1. Changelog v2.2.11.124669
  3. New Content
  5. Adding in Crop / Biome / Weather Interactions
  6. Seeds / Crops now have optimal growth biomes, when they are not planted in the correct biome they will suffer a biome specific penalty, for example nothing with grow unshelted in the arctic
  7. Seed / Crop un-obtimal biome debuffs can be countered by growing crops inside a greenhouse
  8. Crop plots / Mounds now have a tier associated with them (shown as a stat) and their crops will take damage if they are out in the open and a storm of higher than their specified tier occurs
  9. Adding Upgrade Code for Existing Dirty Mounds so they are assigned the correct tier
  10. Adding new logic when placing dirt mounds or ploughing them with an animal cart so they have the correct stats and modifiers applied
  11. Adding UI on Seeds so they display their optimal biome
  12. Adding UI to crop plots to display their tier and storm resist
  13. Adjusting stat descriptions for crop plot / mound tiers
  14. Reassigning stats of shovels & crop plots so they match their associated storm tiers
  15. Unlocking all shovels at t3/4 and workshop
  16. Fixing shovel dig as it was assigning the wrong dirt mound modifiers
  17. Crop Plots / Mounds can now be inspected without seeds
  18. Adding new modifier on crop plots / mounds if deployed in the arctic and not in a greenhouse so players know crops will die
  19. Fixed ability to spawned ploughed dirt mounds and added new modifier to reflect
  20. Adjusting Item Popup so the optimal seed biomes are not shown for every item
  21. Updating Item Rewards for digging
  22. Swapped Damage Effect for Ground Dust
  23. Adding ability for seeds to have multiple optimal biomes
  24. Adjusting crop plot tool tip location so its easier to read
  25. Adding tier information to crop plot tooltip
  26. Missed files from last commit
  27. Fixing issue where yields of 0 can be possible when the yield modifier of crops was less than 1.0
  28. Crops will take damage in storms slowly if they are not the correct tier for the storm rather than instant death, this will regen slowly when not in a storm, this is seperate from the crop plots health
  29. Added small effect for when crops take damage
  30. Fixing Dead State Collisions for the Squash, Yeast, Carrot, Kumara
  31. Adding in world tooltip for crop plots to show storm damage and growth status
  32. Update dug hole modifiers for better desciption
  33. Update Shovel to Iron Shovel
  34. Update hand made hole to only reduce crop growth by 25%
  35. Fixed build errors - AIGrowth stat enum name changed/Itemstatic missclick
  36. Adding audio for crop plants taking damage and being destroyed. BP imp
  37. Fixed a typo in the dirt mound modifier
  38. Lots of improvements and additioanl layers and tweaks to the ice breakers footsteps. Multiple events. No longer linked to footstep event for better control
  39. Update tier display on building pieces
  40. Update stat wording for crop plot tiers
  41. Adding Storm Resistance to Crop Plot Inspection UI
  42. Update crop preferred biomes
  43. Increased The Excavator workshop shovel price and storm tier
  44. Update UI text for storm resistances and tiers, and related modifiers
  45. Crop plots crops will take 2 damage every 10 seconds if their storm survival tier is lower than the crop plot or mound tier
  46. Crop plot crops will regain 1 health every 10 seconds while not in a storm and they are watered
  47. While on an Easy difficulty crop plots will not take damage in storms
  48. Removed destructible mesh from the crop plot damage so only a particle effect plays now when storm damage occurs
  49. Removed negative modifiers from using dirt mounts & adjusted tierified dirt mound stats
  50. Fixing issue where you could not dig up dirt / sand / ice with a shovel
  51. Adding Modifier Sections to Blueprint and Workshop Tooltips
  52. Modifying wording on crop plot tool tips
  53. Added new UMG that collects all building pieces/deployables/active mounts and displays them next to how many we recommend before performance is expected to slow down
  54. Adding storm tier images to crop plot tool tips
  55. Fixed
  57. Updated credits section
  58. Kiwifruit recipes now use Mature Coconuts instead of Ripe Coconuts, giving players a bit more time on their decay to use them
  59. Fixed Kiwi trophy being unable to be placed on the ground (and able to be placed on a wall)
  60. CONCEALMENT: Fixed collection objectives being set to 0 requirements when not on normal difficulty
  61. Future Content
  63. Added mission text for ASHLANDS and ICESHEET missions
  64. Setup PRO_D_Research mission steps
  65. First pass of IceBreaker implementation
  66. Added projectile attack to the spider
  67. Changed texture group for IceBreaker textures, allowing them to be 4K. Added additional IceBreaker idle/attack animations to engine
  68. DROVER: Moved quest locations, fixed completion state
  69. CARAVAN, DROVER: Add locations and update quest steps to use base classes. Fix some collision for quest actors
  70. IceBreaker can now properly navigate on unloaded world tiles.
  71. Fixed issue with BTS_SweepBoneDamage that was causing actors to be damaged more than once during the cooldown period
  72. |Move Aerosol Emitter active state to single bool, for audio and particle sync
  73. COMPOSITION: Moved crafting unlock/lock to their particular objectives
  74. COMPOSITION: Added dialogue triggers
  75. CARAVAN: Setup dialogue and fixed some setups
  76. CARAVAN and COMPOSITION: Setup briefing objectives
  77. Added IK CtrlRig for IceBreaker (used up to LOD 1)
  78. IceBreaker now uses it's new idle animations. Increased blend time between various IceBreaker loco anims
  79. CARAVAN: Update quest steps / logic and locations
  80. Added new icons for character creation redesign screen
  81. Added further functioanality to the mammoth. Mammoth now doesnt automatically agro to the player but waits to percieve first.
  82. Arctic bats adjusted to spawn more the less ice armor chunks
  83. DROVER: Implement initial quest setup and logic / requirements
  84. First lot of WIP assets for the ice breaker footsteps. Nowhere near finished atm
  85. Adding aerosol emitter audio event and BP imp
  86. DROVER: Add dialogue and fixes for mission steps
  87. Update collision on snap actors to match if mesh is hidden
  88. Update Ice Sheet spawn map
  89. Adjustments to ice breaker audio footstep notifys. And adding shake notify to the slams
  90. Adding new Wiget for displaying tier on crop plots
  91. Added montages and notify setups for most Ape attacks / behaviours
  92. Add Prometheus part 2 mission recipes
  93. ABYSS: Clear mission debuffs and recipes on completion
  94. Setup Aerosol Emitter to be set active when first placed for visual and audio effects