1. Update v1.1.7.7:
  2. no changelog was posted.
  4. Update v1.1.7.6:
  5. Changes
  6. Event Modifiers
  7. Loyalist Undead enemies no longer spawn in Monoliths.
  8. Removed
  9. Increased Favor and Reputation Gain
  10. Increased Gold Drop Rate
  11. Increased Random Unique Drop Rate
  13. Favor and Reputation
  14. Reduced Faction Gambler item costs by around 35% on average and made them more varied.
  16. Circle of Fortune
  17. Reduced the cost of most prophecies by around 30% (this varies case by case due to aggressive rounding).
  18. Reduced the cost of Exalted Helmet, Boot, and Relic prophecies by slightly more than 30%.
  19. Reduced the cost of Legendary Potential prophecies by around 50% in total.
  21. Merchants Guild
  22. Bazaar Favor cost reductions:
  23. Idols cost 600 (from 800)
  24. Experimental affix tiers add 300 to Magic and Rare item costs (from 400)
  25. Set items cost 240 + 4 x level requirement (from 300 + 4 x level requirement)
  26. Uniques with 0LP cost 800 + 4 x level requirement (from 1200 + 4 x level requirement)
  27. Uniques with LP cost 3000 + 1000 x LP^2 + 40 x level requirement (from 4000 + 1500 x LP^2 + 40 x level requirement)
  28. Legendaries cost 6000 + 1000 per affix tier + 40 x level requirement (from 8000 + 1500 per affix tier + 40 x level requirement)
  29. Exalted items cost 2000 + 200 per T6 affix + 1400 per T7 affix + 400 per Experimental affix tier (from 2500 + 250 per T6 affix + 1500 per T7 affix + 600 per Experimental affix tier)
  30. Listing costs remain at 25% of buy costs with a minimum listing cost of 150.
  32. Rank Requirements
  33. Reduced the reputation needed for most Item Faction ranks. Reaching rank 9 now requires 43% less reputation, and reaching rank 12 requires 34% less reputation than before. Changes are measured from previous Rank, not cumulative;
  34. Rank 3 requires 2000 reputation (from 3000)
  35. Rank 4 requires 7500 reputation (from 11500)
  36. Rank 5 requires 20000 reputation (from 37500)
  37. Rank 6 requires 40000 reputation (from 75000)
  38. Rank 7 requires 70000 reputation (from 125000)
  39. Rank 8 requires 110000 reputation (from 200000)
  40. Rank 9 requires 180000 reputation (from 300000)
  41. Rank 10 requires 320000 reputation (from 500000)
  42. Rank 11 requires 500000 reputation (from 750000)
  43. Rank 12 requires 800000 reputation (from 1100000)
  45. Loot Lizards
  46. Updated Loot Lizard occurrence rate changes (values are for level 90+):
  47. 4% fewer yellow and purple lizards.
  48. 27% fewer blue lizards.
  49. 25% more white lizards (the ones with orange beams that give Uniques).
  50. 7% more big green lizards.
  52. Other changes:
  53. Loot Lizards now wait 40 seconds after last taking damage before burrowing underground to escape (increased from 20 seconds).
  54. Lizards drop 2 fewer shards on average.
  55. Yellow, purple, and green lizards drop slightly more Exalted items than before.
  56. White lizards drop slightly more Unique items at level 60+.
  58. Bug Fixes
  59. General
  60. Improved character pathing across a number of scenes, improving map navigability.
  61. Fixed issue that prevented 'Chance to Shred Armor on Hit' from being applied to applicable base types that are class specific.
  62. Fixed an issue where, after dying to the boss in the Sanctum of the Architect, characters couldn’t move upon respawning.
  63. Fixed a bug causing the incorrect player character voice line to play upon entering the Shattered Road.
  65. Offline
  66. Fixed a bug that occurred in Offline mode that would cause the player to be immortal after going through a Time Rift.
