- Update 4:
- New Content:
- Dragon Age 2 Hawke’s Iconic Outfit
- Armor
- Body Paint
- Face Paint
- Qunari Complexions
- Two new complexions for the Qunari lineage
- Quality of Life Changes:
- In Patch 3, we introduced a line on screen showing where a Photo Mode screenshot was saved. In Patch 4, we are reverting that change due to a safety concern brought to us by some content creators. PC players can find their Photo Mode screenshots in Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age: The Veilguard/screenshots
- Added an in-game Setting to turn off Bloom.
- Added a “Take Photo†button on the pause screen to take screenshots during conversations and cinematics on PC.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented some saves from loading properly.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the Frame Rate Limit setting from being saved.
- Fixed an issue with Rook’s face and hair changing drastically when a save is loaded.
- Fixed an issue with certain longer hairstyles that floated above Rook’s chest and shoulders.
- Fixed an issue where two Neve characters could appear in the Fire and Ice quest.
- Fixed a rare issue where Emmrich did not lead Rook to the next task in his recruitment Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Adjusted the spirit guides in The Warden Vault quest.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ultimate Ability to swap to the default Ultimate.
- Fixed an issue where the Ultimate Ability Icon was not displayed after Bellara is recruited.
- Fixed an issue where the first hit in a Warrior Rook’s shield throw may miss the target unintentionally.
- Fixed an issue where the Slaughter of Pillars Revenant had no health bar.
- Fixed an issue that caused Achievement Progress to reset when a new Rook was created. This will not restore Achievement Progress that was overwritten, but your Rooks will no longer compete with each other for who can kill more High Dragons.
- Fixed an issue with the camera in The Demon’s Bargain quest when playing on an HDD.
- Fixed an issue with the camera in the Sea of Blood quest if Rook backtracked too far.
- Fixed two instances where Viago was clearly talking to Rook but was too absorbed by Teia’s beauty and staring at her instead.
- Fixed an issue with Photo Mode screenshots appearing slightly blurry for some players.
- Fixed an issue where taking a screenshot with the space bar in Photo Mode also toggled the highlighted setting at the same time.
- Fixed an audio issue that caused battle music to stop playing while Rook was still fighting darkspawn in A Warden’s Best Friend quest.
- Fixed an audio issue that prevented music from playing during a conversation with Lucanis in the Lighthouse.
- Fixed a rare lighting issue in the One Last Breath quest
- Fixed a blocking issue in the Fire and Ice quest when returning to the Lighthouse.
- Fixed a blocking issue in the Blood of Arlathan quest if Rook backtracked too far.
- Fixed a UI issue that caused the “New Item†highlight to get stuck on an item.
- Fixed an issue with the In Lost Friendship codex that was mentioning events out of order and possibly with the wrong companion.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the male British Inquisitor (Harry Hadden-Paton) to be pitched too low.
- Updated several German voice line instances with corrected translations.
- Update 3:
- Quality of Life Changes:
- Arrow keys can now be bound to input mappings.
- Filters added to Photo Mode.
- Screenshot file names from Photo Mode have been simplified, showing the date the photo was taken.
- The File Path where screenshots are saved is now shown in game when a screenshot is taken through Photo Mode.
- It is now easier to identify where an Enchantment has been applied to a companion’s equipment.
- Adjusted the Glint option description in Settings.
- New rings can now be compared against both equipped ring slots.
- A notification now appears when the Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant is available.
- Added new icons for some weapons.
- Bug Fixes:
- Eliminated the causes of a small number of crashes.
- Rook's body shape no longer changes unexpectedly after a cutscene with Emmrich.
- Adjusted an odd facial expression when Rook first meets Emmrich.
- Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook's settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook. This fix now retroactively affects saves on all platforms.
- Adjusted the volume level of Spite's voice in some scenes.
- Fixed some instances where music would incorrectly stop playing.
- Fixed some instances where unintended music or sound effects would play.
- Antaam Champions now correctly do slightly more damage.
- Mage Rooks no longer shift to the right awkwardly after performing an extended dodge.
- The Rogue Skill "Underdog's Bite" now correctly lists “Enhanced Damage†instead of “Empowered Damage.â€
- Fixed some instances where enemies could get stuck or were unreachable in some areas.
- Fixed some instances where companions could get stuck on balance beams.
- Bellara can no longer endlessly charge Rook’s Ultimate outside of combat.
- Emmrich's attack stat is now displayed correctly at the start of the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Fixed a bug where Emmrich was sometimes not available on the ability wheel during the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Companions’ revives are now correctly refilled at the start of The Last Gambit quest.
- The Kataranda now has its correct unique coloring.
- Fixed an issue with the critical hit and penetration modifiers on the “Twin Edged Pick†Warrior weapon.
- Taash's cape on the “Rivain’s Legacy†armor no longer stretches in cutscenes.
- The Grey Warden “Recruit’s Simple Tunic†appearance no longer clips uncomfortably through Rook’s neck.
