1. Update v1.0.1.1:
  2. New Additions
  3. Added Katana T3 recipe to Blacksmith workplace
  4. Implemented additional confirmation pop-ups (respawn, reset tutorials, override bed assignment)
  5. Changed motherlode definitions for the Central Plains Region
  6. Optimized markers (for slightly better late game performance)
  8. Bugfixes
  9. Fixed family dialogue not being available for some spouses
  10. Fixed missing notification for money gained in quests
  11. Fixed display of text on special project panel
  12. Fixed health modifiers below 1 not changing correctly in game custom settings
  13. Fixed female hand position when defending with the spear in FPP
  14. Fixed resetting custom game mode to default not affecting checkboxes
  15. Fixed "next page" button prompt overflowing tutorial window UI in some languages
  16. Fixed markers not appearing after approaching them second time
  17. Fixed scars and freckles not working for new female heads
  18. Updated translations for "Fix the family quest bug" button
  20. Update v1.0.1.0:
  21. New Additions
  22. Two new female faces and updated textures for existing faces (more coming soon)
  23. Refugees will now have more varied and randomized looks
  24. Added a gameplay setting for resetting character customization in-game
  25. Added a spouse indicator in the dialogue UI and on the population list
  26. Added a player’s spouse compass and map marker (if you’re using a save, you will need to talk to your spouse to activate it)
  27. Added a quick save (F5) and quick load (F9) feature
  28. Arrows now deal different damage based on their type. Ranged attack damage is now based on both arrow and bow quality.
  29. Animals will now attack nearby bandits.
  30. You can now place multiple ghosts continuously for all structures by holding Shift when confirming placement with LMB (or LStick Press + RB on the gamepad)
  31. Added a slider for the voice-over volume
  32. Added an option to disable controller vibrations in the gameplay settings
  33. Added an option to detect and set optimal video settings
  34. Added a ‘Reset to defaults’ button to gameplay, game mode, audio, and control settings
  35. Added a ‘Hide HUD’ button (F10 by default) to the control settings
  36. Added straw thatch and wooden roof variants for the Forager’s Hut building
  37. Consumables now heal over time instead instantly
  38. The Tavern building now hosts a tavern keeper service job
  39. Service buildings have their own category for furniture now
  40. Added new tutorials for the priority tab and legend (perks) tab
  41. Added new loading screen trivia
  42. Added bear sprint attack animations
  43. Added Jizō figurines to the map
  44. Increased paper lamp light radius slightly
  45. Added a custom mouse cursor
  46. Added ramps to the Papermaker building
  48. Other important changes
  49. Improved aim with a bow
  50. Gloves are now a part of a clothing set - the gloves equipment slot was removed
  51. Resources like deposits and tree placement on the map have been slightly rebalanced to reflect the nature of each region better
  52. Sleeping regenerates health now, based on duration (better beds will return health faster)
  53. Improved scene lighting in the character editor
  54. Wolves and boars will not hurt their own kin when attacking as a pack
  55. Increased Monk XP for shrine discovery and blessings
  56. Improved item description UI in the inventory – it's easier to read and item stats have a larger font
  57. Adjusted gamepad sprint toggle
  58. Improved default icons for equipment slots in the inventory UI and for some Tailor recipe categories
  59. Improved male ragdoll animation
  60. Improved iron ore deposit model
  61. Rebalanced enemy monetary loot and drop
  62. Rebalanced trader inventories, leather will now be available sooner
  63. Increased HP penalty for eating poisonous mushrooms
  64. Improved perk descriptions to be more precise in some cases and to list effects per perk level
  65. Improved the Arrow Stand Furniture to correctly state that it is a random, seasonal arrow generator, and removed it as pre-placed furniture from the Armory – the recipe for it is now added to the Weapon Racks category
  66. Improved Aki and Fujiuchi trader inventories to reflect their backstories
  67. Added monetary rewards for some quests
  69. Combat fixes
  70. Fixed the severe performance drops when fighting in enemy camps
  71. Fixed the AI not attacking player in co-op when the other player was engaged in combat with that AI earlier
  72. Fixed enemy attacks sometimes not registering for clients
  73. Fixed the poise break that enemies may override with block or dodge
  74. Fixed clients sometimes not being attacked by enemies after reloading a save game
