- Changelog v1.3.0.111847
- New/Galileo/DLC
- Fixing FishData pointing to the incorrect fish causing double ups in the fishing records
- Fixing issue where Fish that have not been added to the game where being displayed in the bestiary
- Adjusting FishData table validation to show issues where fish have / haven't been added to the game
- Colour adjustments to saltwater fish
- Bestiary landing page image adjusted
- Adjust the Fish Quaility and catch rate equation to balance out the quaility of catches for both low end rods & talents to high end rods and talents
- Added pronghorn creatures to PFG/Bestiary
- D_BestiaryData updated
- Fixed the scale of dark paintings so the image fits the frame
- Landshark added to bestiary images
- D_Bestiary updated with new creature images
- saving bestiary scenes
- Changed painting scale to fix protruding pictures from the frames
- Greatly increased the effectiveness of lures.
- Fixed some lure stats.
- Rebalanced recipes on lures, ensuring lures of a similar tier have similar costs, and lower tier lures cost less.
- Reorganized lures so they show in order of tier and stat
- Removed the bonus fish quality provided by the base fishing rod.
- Reduced the fish quality provided by rare fish lures but greatly increased the rare fish chance.
- Lowered the fish quality provided by talents
- Changed inspect to stop inspecting once you press left or right mouse button rather than after a short delay
- Updating Fish Utility Widget for Zone counts so it displays percentages next to zones and all terrains now have their own column
- Fixed missing fishing zone data for Olympus and Styx
- Add editor debugging for fishing zones in Lakes and Rivers
- Standardized Fishing Zone Quality values to 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7
- Added a small build up to the unlock bestiary sound since the visuals start earlier. This ties in better to the UI
- Fix Fish03_Var2 pointing to Var1 icon
- Update fish spawn zones to ensure that each fish is in at least 1 mid or high quality zone
- Removed 2 extra still frames on first person reel anim
- Changed the animation blend float on the rod to match arm reel anims
- Slowed the fishing rod reel animation to match the speed of the arms
- Adding Pronghorn bestiary cre event and data table entry
- Added missing material function used for fishing line
- Increase all 0.5 fish zone quality to 0.6 per balance tweaks
- Increased fishing max_quality_roll constexpr to 135 from 120. When calculating upper range limit when rolling fish quality, values above 100 are now reduced by 90% (150 becomes 105)
- Readded timer event time based on fishing rod (was removed for debugging purposes)
- Added VFX for Fishing, LureHit, LureGrab and Thrashing
- Updated Decorations pack PackageData row to use correct Steam Package ID
- Adjusted the timing of the Rod Reeling animation to match up with the hand while reeling in, still needs somm position reset in between casts to ensure consistent timing throughout
- Deleted old fish recipes. - ADVANCED ORDER: Updated quest requirements to instead be a new fish recipe
- Updated task-list accolades to use an Icarus font for list items, also made completed items more readable and gave them a strike-through. Accolade task-list items now scale down to prevent text items clipping
- Added art icons for fishing talent tree
- Updates and improvements to fishing audio based on new vfx
- adding prometheus image to stage select screen
- adding prometheus image to stage select screen
- Added text "Press J to open Field Guide." for when a creature or fish is unlocked
- Reeling anim now auto sets back to its original position when reinitializing a reel animation so the fishing rod always syncs up with the hand
- Fixed Fish_13_Var4 D_FishData entry to correctly point to the Fish_13_Var4 fish item
- Fix Bestiary Images using the uncompressed UI texture setting
- Delete unused FieldGuideBackground texture
- Disabled the ability to reel while still in the 'release' animation so that the rod reel animation doesnt become disjointed from the arm reel animation
- Updated AllTalentsInTreeAccolade to only count talents that aren't blocked behind required flags. This means that the Blueprint Tree Accolades should no longer count Blueprints that require a specific player talent
- Item icons optimization
- Updated Fish Finder to say Low, Med or High for quality, including colored text.
- Updated Fish Finder fish list to always be ordered by the type of fish
- Small balance adjustments to fishing to better reflect vfx pass
- Reduced sizes of individual entries in field guide.
- Fixed highlight being stuck when hovering over bestiary entries on the stat screen.