  67. Fixed an issue causing Offline players to teleport back to End of Time when using a Town portal during a fight with Aberroth instead of exiting the boss run as intended.
  69. Skill
  70. Fixed a bug where Black Arrows created by Aerial Assault’s node Darkwing Fall were not able to be picked up.
  71. Fixed Aerial Assault not being able to go over gaps. It now behaves more like Fury leap.
  72. Fixed a bug causing incorrect player rotation when spamming Shield Rush with "The Rush of Sacrifice" node in Online.
  73. Fixed a bug where Runemaster's Hydrahedron was targeting an un-targetable ballista in the Argentus bossfight.
  74. Fixed an issue where the maximum companions stat would be displayed incorrectly on a Beastmaster with Artor's Loyalty or the Natural Bond passive node unlocked.
  75. Fixed an issue causing arrows to get stuck in the air after hitting an enemy when the player uses Flurry.
  76. Fixed Evade clipping through stairs and other ramps.
  78. Visual and Text
  79. Fixed a bug where the fly-by indicator from Void Rahyeh in The Black Sun didn’t line up correctly with its dash.
  80. Updated skeleton visuals, including adding a double stab animation for the Acolyte’s Rogue Skeleton.
  81. Fixed an issue where Gaspar’s beam’s hitbox did not always line up with its visuals in Online play.
  82. Fixed some enemies using outdated descriptions.
  83. For example, Void Prophets used the description of the old void prophets, "Always crits distant enemies", despite them having no such effect.
  84. Fixed an issue where Phoenix Shrine could block the view of Runes that Runemasters could have above their character.
  85. Fixed a visual bug where some fire torches appeared bright pink.
  86. Fixed a bug where multiple Forgotten Knights could appear on top of each other in the Shattered Road.
  87. Fixed an issue where the Boss Ward bar would not animate.
  88. Fixed a bug where in the second Quest Echo of Reign of Dragons, a VFX would never disappear during the Lightning Dragons fight. Also fixed a bug where the Lightning Dragons' shake attack would sometimes produce ability indicators that did not disappear afterwards.
  89. Fixed an issue where the tooltip for the 'Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits' stat was missing in the character stats menu.
  91. Shrines
  92. Fixed a bug where shrines would spawn items in inaccessible areas in the Majel'ka Slums.
  93. Fixed an issue that prevented the Reclamation Shrine displaying the visuals for its beam.
  94. Fixed a bug where shrines could be placed on top of each other and other random encounters such as Nemesis in Temporal Sanctum in Online.
  95. Fixed cases where shrines and Nemeses could spawn in inaccessible locations in the Ice Caverns.
  97. Controller
  98. Fixed an issue where the Bazaar menu could not be navigated when using a controller.
  99. Fixed a controller targeting issue when using Terrify.
  100. Fixed a controller navigation issue where you cannot navigate down from the second specialized skill in the skill slot.
  101. Fixed an issue where abilities couldn't be used with a controller after navigating the action bar.
  102. Fixed several issues with controller navigation of the Passive Tree panel.
  103. Fixed a bug that prevented reaching the Party panel when using a controller.
  104. Fixed an issue where the prompt for additional information in Skill Nodes in Skill Trees wouldn’t change when using a controller.
  105. Fixed a gamepad-related crash that could occur while opening the radial menu.
  106. Improved controller navigation of the Stash menu. Pressing Y/Triangle while hovering over a tab in the stash menu now opens the configuration window for that tab.
  107. Fixed a controller issue where the screen keyboard showed incorrect icons, and also adjusted the size of the screen keyboard keys.
  109. UI
  110. Changed the Dungeon Key & Tier Selection UI so that it no longer shows for everyone in a party, preventing confusion about whether everyone in a party had to expend a dungeon key.
