1. Garden In! - PATCH
  2. Hello and thank you for your patience!
  3. This patch took quite a while to come out because we had to revamp some older systems in order to fix a couple of nasty bugs.
  5. Changes and Updates
  6. Decreased the petting timer for all plants
  7. This means that the plants might want to be petted more frequently :)
  8. Added sound to the furniture navigation arrows, which were previously missing
  11. Bug Fixes
  12. Fixed a very tedious bug that prevented the unlock of the achievement "Love & Science"
  13. If you have already completed all the research, it should unlock itself automatically when you open the game
  14. Fixed a bug that prevented the unlock of the achievement "Perfectionist"
  15. Fixed a nasty bug that stopped the princess Princess Hair growth under specific circumstances
  16. Now the plant can normally grow again, and the ones that were bugged should grow again! :)
  17. Fixed the plant calculation for the achievement of "Balcony Optimizer"
  18. Fixed a bug that under specific circumstances prevented the unlock of the achievement "Room Revealer"
  19. If you have already unlocked all the rooms, it should unlock itself automatically
  20. Fixed a bug that interfered with the insect's sounds when spawning and when being sprayed
  21. Fixed a bug that would stop the sound of the watering can while being used
  22. Fixed an error with the soil text being wrongly spaced inside the focus menu in some languages
  23. Fixed a bug that prevented the use of the scroll bar inside the herbarium if you selected the air plants tab
  24. Fixed a bug that made it possible to place various objects using "CTRL" on the tree and on the bushes inside the Garden area
  25. Fixed a bug that blocked the cursor icon when dragging or using certain items
  26. Fixed an error with the herbarium description being wrongly spaced in some languages
  29. Known Issues
  30. The "Mute when not focused" button on the options screen is not yet translated
  33. That's all for now, we plan on releasing minor hotfixes while we prepare more content and future updates.
  35. Thank you for playing Garden In!
  37. -The Dramatic Iceberg Team