1. Update 4:
  2. New Content:
  3. Dragon Age 2 Hawke’s Iconic Outfit
  5. Armor
  6. Body Paint
  7. Face Paint
  8. Qunari Complexions
  10. Two new complexions for the Qunari lineage
  11. Quality of Life Changes:
  12. In Patch 3, we introduced a line on screen showing where a Photo Mode screenshot was saved. In Patch 4, we are reverting that change due to a safety concern brought to us by some content creators. PC players can find their Photo Mode screenshots in Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age: The Veilguard/screenshots
  13. Added an in-game Setting to turn off Bloom.
  14. Added a “Take Photo” button on the pause screen to take screenshots during conversations and cinematics on PC.
  15. Bug Fixes:
  16. Fixed an issue that prevented some saves from loading properly.
  17. Fixed an issue that was preventing the Frame Rate Limit setting from being saved.
  18. Fixed an issue with Rook’s face and hair changing drastically when a save is loaded.
  19. Fixed an issue with certain longer hairstyles that floated above Rook’s chest and shoulders.
  20. Fixed an issue where two Neve characters could appear in the Fire and Ice quest.
  21. Fixed a rare issue where Emmrich did not lead Rook to the next task in his recruitment Where the Dead Must Go quest.
  22. Adjusted the spirit guides in The Warden Vault quest.
  23. Fixed an issue that caused the Ultimate Ability to swap to the default Ultimate.
  24. Fixed an issue where the Ultimate Ability Icon was not displayed after Bellara is recruited.
  25. Fixed an issue where the first hit in a Warrior Rook’s shield throw may miss the target unintentionally.
  26. Fixed an issue where the Slaughter of Pillars Revenant had no health bar.
  27. Fixed an issue that caused Achievement Progress to reset when a new Rook was created. This will not restore Achievement Progress that was overwritten, but your Rooks will no longer compete with each other for who can kill more High Dragons.
  28. Fixed an issue with the camera in The Demon’s Bargain quest when playing on an HDD.
  29. Fixed an issue with the camera in the Sea of Blood quest if Rook backtracked too far.
  30. Fixed two instances where Viago was clearly talking to Rook but was too absorbed by Teia’s beauty and staring at her instead.
  31. Fixed an issue with Photo Mode screenshots appearing slightly blurry for some players.
  32. Fixed an issue where taking a screenshot with the space bar in Photo Mode also toggled the highlighted setting at the same time.
  33. Fixed an audio issue that caused battle music to stop playing while Rook was still fighting darkspawn in A Warden’s Best Friend quest.
  34. Fixed an audio issue that prevented music from playing during a conversation with Lucanis in the Lighthouse.
  35. Fixed a rare lighting issue in the One Last Breath quest
  36. Fixed a blocking issue in the Fire and Ice quest when returning to the Lighthouse.
  37. Fixed a blocking issue in the Blood of Arlathan quest if Rook backtracked too far.
  38. Fixed a UI issue that caused the “New Item” highlight to get stuck on an item.
  39. Fixed an issue with the In Lost Friendship codex that was mentioning events out of order and possibly with the wrong companion.
  40. Fixed an issue that was causing the male British Inquisitor (Harry Hadden-Paton) to be pitched too low.
  41. Updated several German voice line instances with corrected translations.
  43. Update 3:
  44. Quality of Life Changes:
  45. Arrow keys can now be bound to input mappings.
  46. Filters added to Photo Mode.
  47. Screenshot file names from Photo Mode have been simplified, showing the date the photo was taken.
  48. The File Path where screenshots are saved is now shown in game when a screenshot is taken through Photo Mode.
  49. It is now easier to identify where an Enchantment has been applied to a companion’s equipment.
  50. Adjusted the Glint option description in Settings.
  51. New rings can now be compared against both equipped ring slots.
  52. A notification now appears when the Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant is available.
  53. Added new icons for some weapons.
  54. Bug Fixes:
  55. Eliminated the causes of a small number of crashes.
  56. Rook's body shape no longer changes unexpectedly after a cutscene with Emmrich.
  57. Adjusted an odd facial expression when Rook first meets Emmrich.
  58. Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook's settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook. This fix now retroactively affects saves on all platforms.
  59. Adjusted the volume level of Spite's voice in some scenes.
  60. Fixed some instances where music would incorrectly stop playing.
  61. Fixed some instances where unintended music or sound effects would play.
  62. Antaam Champions now correctly do slightly more damage.
  63. Mage Rooks no longer shift to the right awkwardly after performing an extended dodge.
  64. The Rogue Skill "Underdog's Bite" now correctly lists “Enhanced Damage” instead of “Empowered Damage.”
  65. Fixed some instances where enemies could get stuck or were unreachable in some areas.
  66. Fixed some instances where companions could get stuck on balance beams.
  67. Bellara can no longer endlessly charge Rook’s Ultimate outside of combat.
  68. Emmrich's attack stat is now displayed correctly at the start of the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
  69. Fixed a bug where Emmrich was sometimes not available on the ability wheel during the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
  70. Companions’ revives are now correctly refilled at the start of The Last Gambit quest.
  71. The Kataranda now has its correct unique coloring.
  72. Fixed an issue with the critical hit and penetration modifiers on the “Twin Edged Pick” Warrior weapon.
  73. Taash's cape on the “Rivain’s Legacy” armor no longer stretches in cutscenes.
  74. The Grey Warden “Recruit’s Simple Tunic” appearance no longer clips uncomfortably through Rook’s neck.
  75. The “Mythals' Light” Mage weapon now does the intended amount of physical base damage (0).
  76. The “Mythal's Light” Mage weapon now does physical damage to enemy health if a physical damage enchantment is applied.
