1. Update v1.08.02:
  2. Fixed an issue where the Hosts selected language will also be shown to Clients that don’t have that language selected in settings
  3. Fixed an issue with the default loadout not being available to players after the tutorial
  4. Added a new Arsenal widget for crafting, equipping garments and weapons, and conversion of crafting components
  5. Fixed an issue where a Robot will keep attacking while nothing is in its range
  6. Fixed an issue with achievement Gear Up not triggering when players equip a new Sidearm as the first new item
  7. Fixed an issue with Controller navigation in widgets when a player creates a new character
  9. Update v1.03.02:
  10. Fixed an issue with Flamethrower and Laser weapon camera shakes making the weapons not usable
  12. Update v1.02.03:
  13. Fixed an issue that blocked players from progressing after failing the first quest
  14. Fixed fatal error that the player experienced while in spectator mode
  15. Fixed issues with mission tracking on the controller on the Mission Selection widget and additional UX upgrade
  16. Fixed footstep and gun speed animation speed to be synced and footstep sprint sound adjustments
  17. Fixed an issue with the Mission summary screen showing double stats
  18. Fixed issue with new objective KillZone to prevent more enemies from spawning once the objective is completed
  19. Fixed issues with Localization not working on some parts
  20. Fixed an issue with the Expandable bridge objective to show task marker on the correct terminals
  21. Fixed an issue with the flamethrower playing fire VFX for clients when the gun is empty
  22. Fixed an issue with the spectator screen now showing correctly when players join mid-session
  23. Fixed an issue with pet return not fully canceling reload animations