1. Cynthia Patch 1.0.9
  4. Patch notes 1.0.9:
  5. -Significantly reduced size of log file
  6. -Fixed an issue that caused the physics to not be properly applied to the "Tropical Blossom" costume
  8. Additionally we are seeing some comments about rare crashes that may happen during the game. Please, if you encounter such crashes on your device, send us link to your log file uploaded to Google Drive, Onedrive or you can join our Discord server and send the log file there (https://discord.gg/bWsKmxqFXq). This would help us a lot to identify what's causing the issue as we are unable to reproduce the bug on our side.
  10. Log file ("Player.log") is located under the path: C:\Users\{your_username}\AppData\LocalLow\Catthia Games\Cynthia Hidden in the Moonshadow
  12. Thanks and have a nice day