  75. Fixed animals ignoring player armour
  76. Fixed enemies not going back to their base after losing any aggro
  77. Fixed a bug preventing the option to disable friendly fire
  78. Fixed a bug with excessive damage for a third AI attack with a spear
  79. Fixed an issue where the player was able to parry fall damage and animal attacks
  80. Fixed arrows not hitting the landscape and other solid objects properly
  81. Fixed enemies not able to catch up with a player using a bow and backing up
  82. Fixed bows reloading not correctly
  83. Fixed that players turning away from opponents were on a soft target lock
  85. Other fixes
  86. Fixed multiple NPCs acting as player’s spouse (see below for more information)
  87. Fixed the spouse still carrying a child after putting it to the monastery
  88. Fixed clients sometimes getting stuck on a black screen when joining a co-op session
  89. Fixed changing furniture (like a bed upgrade) unassigning the worker from their workplace
  90. Fixed workers getting unassigned from their workplace when changing their sleep place despite remaining in the same village
  91. Fixed workplace furniture with 5 actions handling inputs correctly
  92. Fixed players with pre saves unable to unlock fish meal recipe after completing Ryujin quest (use the idle dialogue with Chiime to unlock retroactively)
  93. Fixed that a player would receive item and recipe rewards prematurely in the Wild Hogs quest
  94. Fixed refugee camps in neutral villages not spawning evenly and randomly across all locations
  95. Fixed armour recipes not unlocking when liberating the Aratani and Segi regions
  96. Fixed Masterwork Hammer's first-time craft award to 1000 XP
  97. Fixed the tool slot allowing to assign adze instead of axes for steel and masterwork quality
  98. Fixed arrow icons being too large in the ammunition slot
  99. Fixed teleportation issues in Wild Hogs quest
  100. Fixed a death loop occurring when using old saves with a custom game mode having modifiers set to zero
  101. Fixed the happiness widget being too small for some language versions
  102. Fixed wrong localization for deleting a save
  103. Fixed character rotation in the character editor not stopping when switching from gamepad to mouse
  104. Fixed controller force feedback triggered when using a mouse/keyboard
  105. Fixed the Shinto Miko using Amu Namida Butsu greeting, and will use a more standard greeting instead now.
  106. Fixed the items tooltip inheriting stats data from items they were previously swapped with
  108. Update v1.0.0.10:
  109. FIXED
  110. Fixed crashes (additional safeguards).
  111. Fixed luxury needs showing up as nil value (“0” ).
  112. Fixed refugees spawning in insufficient numbers.
  113. Fixed the ruins in the enemy camp near Segi duplicating on save-load.
  114. Fixed a bow not dealing any damage when used with low hair tension.
  115. Fixed the quest hub description not displaying gendered text correctly.
  116. Fixed enemies wandering off from bandit camps (will only partially fix saves).
  117. Fixed the incorrect order of T4 and T5 kama recipes at the blacksmith.
  118. Fixed missing recipe unlocks in the quest flow.
  119. Fixed enemy bodies partially sinking into terrain.
  121. CHANGED
  122. Added the Bamboo Ball crafting recipe.
  123. The new villager needs application delayed.
  124. Adding the fishing net crafting to the tailor.
  125. Made the bronze recipe and technology unlock process easier.
  126. Minor setup fix.
  127. Made Ako, Sayuri and Ukome romanceable after they became villagers.
  128. Rebalanced refugee encounter setup.
  129. Add recipes for the paper lamp crafting in the workshop.
  130. Remove unused cooking stations from kitchen furniture.
  132. Update v1.0.0.9:
  133. FIXES
  134. Fixed issues that could cause some of the crashes.
  135. Fixed that some enemies are not engaging in combat.
  136. Fixed the Enemy Damage Modifier setting not working properly.
  137. Fixed a debug visible on player character when turning on PvP.
  138. Fixed the NPC not looking at the player in dialogue with the client.
  139. Fixed the kanabo item dropped by enemies.
  140. Fixed sorting items without a default storage which made them disappear.
  141. Fixed drowning in the onsen.
  142. Fixed NPCs getting stuck in the ice storage.
  143. Fixed issues with cutscene subtitles.
  144. Fixed the poise armour resetting.
  145. Fixed physics on bandit pauldrons.
  147. CHANGES
  148. Balanced drop durability.
  149. Balanced drowning to be less punitive
  150. Balanced SP worker cost for Large Bridge in Easter Swamp Region.
  151. Removed edges in path materials.
  152. Made the Herbalist Station mandatory in Forager's Hut.
  153. Removed pickaxes from boss loot.
  154. Optimized the ragdoll.