- Added additional spacing for bestiary traits
- Removed Cave biome requirement from biome visiting achievement requirement, as players can not visit a biome listed as Cave
- Edited fish descriptions slightly to better match colour variations
- Re-added Pronghorn's desert Bestiary data, as they can spawn in the desert
- Fish thrashing particle effects are now only active when there is a valid fish on the line. Made MULTI_OnBobLure a reliable multicast
- Added skeletal mesh with start, loop, and stop animation for the T2 communication device
- Change the way creature images fade in as percent unlock increases to a basic black to color (Galileo feature level locked)
- Fix incorrect fish mesh assignment
- Fixing skeleton weighting for the T2 fishing rod to match the others during the bend forward animation
- Upping player max level to 60 for Galileo, and adjusting talent growth for both player & solo talent point growth
- Fixing up values in Accolades and adjusting Steam Values to reflect proper values
- Unlocking Paints, Painting Frames & Geode Lamps for their release with Galileo
- Removing Fish Dish and Crumbed Fish Fillet (Old Fish Recipes) from 'Yes Chef' Accolade
- Fixing Arctic Scorpions Carcass Description
- Swapping Fish Mounts Variation 1 & 2 because 2 looks visually better
- Readding animation and delay for opening the field guide to match the audio that is played when opened
- Updated Arctic Scorpion to differentiate themselves more from desert versions, they now have more health and projectile resistance, but are slower by default and enrage when hit.
- Arctic Scorpions now grant slightly more bones when harvested.
- Slightly increased critical area on scorpions
- Change fishing reset sound to only play if resetting a previously cast line
- Added Bestiary trait icons
- Update references to biomes not using text which can be translated
- Update fishing lure splash VFX implementation to replicate correctly
- Adding Fishing Lure attach audio event
- Fixing stretched bestiary image popup when unlocking
- Fixing 'Yes Chef' Achievement to remove New Frontiers Food
- Added manual invalidation to text boxes on UMG_AccoladePopup after initialisation, also added a scale box to title to make sure title doesn't ever obstruct accolade image
- Fix a crash when clients exit when a tackle box has been placed in the world (experimental build only)
- Field guide open animation fix
- Fish wall mounts are now correctly destroyed at 0 durability
- Update bestiary trait text for AP and explosive weakness to better communicate that it is a weakness.
- Disable creature audio button if bestiary record has not been unlocked.
- Fix bestiary trait icon being scaled incorrectly.
- Fix bestiary stat unlock listing unlock requirement as 80 instead of 100%
- Items crafted at the fishing bench can now correcly be destroyed to return resources
- Tackleboxes will now only drop items in an overflow bag when destroyed, not when picked up
- Fixed spelling mistake in Large Advanced Aquarium flavour text
- Fixed geode lamps not saving their enabled state between prospect reloads
- Widget invalidation is now temporarily disabled on UMG_AccoladePopup when widget is visible on screen, should fix issues where longer Accolade titles/descriptions clip or have incorrect spacing
- Fixed
- Fixing Carved Wood decorations to be called 'Carved' and not 'Caved'
- Fix Large Desert Antelope bones mesh receiving incorrect material assignment after refactor
- Fix ice/heat affect can jam onscreen when mounting/unmounting with afflications
- Various fixes to Stats data, descriptions, symbols, etc
- Formatted DataValidation event graph to be more readable
- Cull Distance on Waterfall BPs
- Improve constraint setup on Mammoth
- Move LightShadows option to be beside PlayerLightShadows option under Settings > Display and grey out PlayerLightShadows option when LightShadows are off
- Fixed enzyme geysers not loading state. This was being caused by attempting to match save data to geysers using UId's which were failing to match up. Have disabled UId matching in favour of instance name matching, as the geysers are static fixed objects which have reliable names
- Fix LC stalags referencing the same material twice on an invalid slot
- Extra safety checks for alterations benches to prevent a possible crash
- Cave culling distance settings optimizations
- Add culling distance override support to Lakes
- Culling settings on Caveworm BPs
- Delete faulty cave light setups
- Fix an issue with cooking some cave prefabs that was preventing all materials from being correctly applied
- Fix various edge cases with being mounted (or not) when entering/exiting/being in caves and lighting
- Fixing Dialogue line spacing being way to big which wass an issue caused by the last patch
- Fixed bug where mission boards didn't have their mission list updated when another board was interacted with.
