1. Knights of Honor II Patch Notes 1.2.0,
  2. Mod support
  4. • Fundamental changes are introduced to how mods work. Mods can now be defined without copying the entire contents of the game’s moddable folders, allowing users to define only the changes that they wish to make.
  5. • Changing visual assets like icons and illustrations is now also possible.
  6. • Added Steam Workshop support to the game.
  7. • Multiple mods can now be activated simultaneously.
  9. A full guide on how to create mods, where to store them and how to upload to Steam Workshop is now included in the game’s installation folder, the latest version of these resources can be found here.
  10. Please note that mods are now located in a different folder, which means that any existing mods must be moved to this new location. We strongly advice reworking pre-existing mods in the new modding system.
  12. General
  14. • Characters and towns can now be renamed. To do so, press F2 while you have a character or town selected (the keybind can be changed in the game’s settings). This can also be done while hovering on a character’s portrait/name in the UI.
  15. • Mercenaries and rebels on your side can now also be set as reinforcements for an ongoing battle and will reliably do so.
  16. • AI no longer sends weak armies against much stronger rebel forces.
  17. • Pacts no longer end when their members declare war against each other. Instead, only supporters that got hostile are removed from the pact.
  19. UX / MISC
  21. • Added a handful of diplomacy reaction commentaries for relation changes, related to changing your kingdom's religion. Information about which relations were changed due to changing your kingdom’s religion has also been added to the action’s success message.
  22. • The “Construct new buildings” reminder message now resets also when you expand one of your towns by unlocking a building slot. The message has been reworded to reflect this change. Also, the cooldown of the reminder message is increased.
  23. • Religious tension is now shown with an icon alongside a province's piety income, in the Province Overview window.
  24. • Occupied provinces are now highlighted in the province overview window with a striped background across the entire row.
  25. • Updated the manpower column in the Province Overview window to show the total number of town defenders.
  26. • Updated the Province Overview window to show a siege icon for when a town is besieged.
  27. • When claiming autocephaly/subordinating to the Ecumenical Patriarch, relationship changes with Constantinople’s owner now work no matter what the owning kingdom’s religion is.
  28. • Knight hire tooltips now show how much would wages get increased for the specific class, upon hiring a new knight.
  29. • Marshal skills now indicate in their tooltips that they unlock the ability to lead an army (“Gather Army” action) for any class.
  30. • Various improvements to the visual behavior of the army reinforcement slot icons in world view battle selection and tactical battles.
  31. • Dead army leaders in tactical battles are now also shown as such in the top UI bar.
  32. • Upgrades in progress are now shown with circular progress bars in the buildings window.
  33. • Hovering on a foreign kingdom’s defensive pact now properly displays full information about each participating kingdom.
  34. • Adjusted the army reinforcement slot tooltip text to include the real remaining time for an army to arrive in world view while also showing the estimated arrival time in tactical battles.
  35. • The fame containers for great powers in the Great Powers and Rankings window/Emperor of the World vote are no longer colored when these kingdoms are led by players. Hovering on these elements now also shows a player-led kingdom’s vote weight as two separate values (split into “for” and “against”).
  36. • Added additional information in the crusade tooltip that shows if the crusader is your enemy, based on your kingdom’s stance with the papacy/the crusader's kingdom/the pope's kingdom.
  37. • Changed the coat of arms of Armenia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to be different than those of Zakarid Armenia and Poland (respectively).
  38. • Class level indications are no longer shown in female characters’ tooltips.
  39. • The battle estimation tooltip is no longer shown during regular plunder process (when no defending armies are involved or after they are defeated).
  41. Audio
  43. • Added new SFXs, ambient and a short melody to the Emperor of the World voting process.
  44. • Added basic interaction sounds to certain clicks in the campaign setup window (e.g., choosing rules).
  45. • Reduced the cooldowns for war and jihad-related music tracks, so that they are played more often.
  47. Fixes
  49. General
  50. • Fixed an issue leading to it being possible for two farms of the same type to be spawned in a single province.
  51. • Fixed goods with names including more than one word (e.g. Trained Horses) sometimes giving their bonuses more than once.
  52. • Fixed a bug causing buildings in progress to remain after destroying their prerequisite.
  53. • Fixed commerce resource rounding, so that what you see in the resources bar is the correct value. Previously it was possible to not be able to send a merchant to trade, even though you see that you have enough commerce available.
  54. • Fixed a bug causing the current food value to be displayed incorrectly when selecting foreign towns in infiltrated kingdoms.
  55. • Fixed the “Help our prisoners escape” action message showing no knight names upon success, even though there were escapees.
  56. • Fixed prisoners invited to court via the royal dungeon not having any skills.
  57. • Mercenaries are now immediately dismissed when they are finished with their tasks, instead of staying idle for some time (which caused kingdoms to keep paying for their upkeep).
  58. • Fixed mercenaries being sometimes spawned between a river and a castle, leading to issues with reaching and hiring them.
  59. • Fixed a bug causing the "Rhetoric" tradition effects to not show in the governing Tooltip.
  60. • Fixed the AI votes during emperor of the world not showing up when "proceed to next voter" is clicked and the game was paused. Also fixed a rare case in which you could pause/unpause the world view while an Emperor of the World voting is under way.
  61. • Fixed an issue causing town population to be lower than expected, after loading a save game.
  62. • Fixes to inconsistent hover behavior on checkboxes in preferences.
  63. • Fixed a visual bug causing a message to refresh needlessly when you click on its icon.
