1. Cavern of Dreams - Patch v7.3 now live
  3. Hello!
  4. Here are the latest updates for Cavern of Dreams in this recent patch. Thanks for all your support so far and the immense amount of positivity towards the game!
  5. Fixed bug where players who quit after unlocking the final challenge but before completing it would be unable to complete the game. Save files affected by this will now work as intended.
  6. Player's chosen options are retained after saving & quitting
  7. Skritch’s hitboxes have been nerfed
  8. Removed two tapestries inside Prismic Palace
  9. Fixed bubble challenge inside Prismic Palace
  10. Added Bubble Conch to the racetrack in Prismic Palace, so players don’t have to backtrack to get a new one
  11. Made hint about the Grimy Gloves more helpful
  12. Fixed audio levels in Lostleaf Lake and Prismic Palace so the music is clearer
  13. Updated theme inside Airborne Armada
  14. Fixed Steam Cloud Support
  16. The majority of the feedback we gathered from our discord community, join here 👇
  17. Enjoy!
  18. - Bynine