  111. Items duplicated via Rune of Creation or Lightless Arbor now properly show their mirrored images in the Bazaar UI.
  112. Fixed Class Masteries’ descriptions appearing squished and made UI scaling improvements.
  113. Fixed a UI scaling issue that could lead to the minimap appearing to move outside of its frame.
  114. Fixed a bug with the Loot Filter rule UI where the color picker would sometimes be visible for “show” rules.
  115. Fixed a bug where the Observatory reroll constellation button could not be interacted with in some circumstances.
  116. Updated confirmation popup for selecting a Mastery to make it clear which Mastery you are selecting.
  117. Fixed the Mastery selection panel for Acolyte showing the old icon for Reaper Form.
  118. Fixed the Mastery selection panel and the Passive Tree side banner showing the old icon for Forge Strike.
  119. Fixed a bug where clicking Empower on a Nemesis panel would reopen it.
  120. Improved item tooltip interaction behaviour.
  121. CTRL then ALT shows ranges with comparison, while ALT then CTRL shows ranges without comparison.
  122. Fixed an issue with the close button access in tutorial tooltips where the visual button did not line up with the actual area that could be interacted with.
  124. Performance
  125. Made performance improvements to the Character Select screen and several in-game scenes.
  126. Added further performance improvements related to opening the Stash.
  128. Update v1.1.7.5:
  129. Changes
  130. Loyalist Undead
  131. Magic loyalist undead have 31% less health at level 60 and below, scaling to 18% less health at level 100.
  132. Rare loyalist undead have 15% less health at level 60 and below, scaling to 5% less health at level 100.
  133. Magic loyalist undead deal 7% less damage.
  134. Rare loyalist undead deal 9% less damage
  135. Reduced the maximum amount of magic loyalist undeads each pack can spawn with. On average this means their spawn rate is reduced by 13%
  137. Transfusion Casket
  138. Deal 10% less damage.
  139. Rare versions deal 16% less damage.
  140. Unearthed Bonespike deals 14% less damage.
  141. All these changes are mutually multiplicative, so Unearthed Bonespikes from a rare Transfusion Casket deals about 50% less damage.
  143. Acid Trap mod
  144. Acid traps last a maximum of 15 seconds (from 20).
  145. Magic loyalist undead throw 30% fewer acid traps.
  147. Lightning Retaliation mod
  148. Lightning bolts from rare loyalist undead produce 3 sparks, from 4.
  149. Sparks from lightning bolts from rare loyalist undead last 4 seconds (from 6).
  150. Rare loyalist undead retaliate with lightning bolts about 12% less frequently.
  152. Bug Fixes
  153. Fixed obstacle checks for dash skills, such as evade and shift, being much harsher than in 1.1.
  154. Prior to this fix, these skills stopped at the edge of any obstacle, meaning that you couldn't evade through small obstacles or the corners of walls.
  156. Fixed a bug that made buffs and debuffs (including Shrines) seem to persist between zones erroneously in Online play.
  157. Now those icons are shown correctly cleared from the UI on zone changes. Active buffs still carry over between zones in Offline play as before.
  159. Fixed a bug where Warpath cast directly by the player was benefitting
  160. from the damage bonus applied to Warpath from shrines, and this bonus
  161. also incorrectly applied even after the shrine ended.
  162. Fixed a bug where Warpath's echoes damaged enemies near the player instead of at the echo's position.
  163. Fixed certain idol affixes being missing from the Bazaar selector.
  164. Increased damage over time.
  165. Elemental resistance.
  167. Fixed an issue where the waypoint was flickering in Champion Gate and The Frozen Roots.
  168. Fixed missing images in the game guide.
  169. Stash Priority, Loot Lizards, Shrines.
  171. Fixed an issue where a white box would appear on the loading screen while transitioning between scenes.
  172. Fixed a bug that allowed skipping the fight with Haruspex Orian.
  173. Fixed a bug where killing your first Harbinger didn’t always correctly count for progression in the Forgotten Knight’s faction.
