- Update v1.0.1.1:
- New Additions
- Added Katana T3 recipe to Blacksmith workplace
- Implemented additional confirmation pop-ups (respawn, reset tutorials, override bed assignment)
- Changed motherlode definitions for the Central Plains Region
- Optimized markers (for slightly better late game performance)
- Bugfixes
- Fixed family dialogue not being available for some spouses
- Fixed missing notification for money gained in quests
- Fixed display of text on special project panel
- Fixed health modifiers below 1 not changing correctly in game custom settings
- Fixed female hand position when defending with the spear in FPP
- Fixed resetting custom game mode to default not affecting checkboxes
- Fixed "next page" button prompt overflowing tutorial window UI in some languages
- Fixed markers not appearing after approaching them second time
- Fixed scars and freckles not working for new female heads
- Updated translations for "Fix the family quest bug" button
- Update v1.0.1.0:
- New Additions
- Two new female faces and updated textures for existing faces (more coming soon)
- Refugees will now have more varied and randomized looks
- Added a gameplay setting for resetting character customization in-game
- Added a spouse indicator in the dialogue UI and on the population list
- Added a player’s spouse compass and map marker (if you’re using a save, you will need to talk to your spouse to activate it)
- Added a quick save (F5) and quick load (F9) feature
- Arrows now deal different damage based on their type. Ranged attack damage is now based on both arrow and bow quality.
- Animals will now attack nearby bandits.
- You can now place multiple ghosts continuously for all structures by holding Shift when confirming placement with LMB (or LStick Press + RB on the gamepad)
- Added a slider for the voice-over volume
- Added an option to disable controller vibrations in the gameplay settings
- Added an option to detect and set optimal video settings
- Added a ‘Reset to defaults’ button to gameplay, game mode, audio, and control settings
- Added a ‘Hide HUD’ button (F10 by default) to the control settings
- Added straw thatch and wooden roof variants for the Forager’s Hut building
- Consumables now heal over time instead instantly
- The Tavern building now hosts a tavern keeper service job
- Service buildings have their own category for furniture now
- Added new tutorials for the priority tab and legend (perks) tab
- Added new loading screen trivia
- Added bear sprint attack animations
- Added JizÅ figurines to the map
- Increased paper lamp light radius slightly
- Added a custom mouse cursor
- Added ramps to the Papermaker building
- Other important changes
- Improved aim with a bow
- Gloves are now a part of a clothing set - the gloves equipment slot was removed
- Resources like deposits and tree placement on the map have been slightly rebalanced to reflect the nature of each region better
- Sleeping regenerates health now, based on duration (better beds will return health faster)
- Improved scene lighting in the character editor
- Wolves and boars will not hurt their own kin when attacking as a pack
- Increased Monk XP for shrine discovery and blessings
- Improved item description UI in the inventory – it's easier to read and item stats have a larger font
- Adjusted gamepad sprint toggle
- Improved default icons for equipment slots in the inventory UI and for some Tailor recipe categories
- Improved male ragdoll animation
- Improved iron ore deposit model
- Rebalanced enemy monetary loot and drop
- Rebalanced trader inventories, leather will now be available sooner
- Increased HP penalty for eating poisonous mushrooms
- Improved perk descriptions to be more precise in some cases and to list effects per perk level
- Improved the Arrow Stand Furniture to correctly state that it is a random, seasonal arrow generator, and removed it as pre-placed furniture from the Armory – the recipe for it is now added to the Weapon Racks category
- Improved Aki and Fujiuchi trader inventories to reflect their backstories
- Added monetary rewards for some quests
- Combat fixes
- Fixed the severe performance drops when fighting in enemy camps
- Fixed the AI not attacking player in co-op when the other player was engaged in combat with that AI earlier
- Fixed enemy attacks sometimes not registering for clients
- Fixed the poise break that enemies may override with block or dodge
- Fixed clients sometimes not being attacked by enemies after reloading a save game
