1. New Content Update!
  3. Hello!
  5. We've released another game update!
  7. [Weapon Changes]
  8. -Some weapons are now capable of inflicting status effects on entities. For example, some weapons can have a chance to inflict status conditions such as bleed, etc onto entities. These effects are shown on the weapon info.
  9. -Status Effect for entities: Bleed - same as the player's bleed status effect. inflicts damage over time to the entity.
  10. -Status Effect for entities: Poison - same as player. Inflicts poison over damage over time. No weapon has this by default weapons are enhanced with the poison kit get it. (We will add more entity status effects in the next update)
  11. -gave some old weapons bleed
  12. -Updated weapons hit ranges so longer weapons have longer reaches and vice versa
  13. -Weapon enchant (fire, poison, etc) is shown in the name "i.e Fire Axe" and if you have an affinity it is shown before that "i.e Heavy Fire Axe"
  15. [New Weapons]
  16. -Hunters Katana
  17. -Crystal Dagger
  18. -Scythe
  20. [General Changes]
  21. -dismantle ammo (makes it easier to obtain gunpowder)
  22. -New material: Crystal
  23. -Nerfed sewers - now not as big and tedious and easy to get lost
  24. -arms vendor sells scythe, crystal dagger
  25. -Updated loading screen tips with new ones to reflect changes
  26. -Blood particle visual effect (NOT the new status) when hitting entity will only appear if the damage is above 5 (prevents broken weapons that deal tiny damage and status effects creating blood pools)
  28. [Bug Fixes]
  29. -fixed multiplayer entity throw animation not playing for other players sometimes (visual bug only)
  30. -water/blood droplets colliding with the player
  31. -nailbox ammo increased to 20 from 15 as the item shows "x20" on the box model but previously gave 15
  32. -first aid pack voice playing a male-sounding voice even if you select a female voice
  33. -Fixed some typos
  34. -Fix crafted weapons not having a chance to get special affinities
  36. [New Blueprints]
  37. -scythe blueprint
  38. -Crystal dagger blueprint
  39. -craft air pellet ammo blueprint
  41. [New Entity]
  42. Crystal Golem
  43. Crystal gargoyle
  45. [Custom Loot System]
  46. Some enemies now have chances to drop certain specific items.
  47. Scythe clown has a 10% chance of dropping scythe
  48. Kid entities have 25% chance to dropped stuffed toy
  49. Doctors have 15% chance to drop medkits
  50. Fire Golem has a 5% chance to drop fire enhancement kit
  51. Mimic has a 100% chance to drop between 1-3 big material bags
  52. Mummy has a 50% chance to drop 1-2 bandages
  53. Yeti has a 5% chance of dropping frost kit
  54. Tormentor has a 3% chance to drop a fire kit
  55. The Poisoned has a 5% chance of dropping venom kit
  56. Sewer Monster has a 2% chance to drop metal chest plate, 4% repair kit, 2% upgrade kit
  57. Anubis has a 1% chance each to drop warp, ascension or descension crystals
  58. Hound has a 25% chance to drop a whistle, a 15% chance to drop bone club
  59. The Reaper has a 20% chance to drop amphetamine salts, 25% for cigarettes
  60. Crystal golem has a 12.5% chance to drop crystal dagger
  61. Deathmoth has a 25% chance of dropping venom kit
  63. As always, feel free to leave any game suggestions and bug reports for future updates either here on on our discord!
  65. Cheers!