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- \| ! |___| iiiiiiii::::::::::::::::::: |___| ! |/
- . "'''''''''''''''''''''''" .
- |\ Game......: sushi.for.robots.v1.003
- | \ Language..: English
- | \ Developer.: Ludipe
- |___\ Disks.....: 19x.10.00MB
- Platform..: WinAll
- . Date......: 18/08/2023
- ::. Genre.....: puzzle
- ` '
- . ...... ...... .
- : ....:. .:.... :
- :. `:::::. .:::::' .:
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- "``----------------:::::::::::::::----------------''"
- ` `. :'
- . `:::::::'
- . `:::'
- : '
- |________________ .---------------.
- ________________ | R e l e a s e | I n f o r m a t i o n . .
- | `----------------------------- -
- It's a game about Robots obsessed with sushi. And youْre the one
- serving it to them.
- Robots are picky (and kinda goofy). Make sure they get their food in
- time! It's actually a pretty chill game. You can always press reset
- and try a different solution.
- .
- |________________ .---------------.
- ________________ | R e p a c k | N o t e s . .
- | `----------------------------- -
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- |
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- |________________ .---------------.
- ________________ | I n s t a l l | I n f o r m a t i o n . .
- | `----------------------------- -
- 1.> UZIP & UNRAR game to a directory
- B.> use our kickass installer to install game
- 4.> play that shit!
- .
- : If ya like the game, dont be a cheap bastard and buy the fucking thing =)
- |________________ .---------------.
- ________________ | N o t e s . .
- | `----------------------------- -
- |
- | Well folks, 2022 has sure been a dumpster fire so far, but we here at
- | outlaws are happy as can be, our old friends are back and we have that
- | nice warm fuzzy feeling inside... greets out to the tres amigos, that
- | crazy madlad from the UK and our favorite doggie, woof woof!!!
- | . :
- | _____ . .: .S! |
- |___________________| |________ ____________/\ ____ ____ ____ _________|
- | _ | | | _/ | _ \| | | | ___|_
- | / | | | | |_ _ \ | | |_____ |
- _|___________|___________| |______/_____|_____|\ ___________|_________|
- | |_____| \/ .
- | |
- | Greetz: ViTALiTY / HTG / VACE / ROGUE / REUNION / CRD / DVT / BrEWrRS |
- | |
- |___________________________________________________________________________|
- "champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends"