1. Patch Notes 1.08.1: TL;DR
  3. very very very smol patch today
  5. Balance Changes
  6. BASHO Core — better quickboost EN cost
  7. NACHTREIHER lightweight biped legs — more AP
  8. VE-42A heavyweight biped legs — more AP
  9. ACS Staggering — altered for the case when you get hit multiple times simultaneously
  11. Bug Fixes
  12. Hitboxes for certain frame parts was patched up (almost certainly BASHO core)
  13. Decals can no longer break the layer limit
  14. "Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash under specific circumstances"
  15. Fixed a bug where other ACs didn't display right in online modes
  17. Ranked NEST Mode — Rank Reset time!
  18. Special nameplates are handed out to S-Ranks who placed 1st, or in the top 10, or in the top 100 respectively
  19. All S-Ranks get demoted to Rank A3
  20. Ranks A4 and A3 get demoted to A2
  21. Ranks A2, A1, A0, and B4 all get demoted to B3
  22. Ranks B2 and below are untouched