1. Version 0.1.28
  3. [Fix] When loading a save some things related to the station are not loading
  4. [Fix] When save button clicked multiple times in a row save is not completed and save file will corrupt
  5. [Fix] Drug dealers clothes are missing
  6. [Fix] You can add trash bag to trash bin
  7. [Fix] Customers sometimes peeing at wrong position..
  8. [Fix] Trash bin upgrades doesnt increase max trash amount
  9. [Fix] Blackjack is stuck when player is 17 and opponent is 16
  10. [Fix] Customers sometimes get stuck
  11. [Fix] Customers not correctly carrying bags
  12. [Fix] Hire pumper tutorial still visible when you have a pumper
  13. [Fix] Driveable vehicle fps position is wrong
  14. [Fix] Bill ui clickable from everywhere
  15. [Fix] Sometimes shelf can't accept the item but item removes from box
  16. [Fix] Sometimes some days last longer than they should
  17. [Fix] Missing review translations
  18. [Fix] Trash bag is so dark
  19. [Fix] Save slots does not show up sometimes
  20. [Fix] When entered to night club background music does not stop
  21. [Fix] Nightclub girl does not have a hat
  22. [Fix] Cashiers can interact with objects which far away from station..
  23. [Fix] Baby is not saving
  24. [Fix] If a vehicle destroyed while you are trying to push it circle get stuck on screen
  25. [Fix] Crypto panel has missing translations
  26. [Fix] Cargo man does not look to correct direction
  27. [Fix] You can put different gas pump to a vehicle
  28. [Fix] Zonama search bar does not work
  29. [Fix] Frame decorations shows preview after placed
  30. [Fix] While we are moving, we see moving objects flickering
  31. [Fix] Girlfriend panel sliders are interactable
  32. [Fix] When light intensity changed interaction sound will not stop
  33. [Fix] Sometimes lights does not close while we have electricity bill
  34. [Fix] When we have electricity bill cameras working
  37. [Changed] Vehicles shiny materials are back
  38. [Changed] German translations thanks to Pregon
  39. [Changed] Now, when we use the register we receive the money directly and it does not remain in the cash register. (if npc does it then goes to cash register)
  40. [Changed] Now if you have a electric bill security camera, cooler, arcade machine will not work
  41. [Changed] Max sensitivity increased
  42. [Changed] Now WC can be upgraded while occupied by customer
  43. [Changed] Cargo cart controls
  44. [Changed] Now if we are away from vehicle customer pay the price to the cash register
  45. [Changed] Driveable cars engine volume decreased
  46. [Changed] Driveable cars speed decreased
  47. [Changed] Crash sfx volume decreased
  48. [Changed] Bill exist notify delay increased
  49. [Changed] Sponge particle size decreased
  50. [Changed] Now you can add items from box to shelf with holding e key
  51. [Changed] Street light count increased
  52. [Changed] Some item icons
  53. [Changed] Load save menu, now you can see screenshoot of your save and the money you have
  54. [Changed] Now when you click the reset traffic button on emergency panel, vehicles who filling gas is will not destroy
  55. [Changed] Rope physics improved
  56. [Changed] When sitted to chair equipments deselected automatically
  57. [Changed] Cant be done notification for hose and sponge is delayed for exiting state vehicle
  58. [Changed] Now ordering furnitures for home increases girlfriend love and mothers mental
  59. [Changed] Now girlfriend doesnt dance forever
  60. [Changed] Now the lights come on earlier
  61. [Changed] Invert mouse options seperated
  62. [Changed] Lightning changes at night
  63. [Changed] Shiny terrain textures not shiny anymore
  65. [Added] Now when customer is used arcade machine paying us 5$
  66. [Added] Arcade Machine price multiplier to prices panel
  67. [Added] New ratings for arcade machine
  68. [Added] New ratings for bills
  69. [Added] Illegal activities, thief, events close option
  70. [Added] Shelf storage info to shelf panel
  71. [Added] Now you can delete multiple items in your shopping cart with left shift + click or ctrl + click
  72. [Added] 2 New decoration with changeable text
  73. [Added] Bench decoration
  74. [Added] Arm Chair decoration
  75. [Added] Gender Symbols Decoration
  76. [Added] Wet Floor Sign
  77. [Added] Flag Decoration
  78. [Added] New penalty for defiling the environment
  79. [Added] More babies
  80. [Added] New penalty for crashing into customer vehicles
  81. [Added] Now you can sell your items to the robot at warehouse
  82. [Added] Now you can look up while using cash register by holding right mouse button
  83. [Added] Now customers in vehicle use steering wheel
  84. [Added] Upgrade Track UI to upgradeable things like market,wc,toilet,sink,trash bin
  85. [Added] Now doors automatically opened if you get close while carrying an object
  86. [Added] Motion blur and close option
  87. [Added] Water particle to sink
  88. [Added] Street Lamp
  89. [Added] Tons of light sockets
  90. [Added] Dispenser add item sound effect
  91. [Added] Trash bin sockets to electric pumps