- Maintenence Update - 1.0.2
- 1.0.2 (build 207.44)
- Changed Make Camp so that only campfires you made are considered when checking for existing campfires.
- Psychic hunters now ambush you less often in [redacted].
- The pool of brain brine effects no longer includes adding skills or skill points if you already have every skill.
- Distracting holograms now have a higher render layer.
- Increased the render layer of lit campfires.
- Fixed the circle of light in the chord of Rermadon not displaying its resistance boosts.
- Fixed a bug that caused the golem to sometimes remain in a semi-piloted state after being destroyed, preventing player control.
- Fixed a bug that caused Rodanis Y to not receive power from Grit Gate's broadcast power station.
- Fixed a bug that caused social coprocessors to not be accounted for in some water ritual contexts.
- Fixed a bug that caused Spinnerets to not deactivate on the world map.
- Fixed a bug that caused your cryo clones to sometimes prevent the game from saving.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to repeatedly gain the reward for completing "A Call to Arms" from Otho by mentioning the slynth.
- Fixed a bug that caused dreadroots to be unable to travel on the world map.
- Fixed a bug that caused salt krakens to leave trails on the world map.
- Fixed a bug that prevented companions from satisfying the objective of spreading Klanq to their original faction.
- Fixed a bug that caused the cooldown reduction from Willpower to be uncapped when applied to Ultra Fire.
- Fixed a bug that caused items cloned via cryotubes to conflict in unpredictable ways when equipped together with the original item.
- Fixed a bug that caused Blinking Tic to teleport you outside vehicle interiors, inflicting large amounts of fall damage.
- Fixed a bug that caused conflicts between complex parties to not propagate opinions between the leaders, leading some members to remain neutral.
- Fixed a bug with hotkey inputs from the ability menu not being properly consumed when activating an ability.
- Fixed a bug with hotkey inputs from the ability menu that rarely caused an ability mapped to 'a' to be immediately used when entering the screen.
- Fixed an exception during missile weapon fire when a cell was fully drained during a multi-shot action.
- Fixed an exception thrown during explosive projectile impacts.
- Fixed a typo in the tutorial.
- Added some names to the credits.
- [modding] Fixed an exception in FromWebColor when passing in a color code starting with #.
- [debug] Added party leader and inherited feeling towards the player to the attitude menu.