- Fixed bug where drop pod dynamic lights weren't functioning correctly if the pod hadn't landed before (was spawned on ground by mission)
- Preserve tackle box contents (inventory) when the tackle box is destroyed
- Fixed quest objectives panel not appearing for clients
- Fixed environment temperature not updating on HUD for clients
- Fixed weight stat being visible on envirosuit loadout selection UI. Stats can now be flagged to be hidden in various UI elements via the D_Stats table
- Added source file changes related to previous UI stat hiding changes
- Added additional logging for failure to create unreal session error (error 005)
- Removed some caching of text from the chat box as it was causing messages to not show correctly
- Removed some caching with the displayed weight on the encumberance bar on the HUD as it was showing old values until animating out
- Fixed picking up a partial stack of items not triggering an inventory weight recalculation
- Fixed issue with pickup animation not selecting the right animation to play in certain situations
- Picking up items with both hands empty will now randomly select a hand to play the pick up animation with
- D_Atmosphere names are now FText instead of FName (so can be localized)
- Put some more bullet proofing around context interaction and entering/leaving photo mode
- Upping map level clamp to 60 in rich presence
- Removed spoilage from Pickled Freshwater Fillets
- The time remaning for resources (biofuel/water/oxygen) will now display correctly in the fuel inventory just like when burning wood in the campfire
- Fixed crash caused by the chat box once messages move beyond the top of the window
- Restored some caching to chat messages
- Fixed mammoth carcass fur not being cleaned up correctly.
- Fixed mammoth carcass not using correct carcass mesh.
- Dampened physics setup for mammoth's trunk
- Future Content
- General clean up, polished around megatree manual cave, foliage, resources and decals, Purple Quad, DLC
- Fixed a few typos discovered by the localization team in item and accolade text
- Adding broodling flinch audio and event and data table entry
- Adding first pass audio for Landmine
- Adding painting deploy audio and event and data entry. Also fixed some wooden items not having the small wood item deploy sound
- Setup for landmine audio, altered landmine item description, landmine will no longer auto trigger when creature enters proximity if player is within proximity. Optimized landmine VFX
- Deleting normie horsie static meshes
- Adding Normie Horsie skeletal meshes and variants 2 & 3
- Updates to the collision audio event. BP has been shelved until we can test further
- Aligned Prometheus Prefab Cave Entrances To Ensure the Player Overlap Modifers Happen at the same time
- Added art assets and updated BP for Rug_Jaguar
- Added art assets and updated BP for Rug_Cougar
- Added art assets and updated BP for Rug_SnowLeopard
- Fixed issue with recent ducking used which caused the crit hit sound to be slightly too loud with the increase of ducking other audio
- Added hanging ferns and roots/vines to manual cave and added rock formations to manual cave, Purple Quad, DLC
- Adding chamois variant flinch sound, adding pronghorn data table entry and adjustments and added missing reverb on flee audio and fixed flee using a loop state instead of a one shot flee event sound.