  174. This caused players to join the Faction but be at rank 0 instead of 1.
  176. Fixed a bug where Harbinger’s Crest didn’t block the Harbinger from spawning if a player was rank 0 in the Forgotten Knight’s faction.
  177. Fixed an issue with correctly switching between multiple controllers’ input.
  178. Fixed a case where the tooltip in the inventory would close when another player exited/entered the targeting area.
  179. Reduced lag spikes when encountering loot lizards.
  181. Update v1.1.7.4:
  182. Bug Fixes
  183. Reduced frame-lag that would happen when switching stashes via the cycle dropdown. Also reduced frame-lag when adding or interacting with stash tabs or categories.
  185. Update v1.1.7.3:
  186. Reverted stash tab optimization changes due to inventory graphical issues. We will continue investigating this to get a new fix out as soon as possible.
  188. Update v1.1.7.2:
  189. Changes
  190. Reworked the Isle of Storms quest, to avoid a possible progression block. The entire collect the Moon Fragments step has been removed, along with the two altars. The portal to Lagon's Temple now appears right after speaking with Liath in the Moonlit Shrine.
  191. Your efforts to unburden all the Loot Lizards of Eterra have been paying off! Many of the Loot Lizards are now safely back at home having been freed of their burdens. In response, the factions employing them are becoming more wary of sending their Lizards into the world.
  192. Blue and White Loot Lizards now start spawning in area level 12 and above. This prevents players finding Idols before having any Idol slots unlocked in normal gameplay scenarios
  193. Loot Lizards spawn less frequently, especially in the campaign
  194. Loot Lizard shrines are less common, especially in the early game
  195. Fewer lizards are blue, this makes the other types more common.
  196. All Loot Lizards, other than the blue lizard, drop more of their main types of loot.
  197. Lizard shrines are less common, especially early in the game
  198. All Loot Lizards drop more crafting materials
  200. Bug Fixes
  201. Fixed item labels being spread too far apart for many users.
  202. Reduced frame-lag that would happen when switching stashes via the cycle dropdown. Also reduced frame-lag when adding or interacting with stash tabs or categories.
  203. Fixed case with passive trees where two passive points of a node would be respecced instead of only one. Also fixed a case where pressing "enter" while confirming to respec a single node would result in a respec of all nodes.
  204. Fixed Gambler items overlapping after refresh.
  205. Fixed an issue where the keybind menu could break after re-entering the game through character selection.
  207. Update v1.1.7.1:
  208. Bug Fixes
  209. - Fixed a display bug where passives were displaying incorrectly
  211. Update v1.1.7
  213. Update v1.1.6.2:
  214. Bug Fixes
  215. Fixed a bug which could cause Fire Aura to stop dealing damage
  216. Fixed an issue where targeting for skills were broken for gamepad
  218. Update v1.1.6.1:
  219. Fixed an issue where the Coral Pools zone could fail to load
  221. Update v1.1.6:
  222. Changes
  223. Controller
  224. Turning is now allowed while casting skills, even if you cannot move, by pointing the left stick to the direction you want to turn.
  225. When using a controller the Radial Menu now opens when pressing the assigned button once, instead of holding the button. It can be closed by pressing the button again.
  226. Fixed Sanctuary of Eterra UI Panel not working with controllers.
  227. Opening the Inventory on controller now highlights the last active location.
  228. Added fixes for navigating the factions UI while using a controller.
  229. Fixed collision issues when navigating the Shattered Road.
  230. Improved map panning with controller. Map will now pan slower when zoomed in and faster when zoomed out. No change at default zoom level.
  232. UI Changes
  233. Fixed Item Tooltip position when hovering over items on the ground.
  234. Fixed a bug where if the player clicked on an item within pickup range they would move to that item's location after picking it up.