  64. • Fixed kingdom tooltips to display the correct information for Loyalist and Abandoned armies.
  65. • Fixed a bug with the "War Score" tooltip, where score values were incorrect if the player was not a part of the war.
  66. • Further fixes to quality settings not being properly applied when switching between title screen/world view/tactical battles (including fixes to v-sync being set incorrectly in some cases).
  68. Royal Family
  70. • Fixed spy kings inheriting puppets from destroyed kingdoms which belonged to the old king.
  71. • Fixed a visual bug where the "Available for marriage" status icon in the Kingdom selection window remains visible on an empty family slot.
  72. • Fixed royal families that are generated (e.g., at the start of the game) to sometimes have an heir that's not the eldest son.
  73. • Fixed a bug related to king and prince ability stars not reflecting the bonuses gained by the abilities of their spouses.
  74. • Fixed a bug causing rebelling important relatives to remain in their slots in the Royal Family window after their death.
  75. • Skills of princes outside the royal court should now properly level up to rank 3 when the king takes the Learning skill, and your kingdom has it as a tradition.
  77. Diplomacy
  79. • Fixes to relationship not changing properly when changing your religion to the same one that’s followed by your liege.
  80. • The “Open Audience” diplomat action is no longer available while the diplomat is being recalled from his “Improve relations” mission.
  81. • Fixed visual bug causing the Audience window to be refreshed when you click on a king's portrait.
  82. • Fixed offensive pacts being revealed incorrectly when a king dies.
  83. • Fixed relationship decreases not working when you execute a foreign knight in your dungeon.
  84. • Fixed invasion plans not being shown in political view (stances). Also fixed invasion plans not being shown in the kingdom selection window.
  85. • Fixed sovereign kingdoms being incorrectly displayed as vassals, in the defensive pact icon (top-left corner of the screen).
  87. Religion
  89. • Fixed patriarchs not aging in rare cases, specifically after claiming autocephaly.
  90. • Fixed Claim Autocephaly action to respect discount/penalty from Clergy opinions.
  91. • Players may no longer excommunicate themselves via the Ask for Excommunication diplomacy offer.
  92. • Fixed Writing skill not giving its books bonus for Shrines when governed by a Shaman. Now it gives its bonus for all religious settlement types if the governed province's religion is the same as the kingdom's one.
  93. • Governing a Christian province now properly gives +1 books in all monasteries (was not working previously).
  94. • Fixed a bug allowing the AI to send a crusade while papacy is destroyed.
  95. • Clergy opinion no longer increases when you donate gold to the papacy as a non-Catholic kingdom.
  96. • Fixed a bug where the Crusade tooltip did not display the current status of the crusade’s leading army (primarily during battles).
  98. Achievements
  100. • All kinds of vassalization now count towards the "Join the Dark Side" achievement (previously only tributes via diplomacy worked).
  101. • Fixed a bug where "idle diplomat" messages are counted towards "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship" achievement.
  102. • Fixed a bug where the "On the third day at dawn, look east" achievement was triggered wrongly when a player's army joins in a battle with a crusader army led by a marshal of the same player.
  104. Armies and Battles
  106. • Fixed an error that occurred when moving units from a town’s garrison to a knight without units, who has the Medicine skill.
  107. • Fixed reinforcing armies in battles not taking any damage when retreating.
  108. • Fixed the resilience bonus effect being applied twice.
  109. • Fixed the tooltip for army reinforcements displaying wrong information as to which the supporting army is.
  110. • Fixed fleeing armies being shown as valid reinforcements for a battle.
  111. • Catapults no longer get bonuses from morale (since they have no morale to begin with).
  112. • Fixes to how values are displayed in the breakdowns of ranged defense in unit tooltips.
  113. • Fixed an issue causing allied AI armies to not be properly set as reinforcements in worldview battles. They should now start traveling towards the battle as expected (but can also interrupt their path and go somewhere else, if they decide another thing is more important).
  114. • Fixes to game freezes during tactical battle loading screens.
  115. • Fixes to army pathfinding in worldview when ordered to go to/follow another army that happens to be passing through a river.
  117. Multiplayer
  119. • Network optimizations, fixing a rare bug causing the "Multiplayer" button in the title screen to remain grayed-out (due to game server errors).
  120. • Fixes to province visibility not updating properly when its ownership changes via diplomacy. Further related fixes were done in multiplayer when you have an army inside a town and the ownership of that town changes via diplomacy. This resulted in the army still being inside for the client (but not for the host).
  121. • Fixed battle estimation not being calculated properly in multiplayer, for clients. Specifically, when a siege switches to assault/break siege, or when a plunder was interrupted.
  122. • Fixed issues with certain texts not resolving properly in continued multiplayer games.
  123. • Fixed an issue with the “Choose Ecumenical Patriarch” window showing up in a broken state, when you create a singleplayer campaign from a multiplayer save in which you have a deceased patriarch (and you haven’t chosen a new one yet).
  125. Audio
  127. • A knight voice line is now properly being played when one of your prisoners manages to escape from a foreign dungeon via the "Organize escape" action.
  128. • Fixed the narrator voice line for one of your diplomats improving relations being played wrongly when relations are already maxed out.
  129. • Fixed mercenaries playing the wrong sound upon being hired.
  130. • War Declaration sound effect should now properly play when you’re declared war via the Provoke War spy plot.
  131. • Fixed missing fortifications upgrade/repair finished sound effect.