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  72.  .'"       .------------------'  .'        `     `-----------------.       "`.
  73. i         .                                 '                       .         i
  74. |         |                  Godstrike *MULTI10* *RIP*              |         |
  75. |         |                      (c) Freedom Games                  |         |
  76. |         |                      _              _                   |         |
  77. |         `._____________________)\      _.' .-'''-._______________.'         |
  78. |                                  `-..___.-'       "`----- -                 |
  79. | i     _  _                                                                  |
  80. | !.__.'/ //                                                                  |
  81. `.____ / _____________________________________ ._____________________________.'
  82.  .___ /_______________________________________||_________________ __ _  _
  83.  | __.                                                                 /   7
  84.  | -       Supplied by.: VACE              # of Disks.: 20 * 9.53MB   /   /  .
  85.  | "       Released....: 29/10/2023        Protection.: Money        /   /   7
  86.  `.________________________________________________________________.' _.' _.' .
  88.  .----------------------------- r e l e a s e info --------------------------+
  89.  |                                                                           '
  90.  | Godstrike is a 3D boss rush bullet  hell where time is your health  and
  91.  | currency. Face and defeat powerful bosses before time runs out.  Taking
  92.  | damage and using abilities drains your remaining combat time, so  watch
  93.  | out!
  94.  |
  95.  | SKILLS
  96.  | Unlock over 40 unique abilities by defeating bosses. Customize Talaalْs
  97.  | loadout before each battle to create powerful combos, ability synergies
  98.  | and a playstyle thatْs entirely your own!
  99.  |
  100.  | STORY
  101.  | In Godstrike you are the embodiment of Talaal, the last of Godْs  seven
  102.  | masks. Talaal finds her bearer just in time to fight against its
  103.  | siblings who hunt her in an attempt to absorb the power within the mask
  104.  | The bearer is now trapped in a war that does not belong to her, a cycle
  105.  | that seems impossible to break.
  106.  |
  107.  | FEATURES :
  108.  |
  109.  | - Customizable ability loadouts, allowing the players to optimize their
  110.  |   game   style.
  111.  | - Competition focused gameplay  so  you  can challenge your friends and
  112.  |   beat the   highscores.
  113.  | - Multiple game modes, including Roguelite-style mode!
  114.  | - Twitch compatibility allowing viewers to affect the  game,  upgrading
  115.  |   and  refreshing the game experience.
  116.  | - Full gamepad and controller support.
  117.  |
  118.  `._______....::::::::::.___________________________________________________.'
  119.   ..--''""      .       :
  120. .'   .----------`-------'------ r e l e a s e notes -------------------------.
  121. i   i                                                                        ;
  122. |   |  1#1 Unzip, Unrar.
  123. |   |  #2 Run v-setup.bat and wait a while.
  124. |   |  #3 When done run hit Godstrike.exe and play the game.
  125. |   |  #4 Have Phun!
  126. |   |
  127. |   |  MULTI10 : English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese,
  128. |   |            Spanish from Spain, Russian, Chinese Simplified, Korean
  129. |   |            and Japanese.
  130. |   |
  131. |   |  Ripped: Nothing!
  132. |   |
  133. |   |  REMEMBER :                                                            .
  134. |   |  If you like this game, buy it. Developers deserve your support!!      :
  135. |   |                                                                        :
  136. |   |________________________________________________________________________|
  137. | i._               ___     ___     ___     ___           ___
  138. | !' .-----------..:   :: .:   :: ::   :: ::   :: .:    .:   :..-------------.
  139. |   i             ::   :: ::   :: ::   :: ::   :: ::... `:.___'              |
  140. |   |  :::::::::  ::   :: :: --:. ::   :: ::   :: ::    _   `::  ::::::::::  :
  141. |   |              `-  :: ::    : ::  -'  ::  -'  ::   :::   ::              '
  142. |   |  Cheers to:     -'   `    `  `-      `-      `-   "   -'               '
  143. |   |
  145. |   |   RAiN - COGENT - RELOADED - ViTALiTY - HI2U - JAGUAR - TNT - WaLMaRT
  147. |   |
  148. |   |  And to all of our friends from over the years, we salute you! - VACE
  149. |   |               Special thanks to our friend CoolPHat
  150. |   |
  151. |   |         We are currently looking for crackers and suppliers
  152. |   |                 Contact : vacecrew@protonmail.com
  153. |   `.__________________________________________________________________ _
  154. `._____________________________________________________________________    ` .
  155.           .'                 `                            _            "`.   `
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  186.                                            _\  t  i  c  k   '' ::  :: '' ::  ::
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  189.                                    Watch 'N' Learn...