2. ADDED: 3 different game modes for new game: Sandbox, Storyline, Creative
  3. ADDED: Atlantis Project campaign system
  4. ADDED: New character portraits related to Atlantis missions
  5. ADDED: New voiceovers related to Atlantis missions
  6. ADDED: New global map location related to management of Atlantis Project objectives
  7. ADDED: New researches linked to progression and unlocking of Atlantis missions
  8. ADDED: Several new cutscenes
  9. ADDED: Additional new map in recently added Polar biome
  10. ADDED: Colony advisor character to assist in certain stages of the game
  11. ADDED: New separate tab for Energy production buildings only
  12. IMPROVED: Upgrade bonuses display info now has correct calculation and gives more precise information to player
  13. IMPROVED: Rebalancing of environment points requirements by individual citizens
  14. IMPROVED: Hotel building stats and useability tweaked
  15. IMPROVED: Intro cutscene on Polar biome map
  16. FIXED: Numerous text and language errors, as well as several reported visual glitches