1. Update v1.0.16:
  2. Bug Fixes
  3. Outpost progress-related bug (image and required crew not advancing properly) in older saves has been fixed
  4. Various Outpost management related tweaks
  5. Longer Journal entries can be scrolled all the way down
  6. Goods placed in Hidden Compartments will stay there after loading the game
  7. Camping during events can not be interrupted
  8. Mercenary Task-related throw-out UI bug has been fixed
  9. When a Perk is unlocked but we have insufficient Proficiency, a tooltip line now indicates how many points you lack to buy that Perk
  10. Some save file exploits fixed
  11. Fixed a few Event script issues
  13. Update v1.0.15:
  14. New Content
  15. New Jagged Waste codex entry added to all vagri
  17. User Interface Improvements
  18. "P" hotkey now opens and closes Price History (the Chart remains in the background)
  20. Bug Fixes
  21. Merging UI glitch (causing several interfaces to merge into a mess) is now fixed
  22. "Less than a stack" drag&drop exploit is no longer possible
  23. The issue causing various New Game related anomalies like ruined Velarias or Fort Larius has been fixed so it should not reoccur in the future
  24. 'Cull Their Ranks' now shows the correct number of deployable companions
  25. Withdrawing money from the outpost causing a crash fixed
  26. Mount crew stats not showing up when 'All mounted' is now fixed
  27. Abolitionist-related Tasks now always point to valid destination settlement (with unlocked Abolitionist presence)
  28. Shift + click on the Outrider converting buttons (+/-) now work on the Crew Combat UI
  29. Settlement UI no longer pops up randomly during Crew Combat
  31. Update v1.0.12:
  32. Improvements and Tweaks
  33. Gor’Goro receives a tiny Loyalty boost if you visit Drius every 40 days or so
  34. You can now buy booze for the crew in Larnak’s Bumbling Boatman
  35. 3 new equipment added (Perimeter Alarms and Traveling Saddles can be bought in some markets, while Mount Blankets can be acquired via other means)
  36. Removed the Evade malus from Gor’Goro’s Armor so that certain builds are not unfairly gimped retroactively (Dragonsteel IS very light and flexible!)
  37. Several characters received the ability to invest Proficiency points into the Religion Perk (to variable degrees)
  38. Skornar’s Guard Stance was tweaked so that he retaliates once in a round (maximum) on Level 1, twice on Level 2, and three times on Level 3
  39. Lowered Skornar’s insanely high Cold Resistances across the board (he is still very good at resisting cold)
  40. Specters received a new combat Skill called ‘Chill of the Grave’, which can lower the target’s Cold Resistance for 3 rounds
  41. Mining stealthily at the Hills of Plenty was tweaked so that your actual mining skills and workforce decides your yield, not your skill in sneaking (yields from this can never reach the potential of legitimate mining, but you can still mostly avoid being caught with the right amount of stealthy Perks)
