1. *Minor Update v1.3.3*
  2. Finalized the spotting system mechanics: Now the ships which are out of spotting range can be revealed when they shoot, with a probability. It will be harder to hit them but now ships will not be completely defenseless against low detectability ships when visibility is very low. Furthermore, ships behind smoke screens can become completely hidden, depending on their surface visibility, the detection technology of enemies, and the direction of the smoke screen.
  3. Fixed remaining formation problems: Fixed Abreast formation that was not working properly, and ships which were prone to come too close to each other keep an effective safe distance.
  4. Fixed weather transition issues, making ships to tremble or cause too frequent night, evening and morning battles.
  5. Fixed an old problem of auto-design which could result in accepting and validating inferior ships, when there were more than 5x failed attempts.
  6. Shell dispersion and Gun aiming optimizations.
  7. Ships have a more consistent acceleration, and maneuver better.
  8. Fixed some text localization issues in the Technology research window, which caused different text ids or no text to appear.
  9. Fixed some minor campaign issues.