1. Raw Metal v1.1.0 - 20% off!
  3. Major update and Summer Sale!
  4. Hey Scavengers!
  6. Today we've got our first major post-release update, rich with big changes that should massively improve your experience with Raw Metal! Also, the game is 20% off for the Steam Summer Sale, and we've added a bundle deal to save 10% on getting the game, artbook, and soundtrack! If you haven't gotten the game yet, or know a friend or two who might like it, now's your chance!
  8. Boss Training
  9. You can now train against bosses you've encountered in the new Boss Training mode! If you're struggling against a boss, go to Training > Boss Training and practice before risking all your precious gear! We hope this will encourage you to bring gear into boss fights instead of scrapping it to afford skipping back to them.
  14. Forge/Contraband Station Swap
  15. In order to overhaul the gameplay loop, we've decided to swap the locations of the Forge and the Contraband Station on every layer. This means that every Contraband Station will be on the second sublevel of the layer, and every Forge will be on the third sublevel. We feel this leads to a much more streamlined and fun gameplay loop for a number of reasons.
  17. For instance, you can now retrieve your lost gear much sooner, and make the decision of whether you want to extract with it or push down an extra level (while most likely encumbered) to scrap or upgrade it. By that point, you're right next to the boss floor, so you can then decide whether you want to bring in your newly upgraded gear to that fight. If you lose, it won't be so difficult to retrieve anymore. We hope this will lead to a more interesting and less frustrating gameplay loop that still retains a sense of stakes when delving deeper into the facility.
  19. Full Changelog
  20. Here is the full list of changes for 1.1.0:
  22. New Features
  23. - Added a boss training mode. We hope that this mode will alleviate some of the frustration of losing to bosses repeatedly and encourage players to use gear more rather than scrapping it to save up grymite for re-fighting bosses.
  24. - When selecting “Training” from the main menu, you are now given the choice of standard training or boss training.
  25. - When selecting boss training, you can choose to practice against any boss you have encountered. The available phases of each fight are also limited to those you have encountered. Note that due to the addition of new save data to facilitate this feature, any boss whose second phase you have reached but whom you have not defeated will not have their second phase available for training until you play through the fight again in a normal run and reach the second phase.
  26. - Added subtitles for all voice lines, including voicemails. When listening to a voicemail, its subtitles take priority, so other voice lines will not be displayed.
  27. - Added a fullscreen toggle to the options menu.
  28. Balance
  29. - Added an additional heat penalty when using a running kick.
  30. - Removed the additional 200 grymite cost to skip a boss level when starting a run.
  31. - Swapped the position of the forge and contraband stations in all layers. Originally, the earlier position of the forge was meant to give players earlier access to upgrades and encourage players to engage with the game’s extraction mechanic. However, this caused losing a run to be more punishing than intended — not only would you have to get all the way to the 3rd sublevel to retrieve your gear, but you also would have to extract and start a new run to repair or upgrade your newly retrieved items. We believe that swapping the positions of the forge and contraband station will provide a less frustrating and more rewarding experience by allowing players to retrieve lost gear earlier and giving them the ability to repair, scrap, and upgrade gear directly before facing a boss fight.
  32. Boss 1
  33. - Decreased the regeneration rate of Boss 1’s armor meter. As a counterbalance, the armor damage of most attacks has been slightly reduced. The intent here is for it to take just slightly less time to deplete the armor meter, but to be more forgiving if the player stops attacking for a bit.
  34. - Increased the cooldown of Boss 1’s armor meter.
  35. - Boss 1 now takes damage to their armor meter when getting parried.
  36. - Slightly increased Boss 1’s attack cooldown.
  37. - Added a small chance for Boss 1 to end their attack chains earlier.
  38. - Slightly decreased Boss 1’s damage reduction when their armor meter is active.
  39. - Slightly increased the delay of Boss 1’s HP regeneration.
  40. Boss 2
  41. - Added a high chance for Boss 2 to dodge running attacks during the startup of most of their attacks, as repeatedly counter-hitting them with running kicks was previously too powerful.
  42. - Increased the cooldown duration of Boss 2’s dodge (this cooldown is applied when the boss is hit in order to grant the player some time to perform a combo).
  43. - Added a small chance for Boss 2 to end their attack chains earlier.
  44. Boss 3
  45. - Slightly increased Boss 3’s max HP.
  46. - Increased the amount Boss 3 heals from using certain attacks. Boss 3’s healing attacks now also heal a small amount of permanent HP.
  47. - Slightly increased Boss 3’s heat build multiplier.
  48. - Added an additional parry follow-up for Boss 3 that focuses on dealing damage rather than healing.
  49. - Boss 3 can now perform Advancing Step between the first and second attacks in a parry follow-up combo in order to close distance if the first attack missed.