- The “Mythals' Light†Mage weapon now does the intended amount of physical base damage (0).
- The “Mythal's Light†Mage weapon now does physical damage to enemy health if a physical damage enchantment is applied.
- Fixed instances where stat increases from some Treviso valuables were applied incorrectly.
- Fixed instances where valuables with stat increases were not all visible in merchant stores.
- Improved textures on various characters and environment objects.
- Fixed an issue where VFX could become extremely bright.
- Fixed several distance “pop-in†issues.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stutter when closing the eluvian interface.
- Fixes several instances where quest objectives would not update correctly during some quests.
- The On Deadly Wings quest can now be completed even if the A Slow Poison quest has not been fully completed.
- The Mayor of D’Meta’s Crossingno longer appears in two places at once during the Lives Spared quest.
- One of the Revenants will no longer fail to appear in the Crossroads.
- Fixed an issue where a door would not open duringthe Heights of Athim memory in the Regrets of the Dreadwolf quest.
- The intended 2D cinematic scene now plays after the Shadows Crossing quest.
- Fixed an issue where the path forward could become blocked in the A Murder of Crows quest.
- Fixed a blocking issue during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
- Companions are now present when loading the first autosave made inthe Isle of the Gods quest.
- The HDR Calibration setting is now saved correctly between game sessions.
- Prevented multiple instances where Rook could get stuck while exploring Thedas.
- One of the "Watcher's Robe" appearance variations is now correctly granted after completingthe Disrupt and Conquer memory.
- Fixed a place in Arlathan Forest where Rook could get stuck in a drowning loop.
- Fixed instances where Rook forgot they already had the lyrium dagger and could not interact with treasure chests and altars.
- Codex entries that were already read will no longer be re-marked as unread.
- Fixed an issue where the scrollbar could get stuck in the Codex screen.
- Enchantments on abilities are now reset correctly when Skill Tree nodes are reset.
- The Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant now shows the intended faction reputation gainedfor whichever city was blightedwhen selling valuables.
- Fixed a rare issue where some Skill Tree nodes were sometimes unable to be unlocked.
- Some adjustments to the game credits.
- Update 2:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook's settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook.
- Reduced instances of a game crash issue during Shader Compilation when launching the game.
- Update 1:
- N7 Day Content:
- Rook can find a new N7 day appearance in the Lighthouse. This is a cosmetic only armor.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where DLSS options could end up “grayed-out†on a 40-series Nvidia GPU.
- Eliminated the cause of a small number of crashes.
- Updated XeSS version to 1.3.1.
- Fixed an issue where some customizations were not applied to the Inquisitor correctlyin one of the ending scenes.
- Fixed a bug that caused Companion Skill Points to reset.
- Adjusted Companion Approval notifications so they remain on-screen longer as scenes end.
- Harding now has arrows in her quiver and is ready for battle.
- Global banter should no longer start too early.
- Harding and Taash banter no longer repeats indefinitely.
- Fixed potential issues that could occur if a player fast traveled during a quest.
- Changing your party members on the way to certain quests no longer breaks the camera for in-world missions.
- Updated a number of assets to improve visual performance over long distances.
- Fixed several distance “pop-ins†on level art assets.
- Added collision to several assets that were missing it.
- Fixed a minor texture issue with codex art.
- Added haptics to a number of interactions and events.
- Fixed lip sync in some ambient scenes.
- Adjusted audio balance on several assets.
- Changing equipment no longer disables helmet voice processing.
- Fixed several objective markers that were spawning improperly.
- Cleaned up certain interactions between Skills that caused them to not behave as described.
- Apparitions generated by Iron Veil will now attackRazikale.
- Entropic Spheres now behave properly on vertical surfaces.
- Fixed a bug where Taunt would sometimes be cleared early, which caused enemies to ignore it.
- Fixed a rare issue where Rogues would not hold their bow while aiming down sights.
- Made the detailed-stats screen more readable.
- Balance changes made to certain fights to match design intent.
- Balance adjustments made to several player skills.
- Fixed leashing exploits on major encounters.
- The Rage Demon’s Ring of Fire should now be appropriately dodgeable in all situations.
- Slowed down the speedy raven in Hossberg.
- Adjusted creepy corpse movement while they moved on/off-camera.
- The Dalish elf in the Unwanted Guests quest is now an actual elf.
- Fixed a rare blocking issue in the Sea of Blood quest.
- Halla should no longer float during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
- Fixed a blocking issue in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
- Adjusted timing on epilogue text cards.
- NPC necks no longer grow unexpectedly.
- Corrected instances where NPCs would not properly look at each other or at Rook.
- Long hair should now properly mesh with certain armor.
- Fixed several issues with makeup in character creation.
- Venatori crystal VFX should now disappear properly.
- Added scroll wheel support to the sell screen.
- Opening the journal while on the map no longer causes it to continue scrolling.
- TheFaction Achievements will now be gained properly uponreaching max Faction Strength instead of the Faction Cap.