1. Roboquest - 1.3.1 Hotfix
  3. Hey Guardians!
  5. We just pushed a small hotfix for the Super Update. Nothing too major, mainly bug fixes and a few balance adjustments for Superbot.
  7. Happy robot smashing!
  9. Roboquest 1.3.1 Changelist
  10. • Passing through enemies while riding a spline will no longer fail to destroy them
  11. • Superbot's stealth no longer makes boss unable to react
  12. • Fixed a crash occuring when Superbot eats a weapon in multiplayer
  13. • Fixed an issue where a player would be stuck in "fall" animation state after dying
  14. • Deleted a debug in-editor icon that would appear during the Iris Pt 2 fight
  15. • You will no longer crash when joining a game at the same time a player uses Superbot's Overdrive ability
  16. • Weapon Alt-Fires now always properly display their icons
  17. • You can no longer loot weapon and enemy cards you haven't come across in the game yet
  18. • You can no longer obtain 100% museum completion rate without having actually unlocked everything
  19. • The collision of the bomb you have to defuse at the end of certain corrupted levels will no longer lock you forever under certain circumstances
  20. • Superbot can no longer eat the Shovel or Buddybot after they've been transformed in Fantastic rarity or spawned by the weapon vending machine in the Basecamp
  21. • Captain Mc Slice damage increased from 70 to 75
  22. • Captain Mc Slice debuff reduced from 50% to 35%
  23. • Super-Blaster affix "Bullshot" replaced by "Buckshot"
  24. • Super-Blaster damage increased from 20 to 23
  25. • Superbot's perk Hammer Pants bonus damage increased from 50% to 75%
  26. • Superbot's Supershot bonus damage increased to 300%
  27. • Increased Super-Cannon non-explosive damage from 140 to 160
  28. • Reduced Quarry S-Rank time requirements slightly
  29. • Increased Harmony Square S-rank time requirements slightly