown if any of the affected buildings is predicted to have a low productivity after the change
  459. Added functionality to expand Buildings from the Goods Local Prices
  460. Buildings that are choosing not to hire due to concerns about lowered productivity will now show a different status icon from buildings that are trying but failing to hire
  461. Added support to plan naval invasions by right-clicking a State
  462. The reasons given when hiring fails should now be more indicative of the actual fail reason
  463. Added ongoing Naval invasions to the corresponding State, War, Battle, and Sea Region panels
  464. Added functionality to recruit Units to a Formation directly from the Military panel
  465. Effects of unit veterancy is now displayed in the unit rank tooltip
  466. Added a new alert if your growing colony is isolated from your market
  467. Added naval invasions display to the war panel, sea region panel, state panel and battle panel
  468. Names for historical military formations are now localized
  469. Naval Invasions now always display the reason they are not currently progressing, such as waiting for traveling formations or being stalled due to admirals having the wrong orders
  470. The notifications for when a Rivalry, Humiliation or War Reparations pact expires are now far more readable
  471. Added number of available options to deploy/station military formation buttons
  472. Added a list for which Special Orders a Commander can take to the Recruit Commander window
  473. Added an alert for when a naval invasion is stalled due to none of its admirals having orders that let them battle opposing fleets
  474. Added a warning to the transfer units button and to its tooltip when a transfer would result in a military formation being sent back to their home HQ
  475. Military Formation panel is automatically opened when creating a new Formation or when merging a Formation into another one
  476. Made all default Unit Types visible on the Formation panel even though there might not exist any unlocked Unit Types in that Unit Group
  477. Made the warning for "too many special units" make more sense
  478. Effects of units on battle victory score is now displayed in the breakdown
  479. Early Demobilization now has a confirmation box that explains the consequences
  480. Added "Units Under Recruitment" information to Formations
  481. Added warnings in the naval invasion planner when the selected fleet has no admiral with an intercept order, or the selected army has no general with an advance order
  482. Added the raise conscripts button the the Army right-click menu
  483. Implemented disband tooltip descriptions for different units (and button will now be grayed out if you have 0 units of this type)
  484. Added indicators of monthly progress to the Matter of Slavery and the Age of Caudillos
  485. When a Diplomatic Play escalates to War, the Diplomatic Play panel will now replace itself with the resulting War panel
  486. Added the raise conscript button to the Army list items on the Military panel
  487. Slaves are now included in the "jobseekers" metric for construction interactions
  488. More status descriptions were added for military formations
  489. Show Military Formation Icon in Military Formation Alerts
  490. Companies now display their establishment dates
  491. Added a warning to changing default unit type on a formation if the change would cancel some units from upgrading
  492. Added a reminder to the Fleet concept that they take a long time to build and can get outdated
  493. Combat unit tooltips are now more likely to show the correct unit icon for its culture
  494. Sorted the "Expand Building" Map Interaction list by number of Levels by default
  495. Adjusted the error message for not being able to upgrade a unit with the information that the types are too different
  496. The colony map markers are now shown when you are part of an ongoing diplomatic play
  497. Removed Rank Icon from portrait_mini
  498. Commander concept now refers to Generals, Admirals and Formations
  499. Combat Unit unlocks in the tech tree now has a more visually pleasing frame around it
  501. Modding
  502. All defines for Job Satisfaction now allow for decimals to be used
  503. Added a gui macros file ("data_binding/gui_macros.txt") and added an IsZero and NotZero function
  504. The is_mobilized trigger no longer supports a character scope, and now only works in a military formation scope
  505. Added a new effect to set the establishment date of a company
  506. Added separate AI strategy script value, value link and debug console command for AI desire for treaty ports
  507. Added a Logging.MilitaryFormations console command to print the current properties of all formations
  508. Several defines related to GOVERNMENT_STICKYNESS have been renamed to GOVERNMENT_STICKINESS