  77. Fixed instances where stat increases from some Treviso valuables were applied incorrectly.
  78. Fixed instances where valuables with stat increases were not all visible in merchant stores.
  79. Improved textures on various characters and environment objects.
  80. Fixed an issue where VFX could become extremely bright.
  81. Fixed several distance “pop-in” issues.
  82. Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stutter when closing the eluvian interface.
  83. Fixes several instances where quest objectives would not update correctly during some quests.
  84. The On Deadly Wings quest can now be completed even if the A Slow Poison quest has not been fully completed.
  85. The Mayor of D’Meta’s Crossingno longer appears in two places at once during the Lives Spared quest.
  86. One of the Revenants will no longer fail to appear in the Crossroads.
  87. Fixed an issue where a door would not open duringthe Heights of Athim memory in the Regrets of the Dreadwolf quest.
  88. The intended 2D cinematic scene now plays after the Shadows Crossing quest.
  89. Fixed an issue where the path forward could become blocked in the A Murder of Crows quest.
  90. Fixed a blocking issue during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
  91. Companions are now present when loading the first autosave made inthe Isle of the Gods quest.
  92. The HDR Calibration setting is now saved correctly between game sessions.
  93. Prevented multiple instances where Rook could get stuck while exploring Thedas.
  94. One of the "Watcher's Robe" appearance variations is now correctly granted after completingthe Disrupt and Conquer memory.
  95. Fixed a place in Arlathan Forest where Rook could get stuck in a drowning loop.
  96. Fixed instances where Rook forgot they already had the lyrium dagger and could not interact with treasure chests and altars.
  97. Codex entries that were already read will no longer be re-marked as unread.
  98. Fixed an issue where the scrollbar could get stuck in the Codex screen.
  99. Enchantments on abilities are now reset correctly when Skill Tree nodes are reset.
  100. The Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant now shows the intended faction reputation gainedfor whichever city was blightedwhen selling valuables.
  101. Fixed a rare issue where some Skill Tree nodes were sometimes unable to be unlocked.
  102. Some adjustments to the game credits.
  104. Update 2:
  105. Bug Fixes:
  106. Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook's settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook.
  107. Reduced instances of a game crash issue during Shader Compilation when launching the game.
  109. Update 1:
  110. N7 Day Content:
  111. Rook can find a new N7 day appearance in the Lighthouse. This is a cosmetic only armor.
  112. Bug Fixes:
  113. Fixed an issue where DLSS options could end up “grayed-out” on a 40-series Nvidia GPU.
  114. Eliminated the cause of a small number of crashes.
  115. Updated XeSS version to 1.3.1.
  116. Fixed an issue where some customizations were not applied to the Inquisitor correctlyin one of the ending scenes.
  117. Fixed a bug that caused Companion Skill Points to reset.
  118. Adjusted Companion Approval notifications so they remain on-screen longer as scenes end.
  119. Harding now has arrows in her quiver and is ready for battle.
  120. Global banter should no longer start too early.
  121. Harding and Taash banter no longer repeats indefinitely.
  122. Fixed potential issues that could occur if a player fast traveled during a quest.
  123. Changing your party members on the way to certain quests no longer breaks the camera for in-world missions.
  124. Updated a number of assets to improve visual performance over long distances.
  125. Fixed several distance “pop-ins” on level art assets.
  126. Added collision to several assets that were missing it.
  127. Fixed a minor texture issue with codex art.
  128. Added haptics to a number of interactions and events.
  129. Fixed lip sync in some ambient scenes.
  130. Adjusted audio balance on several assets.
  131. Changing equipment no longer disables helmet voice processing.
  132. Fixed several objective markers that were spawning improperly.
  133. Cleaned up certain interactions between Skills that caused them to not behave as described.
  134. Apparitions generated by Iron Veil will now attackRazikale.
  135. Entropic Spheres now behave properly on vertical surfaces.
  136. Fixed a bug where Taunt would sometimes be cleared early, which caused enemies to ignore it.
  137. Fixed a rare issue where Rogues would not hold their bow while aiming down sights.
  138. Made the detailed-stats screen more readable.
  139. Balance changes made to certain fights to match design intent.
  140. Balance adjustments made to several player skills.
  141. Fixed leashing exploits on major encounters.
  142. The Rage Demon’s Ring of Fire should now be appropriately dodgeable in all situations.
  143. Slowed down the speedy raven in Hossberg.
  144. Adjusted creepy corpse movement while they moved on/off-camera.
  145. The Dalish elf in the Unwanted Guests quest is now an actual elf.
  146. Fixed a rare blocking issue in the Sea of Blood quest.
  147. Halla should no longer float during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
  148. Fixed a blocking issue in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
  149. Adjusted timing on epilogue text cards.
  150. NPC necks no longer grow unexpectedly.
  151. Corrected instances where NPCs would not properly look at each other or at Rook.
  152. Long hair should now properly mesh with certain armor.
  153. Fixed several issues with makeup in character creation.
  154. Venatori crystal VFX should now disappear properly.
  155. Added scroll wheel support to the sell screen.
  156. Opening the journal while on the map no longer causes it to continue scrolling.
  157. TheFaction Achievements will now be gained properly uponreaching max Faction Strength instead of the Faction Cap.