  50. - Added a sound cue and visual effect that plays when Boss 3 enters standoff.
  51. - Boss 3 now has additional ways of entering standoff, and will attempt to enter standoff more frequently to force the player to play more patiently and engage in “read-based gameplay.”
  52. - When Boss 3 has been out of standoff for a short time and is far enough from the player, they will immediately enter standoff.
  53. - Boss 3 has a new Backstep move that they can use to retreat to a safe distance when entering standoff from a close or medium range.
  54. - When Boss 3 has been out of standoff for a short time and is at medium range, they have a 50% chance to immediately enter standoff using Backstep.
  55. - After Boss 3 uses Straight Kick, they will immediately enter standoff using Backstep (regardless of if the attack hit).
  56. - Added a Super Armor effect (negates knockback/hitstun of attacks, but not damage) to the startup of Boss 3’s kick attacks (excluding the non-damaging Straight Kick) and grab.
  57. Bug Fixes
  58. - Added a secondary collision check for detecting the position of a wallsplat that should prevent a bug that caused enemies to occasionally snap to a position not on the wall itself (this was most noticeable in Boss 2’s fight).
  59. - Fixed an oversight that caused the Rounding Error achievement to be unable to be unlocked when beating the game (as opposed to extracting in the elevator as normal).
  60. - Fixed a bug that prevented grounded enemies from being wallsplatted while electrocuted.
  61. - Fixed an animation bug that would occur when tasing an enemy as they entered an aerial wallsplat state.
  62. - Fixed a light region in Layer 2, Sublevel 1 that caused a portion of the storage room to be considered lit when it was, in fact, in shadow.
  63. - Fixed an issue on some levels where the elevator shaft lights were blocked from view by the level geometry.
  64. - Fixed a bulkhead door in Layer 3, Sublevel 2 that was open when it was intended to be closed.
  65. - Adjusted the positioning of title text in the pause menu to be properly centered in its enclosing container on all aspect ratios.
  66. - Prevented Boss 1’s armor meter value from going below zero.
  67. - Fixed a bug that prevented enemies from blocking or dodging running attacks when the attack was initiated from farther than 2.25 meters away. This was especially noticeable in the fights with Boss 2 and 3, who could be defeated fairly easily by whittling away at their health with running kicks from a distance.
  68. - Applied the appropriate voice filter to Boss 3’s light hit grunt sounds.
  69. - Fixed a bug that prevented Boss 3’s hit/crit voice lines from being played.
  70. - Fixed a bug that caused Boss 3’s grab hit voice lines to be played a second time, which would often interrupt the first line.
  71. - Fixed a bug that could cause enemies to enter a wall-glance state when colliding with a face whose normal vector pointed in the same direction as the enemy’s velocity.
  72. - Improved how floors are detected for the purposes of landing after being launched.
  73. - Fixed a bug that could cause the player to be unable to move when continuing/starting a run after exiting to the title screen from the pause menu.
  74. - Prevented fog from affecting the appearance of the player view model in the inventory.
  75. - Prevented certain enemies from being targeted with the taser when they shouldn’t be able to be targeted.
  76. - Added colliders to certain environmental objects that were missing them.
  77. - Made the “hover” sound effect play when hovering over the data reset button (previously no sound would play).
  78. - Fixed a bug that would cause Boss 3 to not run at the player when entering Final Gambit when airborne by making Boss 3 snap to the ground when entering this state.
  79. - Prevented certain cutscenes from continuing to play audio and display subtitles after the cutscene has been skipped.
  80. - Fixed a bug where exiting the Hideout menu on the title screen would highlight the Continue button rather than the Hideout button.
  81. - Prevented guards from playing “grumble” voice lines during cutscenes. This was not previously very noticeable but caused issues with subtitles.
  82. - Fixed a bug that would cause a trapped guard to play a combat start cutscene animation when breaking out of an electromagnet during combat, which would cause them to be stuck in place with their collider displaced.
  83. - Prevented guards trapped in electromagnets that intersect bulkheads (which are hidden during combat) from entering combat as they would be clipped into the wall and unable to move even after breaking free.
  84. Other Adjustments
  85. - Moved all title screen menu options up slightly to add more space between the Quit button and the social media links.
  86. - Slightly optimized some shaders.
  87. - Minor code clean-up.
  88. - Adjusted colliders for environmental objects in all levels. Our goal with this is to make wallsplats more consistent, prevent enemies from getting stuck on objects as often, and keep the player and enemies from getting stuck in small corners that are boxed in by objects. Additionally, some collections of objects that previously were constructed with multiple colliders have been consolidated to improve physics system performance.
  91. Thank you all for your patience with the release of this update, see you down there!
  92. - Crucible