  510. Bugfixes
  511. Fixed a crash related to CPdxSpan
  512. Fixed a crash that could happen during convoy raiding calculations
  513. Fixed a crash related to elections
  514. Fixed crash in "Poland not lost" event after a button click in Christ of Nations Journal Entry
  515. Fixed a crash where the Heavenly Kingdom would always attempt to create a formation in South China HQ even if it doesn't have states there
  516. Fixed a crash related to transferring units between formations
  517. Fixed a deadlock that could happen when the player got notifications in parallel code
  518. Fixed a rare crash that could happen if the Heavenly Kingdom ceases to exist
  519. Fixed a random crash that could occur when starting freshly loaded savegame
  520. Fix crash that could happen after production method switching while time was ticking
  521. Fixed a bug with earnings predictions where sometimes buildings would not accurately predict their earnings after hiring, resulting in them hiring even though it craters their earnings
  522. Enemy fleets with no remaining manpower are no longer able to block a naval invasion
  523. Fixed a bug where fleets with Escort Convoys style orders were not able to intercept enemy fleets despite having interception chance in their modifiers
  524. Fixed a bug where unification would annex colonial subjects
  525. Fixed an issue where the amount of goods buildings were producing and consuming would lag behind employment changes by a week, resulting in incorrect market sell/buy orders and buildings making incorrect decisions about whether to hire/fire based on outdated data
  526. Dependents created from casualties in war are now distributed amongst the state population again, to prevent military buildings getting filled up with dependents
  527. You can no longer use Disband Formation on a Commander-in-Chief to "reroll" your Ruler
  528. Naval battles that occur as part of naval invasions are no longer subject to a "Landing Penalty"
  529. Fixed a front update issue that would cause front destruction, causing armies to unexpectedly go home
  530. You can no longer transfer more commanders into a formation than what it can fit
  531. Fixed bug where sometimes supply routes would not show up in Sea Region panel
  532. Combat Units are now again listed in the Battle Panel
  533. Fixed bug that caused the light tank to not be represented in dioramas
  534. Added missing tooltip on conscript numbers in the recruit conscripts map interaction
  535. Fixed demobilization cooldown not being removed after diplomatic plays and wars are over
  536. Fixed an issue where the completion trigger for the strike Journal Entry required more angry workers as opposed to less
  537. Local Goods can now never be in shortage on an entire Market (only in their local State) as this created misleading alerts
  538. Fixed an Out-of-Sync that happened when playing with different languages
  539. Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent valid fronts from being created when impassable provinces were involved
  540. Demobilization cooldown is now properly calculated when transferring units between formations
  541. It is no longer possible to demobilize armies that are actively involved in a naval invasion
  542. Fixed an issue that was causing the obligation chance from bankroll to not appear in the bankroll tooltip
  543. Fixed issue with last Hegemon objective not appearing
  544. Prevented from auto moving military formation when its front splits if doing so would leave that front side empty
  545. Fixed issue where conscript numbers did not add up in the Military Formation panel
  546. Restricts candidates for Romanian unification to ones that can actually have subjects themselves, to prevent event spam
  547. The La Plata event will no longer give claims on state regions that contain uncolonized states, thus blocking colonization for other nations
  548. Several tweaks to ambient audio effects (volume, mixing, etc)
  549. Fixed audio layering issue on the Carrier fleet model
  550. Fixed cannon fuse audio attenuation issue that would cause cannons to be audible even on the paper map
  551. Update to soundbanks to fix 3D hub ambience issue and vehicles/movement pausing audio issues
  552. Ambient sound associated with horse carts and rowboat is now reduced in volume
  553. Loyalists no longer benefit the communist movement in "The Spectre Haunting the World" Journal Entry
  554. Military formations now cannot split during a naval invasion
  555. Fixed a bug when flags would flicker in diplomatic play menus
  556. Ensured that a formation that is rehomed is also able to be stationed in the headquarters that it is being rehomed to
  557. Cost of War is now displayed for all war participants in the tooltip
  558. The Hell on Earth event should now be significantly less spammy