- Fixed animals ignoring player armour
- Fixed enemies not going back to their base after losing any aggro
- Fixed a bug preventing the option to disable friendly fire
- Fixed a bug with excessive damage for a third AI attack with a spear
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to parry fall damage and animal attacks
- Fixed arrows not hitting the landscape and other solid objects properly
- Fixed enemies not able to catch up with a player using a bow and backing up
- Fixed bows reloading not correctly
- Fixed that players turning away from opponents were on a soft target lock
- Other fixes
- Fixed multiple NPCs acting as player’s spouse (see below for more information)
- Fixed the spouse still carrying a child after putting it to the monastery
- Fixed clients sometimes getting stuck on a black screen when joining a co-op session
- Fixed changing furniture (like a bed upgrade) unassigning the worker from their workplace
- Fixed workers getting unassigned from their workplace when changing their sleep place despite remaining in the same village
- Fixed workplace furniture with 5 actions handling inputs correctly
- Fixed players with pre saves unable to unlock fish meal recipe after completing Ryujin quest (use the idle dialogue with Chiime to unlock retroactively)
- Fixed that a player would receive item and recipe rewards prematurely in the Wild Hogs quest
- Fixed refugee camps in neutral villages not spawning evenly and randomly across all locations
- Fixed armour recipes not unlocking when liberating the Aratani and Segi regions
- Fixed Masterwork Hammer's first-time craft award to 1000 XP
- Fixed the tool slot allowing to assign adze instead of axes for steel and masterwork quality
- Fixed arrow icons being too large in the ammunition slot
- Fixed teleportation issues in Wild Hogs quest
- Fixed a death loop occurring when using old saves with a custom game mode having modifiers set to zero
- Fixed the happiness widget being too small for some language versions
- Fixed wrong localization for deleting a save
- Fixed character rotation in the character editor not stopping when switching from gamepad to mouse
- Fixed controller force feedback triggered when using a mouse/keyboard
- Fixed the Shinto Miko using Amu Namida Butsu greeting, and will use a more standard greeting instead now.
- Fixed the items tooltip inheriting stats data from items they were previously swapped with
- Update v1.0.0.10:
- Fixed crashes (additional safeguards).
- Fixed luxury needs showing up as nil value (“0†).
- Fixed refugees spawning in insufficient numbers.
- Fixed the ruins in the enemy camp near Segi duplicating on save-load.
- Fixed a bow not dealing any damage when used with low hair tension.
- Fixed the quest hub description not displaying gendered text correctly.
- Fixed enemies wandering off from bandit camps (will only partially fix saves).
- Fixed the incorrect order of T4 and T5 kama recipes at the blacksmith.
- Fixed missing recipe unlocks in the quest flow.
- Fixed enemy bodies partially sinking into terrain.
- Added the Bamboo Ball crafting recipe.
- The new villager needs application delayed.
- Adding the fishing net crafting to the tailor.
- Made the bronze recipe and technology unlock process easier.
- Minor setup fix.
- Made Ako, Sayuri and Ukome romanceable after they became villagers.
- Rebalanced refugee encounter setup.
- Add recipes for the paper lamp crafting in the workshop.
- Remove unused cooking stations from kitchen furniture.
- Update v1.0.0.9:
- Fixed issues that could cause some of the crashes.
- Fixed that some enemies are not engaging in combat.
- Fixed the Enemy Damage Modifier setting not working properly.
- Fixed a debug visible on player character when turning on PvP.
- Fixed the NPC not looking at the player in dialogue with the client.
- Fixed the kanabo item dropped by enemies.
- Fixed sorting items without a default storage which made them disappear.
- Fixed drowning in the onsen.
- Fixed NPCs getting stuck in the ice storage.
- Fixed issues with cutscene subtitles.
- Fixed the poise armour resetting.
- Fixed physics on bandit pauldrons.
- Balanced drop durability.
- Balanced drowning to be less punitive
- Balanced SP worker cost for Large Bridge in Easter Swamp Region.
- Removed edges in path materials.
- Made the Herbalist Station mandatory in Forager's Hut.
- Removed pickaxes from boss loot.
- Optimized the ragdoll.