  235. Fixed a bug that would stop you from moving when clicking a button over items dropped in the world.
  236. Updated Blessing swap confirmation to only play the animation if changing to a new Blessing.
  237. Fixed a bug where the Blessing panel could still be interacted with after confirming a selection.
  238. Fixed an issue where loot labels could be displayed too large.
  239. Fixed an issue where the "Display Damage Numbers" setting's UI checkbox would not visually toggle on, even though it was actually updating the setting.
  240. Removed Waypoint indicator from the Graveyard location on the World Map. This location never had a Waypoint.
  241. Fixed an issue where the map pan speed was not matching the mouse movement speed when zoomed in or out.
  242. Fixed some overlap issues with Circle of Fortune prophecy stars.
  244. Bug Fixes
  245. Forgotten Knight Faction
  246. Fixed Forgotten Knight Faction data loss bug which would occur when a formerly hardcore character dies.
  247. This fix unfortunately does not restore the previously lost data however the team is looking into ways to address this separately and has a log of all affected players. We will update players when this fix has been deployed.
  248. Fixed a bug where the Rank 7 bonus from Forgotten Knights was not granting additional Corruption per Gaze of Orobyss.
  249. Fixed a bug where Forgotten Knights faction could be progressed despite not meeting the Corruption requirement when killing a Harbinger. This could happen if an alt character killed a level 90 Timeline Harbinger to join the faction and that Timeline had not yet been done previously.
  251. Monoliths, Arenas, Dungeons
  252. Fixed cases where Arenas would not advance to the next wave.
  253. Fixed several Objective and Shrine spawner issues in many Monolith zones and added spawners to fix bugs or improve the play experience of these zones.
  254. Added Patrol Objective spawners in Imperial Barren Slums, Imperial Warcamp and Imperial Boreal Forest.
  255. Added more Shrine spawn points to Bloodworks, Festering Sewers, and Hidden Oasis.
  256. Added more Boss Objective spawn points to Haunted Reef.
  257. Fixed several issues in Lightless Pits and Jagged Outskirts.
  258. Fixed Patrol Objective spawners in Serpentine Desert and Willow Marsh.
  259. Fixed Patrol spawners in the Burning Forest and Festering Sewers.
  260. Fixed several Spire and Player spawn points in Forgotten Graves.
  261. Removed Solarum Ascent and Canyon Stronghold from the Monolith pool as the designs were old and no longer fit our Monolith standards. We're making new zones with similar aesthetics to replace them.
  262. Void Spires no longer spawn enemies.
  263. Spires stop targeting the player when they have not been in combat for a short time, so these Void Spires spawning enemies would often create a situation where it was impossible for the Spire to stop targeting the player.
  264. Fixed an issue where the Temple Guardian in the Monolith got attacked by other enemies.
  265. Fixed an issue where the totems during Gaspar Husk fight were registered as allies.
  266. Fixed an issue where Idols in Void Harton encounter would incorrectly show where their abilities are coming from.
  268. General
  269. Adjusted Nemesis functionality: If a Nemesis dies after you have died and there are no other living players in the area, it wont drop its items. This is so it can be fought again in the future to obtain those items.
  270. Fixed a bug where enemies killed by Lightning Bolts from Unbalanced Scale node in Smite had an incorrect on hit and death VFX.
  271. Improved performance for several VFX and ailments.
  272. Fixed an issue where having too high attack speed could cause Flurry to skip attacks.
  273. Fixed an issue where using a Rune of Ascendance would consume the assigned glyph.
  274. Fixed a bug where the upgrade button in the Forge would not show up for a certain shard when using the Rune of Refinement.
  275. Fixed an issue where the Doom Pulses from Celestial Doom unique staff could sometimes be destroyed by ground colliders.
  276. Fixed an issue where some eggs in The Coral Pools during the “To Shell With It” quest were not interactable.
  277. Fixed an issue where MTX weapon skins could be rotated the wrong way on the character.
  278. Fixed a bug where some visuals would display over the Bulwark of Ruin cosmetic shield