  559. New conscription limits are now properly enforced when switching laws
  560. Fixed an issue during the merging of two states where some pops would lose their jobs
  561. Fixed a bug where, when moving a military formation from a front that had moved, the formation would get teleported to the initial front location
  562. Rubber plantations can now use slaves as workforce
  563. Removed the native warbands modifier for a decentralized nation that becomes a puppet or Argentina (no more Patagonian Super Soldiers)
  564. Increase/Reduce Autonomy' diplomatic plays now only display in the 'Unavailable plays' list if there is a subject relation
  565. Unification diplomatic plays will no longer appear in the 'Unavailable Plays targeting state' list
  566. Fixed an issue where the hiring fail reason due to low qualifications would incorrectly display more qualifications being available than needed
  567. Fixed an issue where a subject would get no market access in their states that require a port connection during an independence war
  568. Fixed an exploit where it was possible to upgrade units to types they were not allowed to be upgraded to
  569. Consumer Goods Tutorial now looks at local prices instead of market prices for goods
  570. Land and Naval HQ map markers are now separate map markers with different positions on the map
  571. Fixed an issue where some state regions had incorrectly defined provinces
  572. Fixed the bug when local consumption breakdowns were incorrect
  573. Resolved issue where famines would fire in null states
  574. Added localisation for from_free_trade in the Social-Democratic Party modifiers
  575. Resolved issue where the Coluna Prestes would fire an empty notification
  576. Fixed a localization bug with the Catarinense Republic's adjective
  577. Russia no longer clones all of their commanders on startup
  578. Allowed Power Plants to be automatically expanded again
  579. Replaced a broken Paraguayan fertility modifier with a working mortality reduction one
  580. Fixed rotation of ships in naval battles to fire in the right direction
  581. Fixed a localization error with the portrait render scale setting
  582. Fixed an edge case where the game didn't consider employment a requirement for a pop to be satisfied which led to unlocalized strings
  583. Fixed some incorrect calculations relating to mobilization
  584. Fixed the broken conditions for the Ottoman Tobacco Company
  585. Fixed bug causing all the battle dioramas to have their units placed incorrectly
  586. Algerian nations will no longer employ five year old girls as generals
  587. Fixed flickering bug with the conscription vfx
  588. Added country descriptions to some European and Arabian countries that lacked them
  589. Fixed bug that cause the military flags to not be visible if the player did not have the Voice of The People DLC turned on
  590. Fixed additional issues with exiles' clothing and the Meiji Restoration
  591. Excluded units from other formations in the units breakdown from "Building for Formations"
  592. Fixed an issue where an empty army's mobilization status failed to display correctly
  593. Replaced placeholder icons for Mobilization Options Groups' tooltips
  594. The Red Scare will no longer continue firing events targeting a nation that no longer exists
  595. Domingo Sarmiento is now properly born in 1811
  596. The Paris Commune no longer creates two wargoals that do the same thing
  598. The Rule by Decree modifier no longer uses a placeholder icon
  599. Fixed spelling of Ecuadorian culture
  600. Fixed one instance where one trigger was incorrectly localized with a duplicate error status indicator
  602. Update v1.5.9:
  603. Bugfixes:
  604. Fixed a crash that happened during formation calculations.
  605. Performance:
  606. Disabled AI convoy raiding temporarily as a short-term fix for a critical performance issue that could stall the game. A proper fix is in progress and will be deployed ASAP.
  608. Update v1.5.8:
  609. Bugfixes:
  610. Fixed a crash in CCombatUnit::GetModifierValueImpl
  611. Fixed a crash in the military formations manager
  612. Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Transfer Subject war goals to not resolve as promised when a peace is signed or when a party gives in during a Diplomatic Play
  613. Imposing laws on your subjects now forces them to start enactment of that law as intended
  614. The Country panel's Domestic tab UI will no longer break when that country is in the process of enacting a law
  615. Fixed bug that prevented Quechua and South Andean subjects from being annexed
  616. Fixed a bug where military flags weren't visible if the Voice of The People DLC was not enabled
  617. Interface:
  618. Added a player-configurable toggle for which Workforce number to show in the Expand Building Map Interaction (Jobseekers / Peasants / Unemployed)