1. (January 20) Hotfix
  3. Fixes:
  4. - fixed a few issues with savegames that some users had and added a warning not to end the game during saving/processing.
  5. - fixed tutorial getting stuck in battle when taking more units than advised
  6. - fixed 'health' tool-tip locking in Polish
  7. - fixed a potential building/farming crash during AI turn
  8. - fixed tokens / workplaces not respecting 'blocking' gui elements, such as event cards
  9. - fixed battle zoom for gamepads.
  10. - added a new file to allow pre-release chapter 1/2 savegames to continue to the new chapters
  11. - fixed japanese language crash on upgrade radials
  12. - fixed 'pickup' hint cards showing in turn 2 of tutorial instead of turn 1
  13. - fixed a potential problem in Mission 3 that lead to a defeat once one of the regions was lost
  14. - fixed a potential problem in Mission 3 that lead to a rebellion in Havenhands counties
  16. Changes:
  17. - Added language support to the battle meter.
  18. - Modified battle card cycling with gamepad to be with triggers and not the bumpers.
  19. - Modified gamepad battle hints to not show when displaying battle information boxes.
  20. - Added battle zoom gamepad hint.
  21. - intro video now respects music & master volume settings
  22. - Added hot keys to end round (F4 or End).