- Updating logic of lava flyers to play on event begin play and stop on detonation. Fixes issues with multiple lava flyers not triggering the audio and removes hack to stop audio when destroyed
- Enabled 2-sided DF generation on all MAC and IMP meshes, increased DF self shadow bias to 50 on all Cliff, CanyonWall and CaveEntrance meshes (GL, TU, SW, LC)
- 2 sided DF generation on MTN, Macro, DC CanyonWall meshes, increased DF self shadow bias to 50 on CF, DC cliffs (OLY and STYX)
- ADDING Lava flyer death and flinch audio event and data table entry
- adding male & female heavy obsidian armor skeletal meshes
- Added SM_BLD_Floor_Half_Wood_INT & set up Materials for Buildable Rework Investigation
- Increased the size of the bear rug and adjusted the shape
- Added art assets for Polar bear rug and updated the BP
- Fixed Collision Issues in prefab caves where players could get blocked by Macro Cliffs, Purple Quad, Prometheus
- Concrete BLD rework - added SMs, material, mask texture for Railing + RailingStairs
- General clean up of cave tunnels, decals and vines in Grasslands, Green Quad, DLC
- Added BLD_Stairs_Wood and BLD_Beams_Wood
- Added art assets for buffalo rug and updated BP
- Setting up test event for bramble foliage setup
- Adjustments to bramble loop volume and eq. Also lowered top end in footstep mud as it was too different next to dirt
- Adjustments and improvements to bramble audio. Added 1 shot with a cooldown at beginning of event. Added bramble tag and UE BP data
- Added art assets for desert wolf rug and updated BP
- Replaced Mask Textures for INT Wood Meshes & Updated Materials for Buildable Rework Investigation
- adjustments to bramble scratch audio and volumes
- adding male and female obsidian armor skeletal meshes
- General clean up around lava biome, on cliffs, resources and geothermal pools, Purple Quad, DLC
- Fixed Collision Issues in prefab caves where players could get blocked by Macro Cliffs, Purple Quad, Prometheus
- Update world generation to enable bespoke caves in Prometheus:
- Additional world gen step which combines in-world cave actors and any connected prefabs into cave groups which are deserialized as cave instances
- Updated cave prefab deserialization to ignore some components if they're part of a combined cave - flags can be applied to override this on a case-by-case basis
- Added editor widget function to assist world builders in initial required setup of cave entrances
- Improved the tear sound of bramble and also updated the creature collision audio for better balancing. Adjustments to both events
- rescaled prom image to pow2
- Creating new needler 'attack vocal' for ballistic whip so it can be controlled more. Also adjustments to tail whip volume based on amount being played to stop sounds being too much when multiple needlers are spawned
- Remove Vehicle Scale reference from RWVisualDebugger as indexing was getting stuck on it, and we have no need for it
- Adding lava hunter hatched egg audio loop and hatch audio and BP implimentation
- Fixed Collision and Seam Issues in swamp prefab caves where players could get blocked by Macro Cliffs, Purple Quad, Prometheus
- Updated Deer rug asset with more thickness, lower polycount, and normals fixed
- removed collision from deer rug fur mesh
- Updated cougar rug to match size and colour of the regular cougar instead of the alpha cougar
- Tweaked colour on dessert wolf rug
- Added snow wolf rug art assets to DCO folder and updated BP
- Added updated Alpha wolf rug art assets to DCO folder and updated BP
- Added updated conifer wolf rug art assets to DCO folder and updated BP
- Improve DF settings on several assets
- Improve collision on AlienBoneFossil meshes
- Disable RVTs on LOD materials
- General clean up, polished around manual cave, foliage and added cliff formations, Purple Quad, DLC
- Balance tweaks to the lava hunter hatched egg audio
- Added SM_BLD_Roof_PyramidHip_Single_Inverted_Wood_R, T_BLD_Roof_PyramidHip_Single_Inverted_Wood_R_Masks_AO & SM_BLD_Ramp_Half_Wood, T_BLD_Ramp_Half_Wood_Masks_AO
- Added fisrt pass of Iron Kit Assets as well as a test of BLD_Wall_Iron
- Small audio adjustment to brambles event. Also shortened the mushroom harvest audio slightly to accomodate better for the bigger tree mushrooms as well. Removed unused assets
- Updated polar bear rug to fix minor texture issue
- Fixed Collision and Seam Issues in Arctic prefab caves where players could get blocked by Macro Cliffs, Blue Quad, Prometheus
- General clean up of cave tunnels, decals and vines in Grasslands, Green Quad, DLC
- Fix manually lake spline generation editor button in WT_Lake which wasn't generating edge splines correctly. It now calls the existing generic spline creation function on the edge spline itself
- Added SM_BLD_Floor_TrapDoor_Wood_INT, SM_BLD_Wall_Doorframe_Wood_INT & Set Up Materials for Buildable Rework Investigation
- Concrete BLD rework - added SMs, materials, mask textures for window walls, angled + half pitch walls
- Fixed issue with predator bird idle audio sounds cutting off abruptly when crossing over various distant thresholds
- Cave Polish in Blue Quad Swamp and Regenerated Edge Splines in Prefab Caves LC_MED_004, 005 and SML_004, 005 , Prometheus