1. Our First Major Update - Now Live!
  3. Bug Fixes & Feature Optimizations!
  4. Greetings Swordsmen! ⚔️
  6. We hope your Wandering Sword adventure has been filled with thrilling duels and epic tales. As you continue to hone your skills, make alliances, and journey towards becoming a legendary Wuxia master, we're thrilled to share that our first major game update has now been rolled out! Without further delay, let’s delve into the enhancements and tweaks we've introduced.
  8. Font Size & Resolution Optimizations
  9. Adjusted the game to allow players to resize the window in windowed mode in a 16:9 ratio
  10. Added a new game resolution setting of 1280 x 720
  11. Adjusted the 4K resolution to 3840 x 2160
  12. Introduced Large, Medium, and Small font size options for dialogues
  13. Note: We've yet to add other font size options such as task descriptions, but we will get to it soon!
  15. Feature Optimizations
  16. Added a tutorial for switching combat modes after Jiang Yin Feng joined the party
  17. Optimized party members’ strength in Mount Wanzi mission and reduced the number of enemies
  18. Introduced a new medicinal item drop after defeating Wei Huo, ensuring players could immediately build rapport with him
  19. Simplified the conditions for Wei Huo to leave the party after completing his initial quests
  20. Optimized Jiang Yin Feng's combat movement animations
  21. Relocated the Fisherman in Wutong Village to prevent simultaneous triggering of dialogue and fishing
  22. Adjusted the difficulty of the “Skyline Battle” side quest, including improved health regeneration after battles
  23. Addition of prompts for initiating certain side quests
  24. Optimized text on the loading screen regarding keyboard and mouse battlefield controls
  26. Bug Fixes
  27. Fixed an issue where pressing ESC during dialogues would unintentionally close both dialogue and options
  28. Fixed an issue during the first battle tutorial with Master Qingxu that could prevent players from progressing ahead
  29. Fixed a display issue during a cutscene animation between Mowen & Mo Qi
  30. Resolved issues related to the interactions and boundaries within certain areas of the world map
  31. Fixed the backdrop setting of certain sparring battles to match the location
  32. Fixed the display animation of enemies and teammates during certain battles
  33. Updated and improved visual effects for certain special skill techniques
  34. Fixed a description error in the "Seeking Help from All Quarters" side quest
  35. Fixed the excessive auto-saves before the “Skyline Battle” side quest
  37. Addressing Known Concerns
  38. In addition, there are also some known issues that we would like to address:
  40. Controller Mapping
  41. We've been informed that controller support is bugged for certain users, which is making the game unplayable for them. Issues such as swapped button inputs, and non-responsive joysticks have been reported.
  43. We're planning to enable accurate key mapping even if you don't disable certain settings in the Steam client, and also introduce various controller modes for everyone to choose from. As this requires time for us to design and test, please bear with us while we work on it - we will keep everyone updated!
  45. In the meantime, if you are facing any controller button mapping issues, you can try this workaround:
  47. Go to Steam Settings>Controller>External Gamepad Settings and uncheck the below line items highlighted in the yellow box:
  51. After completing this, do restart the game for the changes to take effect.
  53. Adjusting Character Orientation On The Battlefield
  54. We've heard your feedback regarding character orientation during battle. We are actively working to enhance this, starting with allowing characters to automatically face enemies upon moving. Given the complexity and time required to craft detailed pixel art for different orientations, we're mapping out the most feasible solution to strike a balance and ensure the best experience for everyone.
  56. We acknowledge the feedback regarding character direction after movement. We're actively working to enhance this, starting with an automatic face-off towards enemies post-attack. For those seeking more granular control, we understand the desire. Given the complexity, including creating pixel art for all possible orientations, we're mapping out the most feasible solution. Balance is our guiding principle, and we want to ensure the best experience for everyone.
  58. Auto-Battle Feature & Battle Speed-Up Option
  59. We are glad to share that an auto-battle mode is in our future plans! Concurrently, we're coordinating with our technical team regarding an option to speed up battles. Our focus is on delivering these improvements without compromising gameplay stability, and we'll keep everyone updated on this.
  61. NPCs Sparring Reward System
  62. As your Affinity with an NPC rises, the likelihood of receiving rewards when you spar with them will increase as well. When you have reached 70 Affinity, you are guaranteed to be rewarded with an item. However, we recognize that our current tutorial may not convey this effectively, and we're in the process of optimizing this aspect for clarity and better understanding.
  64. We genuinely appreciate the time you've taken to share your experiences and feedback with us, as is crucial in helping us refine Wandering Sword every step of the way. Please continue to share with us your feedback, suggestions or any issues either here on Steam or through our Discord channel!
  66. But wait - before we end this article, we have a special treat to share. One of our players has beautifully reimagined our battle BGM through this violin cover! It's amazing to see our game music inspire such creativity. Do give it a listen and immerse yourself in the soulful strings that capture the essence of our battles!