  42. Skornar can now enter the Tomb of Kathovras with more of his buddies
  43. Added a long, long codex entry to all characters called 'the Imperial Calendar' (you asked for it!)
  44. Tectum Carvos’s Tarkian population is now willing to sell you some specialized equipment (some only after helping the town with the siege)
  45. Reworked the faction quest rewards and for Houses Venari, Darius, and Oquo to make them more in line with each other (including Oquo’s presence rising in case of your success in Larnak)
  47. User Interface Improvements
  48. We unlocked the Companion and Deputy buttons on Leader UI again
  49. Inactive effects on Statuses now indicate why they are inactive similarly to Equipment inactive effects
  51. Bug Fixes
  52. Players whose Outpost questline was locked from progressing (because they progressed far before 1.01) can now fix their questline via an Event step at the Officium Factum in any of the major cities
  53. Consumption and Workforce calculated erroneously while fully mounted are now fixed
  54. The 'Cull Their Ranks' action in Crew Combat now always allows for the maximum number of Companions to be deployed
  55. Prowess nodes on the level-up UI now indicate the gated levels correctly
  56. Frenzy Perk granted by the Smoldering Heart is now working properly
  57. Some Outpost-related background calculations were fixed
  58. Now you can actually profits from your outpost's piggy bank
  59. Garrik and Skornar personal questline Achievements are fixed (should be retroactively restored with the right journal entries completed)
  60. Corrected the faulty turn-in step of the Golden Theory once you finish Kandake’s requests
  61. Fixed an instance where the Event choice took you to the wrong step in Avernum’s Carpenters’ Guild
  62. Skornar’s Prowess unlocks occurring at the wrong points in his questlines are now fixed
  63. Skornar's Axe Swing not triggering from Guard Stance fixed (again, hopefully permanently this time)
  64. Fixed another instance of softlocking paths in the Wayward Souls quest’s Artakin Tomb
  65. The test dummy bandit was again removed, this time from the final battle of the Wyrm War questline (replaced with the correct battle)
  66. Living Shadows as Mercenary Task opponents are now properly indicated as Impervious
  67. Corrected Kral Hestaera’s NPC portraits across her appearances in Tectum Carvos
  68. You can no longer deploy other characters alongside Gor’Goro in his one-on-one duel in his questline (and the fight now has the Arena Maximus background)
  69. The Dread Reavers guide quest marker repositioned again (hopefully to its final place - note that it is not retroactive, so if you were on the quest step before the update, you see the old marker)
  70. You can ask the Stinger Lord and the Quiet Man about Wyrm-related things when on the right quest step (but don’t expect much from them)
  71. The Perk ‘Flyer’ was removed and the single instance it was in a Test was replaced with Finndurarth (she is the only character with limited flight abilities)
  72. Fixed some quest items not being removed (not retroactive)
  74. Update v1.0.1:
  75. New Content
  76. Your outpost can be completed and upgraded via related Events
  77. Wealth victory is now achievable via the outpost questline (although vagri with other Ambitions can also buy and upgrade the outpost to its full potential)
  78. The Venari Agent and Senior Agent hirelings have been added
  79. Added more character portrait options to Dark Elven and Demonkin vagri
  82. User Interface Improvements
  83. You can now use Shift+click to mount/dismount by 10 units
  84. The Deputy UI drag-and-drop area has been enlarged (it's easier to drop Deputies into circles)
  85. In settlements without slavery, the tooltip will now correctly indicate the reason for not being able to deal in slaves
  86. Crew condition tooltip effects now roll-up from Perk levels into individual lines
  89. Updated Mechanics
  90. Companion Prowess storyline gating was moved to 4, 6, and 8 (from 3, 5, and 7) to alleviate the unintended combat difficulty increase with the addition of companion loyalty events
  91. Winning a battle against enemies lessens the impact on your material losses (fleeing survivors can still take stuff and the enemy can still cause harm to beasts and perishable cargo during a fight, so some losses will remain)
  92. Choosing the 'enslave' option lowers Abolitionist faction reputation
  93. Staying on the lowest or highest reputation point barrier with a faction disables their knock-on reputation effects for other factions
  94. A number of market- and economy-related tweaks
  95. Removed the estimation of days of travel from settlements in your Chart that are not reachable in the game (though this may be somewhat immersion-breaking, the Chart this way might cause less confusion when planning journeys)
  96. Beast lures received a buff, making them more useful during Appease
  99. Bug Fixes
  100. /Contains spoilers for some quests/
  101. Mansio 'Rest' button fix (it will no longer kick you out of the settlement, nor will it cause any other UI issues)
