1. Version
  3. Hello executives,
  5. Today I'm releasing a patch to fix some small issues and changed a few game mechanics to make things easier.
  6. New features
  7. Added target direction arrow on fighters UI to show on the edge of the screen where the enemy is
  8. Waste ship is now constructed out of the side of the nuclear power station from the power screen, no need to construct from the trading port now.
  10. Game changes
  11. Dark storm generator can only be built on the HQ
  12. Bulkhead doors now open faster
  13. Updated unit icons for FPS mode
  14. Fighters shield multiplier has been changed from 1.0 to 0.4
  15. Super ships now have 2 modes, one for firing a target and one for blowing up the main asteroid
  16. Removed interstation panels and buttons on the tele-port
  17. Changed Quantum detonator icon
  19. Bug fixes
  20. Fixed cloaked station appearing on tactical map
  21. Fixed unable to shoot troop transports in space after reloading a game
  22. Fixed a break in the navmesh between the pads on the hulk ship
  23. Fixed a bug where the RTS menu wouldn't disappear when going into menu
  24. Fixed issue with telebeam
  25. If a Transgalactic laser is destroyed mid firing or being rebound the beam now gets removed.
  26. Fixed a bug where if you ally with another team only one of you go vision.
  27. Now says ground cap reached instead of space cap if building troop transports
  28. Reduced amount of rocks on missile outpost terrain to help with transport landing
  29. Fixed a rare issue when the trader sometimes didn't fly off
  30. Fixed an issue with hacking
  31. Fixed navigation issue with crates in Super laser facility
  32. Fixed navmesh issue on space mining drone control disrupting other buildings
  33. Fixed a bug where sometimes the destructible door was still visible for joining Executrons
  34. Fixed collision meshes in some walls like the listening outpost and mining outpost
  35. Tanks no longer drive through shield gen building and corridors
  36. Now saves Teleminer settings
  37. Fixed a bug on Tritanium refineries saying they are outputting 2 instead of 1
  38. Fixed recalled fighters not considered docked
  40. Apart from bug fixing I have for the past month been working on a new game mode which includes new units, buildings, tech, maps and a far more intense experience for both CEO and Executrons with less emphasis on gathering resources and more on base construction and strategies.
  42. The new gamemode is essentially a single map experience with either all bases on the same asteroid with a focus on ground combat or an 'island' style map focusing on space. You could say the new game mode is Executive Assault 1 but upgraded.
  44. The new game mode will work in tandem with the current game so you will be able to enjoy both classic Executive Assault 2 and the new mode but also enjoy all the new UI adjustments I've made to make the game easier to play and remove confusion such as a new quick design screen on unit constructors.
  46. I am also updating the graphics pipeline to Unity's HD system which will mean better looking lighting, faster frames and also make use of Nvidias fancy tech, it should also mean that you will get less crash to desktops as I will be using the latest stable version of unity.
  48. I will be sure to let you know how I am getting on and will keep you posted with more updates.
  50. Cheers.
  51. Rob