1. 1.0.10
  2. Changelog
  3. Feats
  4. - A gamepad can be manually selected under Settings/Gameplay.
  5. - Firepits can now be placed inside.
  6. - Improved description for object placement.
  7. - Union Wreath blueprint is now always available to craft in a multiplayer session and changed description so it's more clear how to form Union between players.
  8. - Animal attune minigame now pauses the time in single player.
  9. - Added Backspace as an alternative button for actions like Delete save and Discard items in your inventory. This should take care of not having to press fn+Backspace in Mac.
  11. Fixes
  12. - Improved overall performance, especially notable in end-game saves. We’ll keep working on optimizations.
  13. - 10 flower cutscenes were triggering even if not dating forcing players to reject the NPCs.
  14. - Era 10 flowers didn't trigger at the right moment.
  15. - Buildings in map not updating their location after being moved.
  16. - Trees destroyed immediately after placing close to the edges if not aligned to the grid.
  17. - Going out of bounds after dismounting an animal.
  18. - White bars on New Years festival if playing in widescreen monitors.
  19. - Wood Yield buff not yielding more wood than not using any buff.
  20. - Caves vines not being able to reach with tools if there was a rock or something around it.
  21. - Children not growing up if not named after 14 days.
  22. - Gifts you’ve given to NPCs were separated by quality instead of being grouped by type.
  23. - Starting cave challenges after 1:30 am was leading to errors, it’s no longer possible to do it.
  24. - Some animal synchronization issues in multiplayer related to the spawn/despawn of herds.
  25. - Waterwheel not showing in multiplayer for other players when joining a game in progress.
  26. - Passout cutscene leading to errors in saving in multiplayer if one player stayed up in a UI or minigame for too long.
  27. - Monkey challenge music not synced in multiplayer.
  28. -
  29. -
  30. - Plant discovery Steam achivements not triggering correctly.
  31. - Cooking Steam achievements not triggering correctly.
  32. - UI visual issues.
  33. - Portrait visual issues.
  34. - Some NPC schedule overlaps and priorities.
  35. - Dialogue and other string errors.
  36. - Updated credits with backers who filled out their survey recently.