  102. You can no longer assign Deputies without them actually having the right Perk
  103. Settlement Artwork collapses properly upon clicking and does not get stuck on your screen (see Known Issues for an exception that still remains for now)
  104. Skornar's upgraded Axe Swing will properly trigger in his Guard Stance Found the core problem, will be fixed in the next patch
  105. Multiple listings of the same equipment will not show up as equipped, only the one that really is equipped
  106. Fixed a crash caused by riposte-type skills killing the attacker
  107. Combat Skill Cleanse effect tooltip was fixed
  108. Your companions after Bestiaris Arena fights will now properly be deselected (making subsequent fights like the challenge battle non-restricted companion-wise)
  109. Statistics are now shown (and work) on several previously glitched pieces of Gear and Equipment
  110. The first navigation Equipment slot is open by default while the second gets opened up by assigning a Scout Master deputy
  111. Skornar’s slave trading in Pilgrims of the Wasteland is now not repeatable ad nauseum (used to allow you infinite money with enough clicking)
  112. Cleaned up some Companion portrait mistakes in Events
  113. The Golden Theory delivery steps now show the correct amount of goods you need to bring to Kandake
  114. Corrected various errand quest errors in the initial Kernak Waystation event
  115. The aptly named ‘BottomFront’ Dark Elf mercenary was replaced with a regular one, sadly
  116. Wayward Souls quest blocked progress fixed (when delving into the tomb)
  117. Dread Reavers guide chart marker repositioned to the correct place
  118. Various Garrik personal storyline fixes, including: specialists are now recruitable only once, the final achievement for storyline fixed, brothel interaction that blocked progress is fixed, some wording at the smuggling den improved, and the bug that prevented you from picking up the gang in Lumen is fixed (you should get the passengers in your savegame if you progressed further without getting them)
  119. Blessings of the Sadirar quest (with the 4 blessings to access the upper village) fixed
  120. Criftaa will get to fight alongside all your companions at the last stage of her quest at the tower (not just the few she skulked around with)
  121. Harvek’s personal villa fight will now have the correct enemies (although the 50 VIT Brigand test dummy is very sad about this)
  122. You can no longer tell Caepasius that you failed after turning on him in the Trouble at Fort Larius questline (he holds grudges, that one)
  123. The rumor about Ash’s slave market was reworded not to confuse anyone about the slave prices there
  124. The issue preventing Eylani from joining the comitatus is fixed (she will magically appear in your comitatus if you recruited her but then never showed up)
  125. Fort Viridium now allows you to rest there and to stock up on some (expensive) supplies and sell them some goods (via event choices, not the market tab)
  126. Successfully investigating the lizard symbol for Finndurarth will not unlock the last part of that questline, too
  127. Thadraz now actually returns your Smoldering Heart when he completes the armor for Gor’Goro (sneaky Dwarves!)
  128. Morgarthan’s Gaol can now be equipped on other Companions beside Nedir, as originally intended (its bonuses were also tweaked)
  129. Skornar’s Shield Bash upgrades now have and show the proper requirements
  130. The Dread Reavers will be now less confusing when it comes to their destinations during a certain part of their questline
  131. We added options to lower your criminality in Larnak and Avernum, too, you scoundrels, you!
  132. Harvek’s payback in the Mines of Plenty now actually requires him to be there with you
  133. Various objective markers were updated or fixed
  134. Half-Elves receive minor maluses for Imperial factions at character creation to offset their great potential a bit
  135. Added clarification to Attributes tooltips as well as some Leadership abilities
  136. The Draconic Trading House factions now correctly indicate which settlements are included in the tax exemption on Tiers 3+ (the previous, unfortunate wording created some confusion)
  137. Several Companion storyline fights were tweaked (especially Skornar’s and Nedir’s early battles)
  138. Criftaa now actually dies when you have her murdered following the Krog’Vor showdown
  139. Victory screen slides where the text was too large to fit the box are fixed
  140. Your weird nightmares will not give you insight infinitely from now on (just several times, as it was intended)
  141. Certain Crew Combat encounters that caused issues in Events when the foe retreated too early were tweaked - they might be tougher now but cases when they flee and can not be stopped, causing a “defeat” should be lessened)
  142. The unintended, overly eager interest in metal (resulting in crazy prices) in Sadirar settlements have been toned down to what was originally intended