1. Update v105195:
  3. Fixed a crash that occurred on Ryzen processors
  4. Fixed a rare bug that did not display any units in some replays
  6. fixed L22 gun (Centaur IV + CS Churchill & Cromwell)'s ammunition's supply cost, on par with its caliber. Hence increased.
  7. fixed ECLAIREURS-SKIEURS' number of weapons carried & displayed (two bugs at once!)
  8. fixed PZ.GRENADIER '41 (PzB)'s number of weapons carried
  9. fixed (American) AB JEEP COMMANDER's driver into an American one
  10. fixed D-CA ODDZIAŁU KARNEGO's availability from 2/4/8 to 3/6/9 on par with similar Soviet SHTRAF. KOMROTI
  11. fixed (American) AB PARAS's vet curve on par with British ones
  12. fixed HELLCAT F MK.II (AT rockets)'s speed on par with HELLCAT I one
  13. fixed SS-REIT.-AUFKLÄRER & STURMFÜHRER's MP-44 not having M&S trait
  14. fixed SHKODA S-35 KOM.'s missing Radio ... and Leader trait (despite being displayed as icons)
  15. increased the speed of several light infantry units which had been forgotten in the previous patch
  17. changed FS-JÄGER's MG-34 with MG-42 + unit renamed FS-JÄGER (FG-42) + price decreased from 40 to 35
  18. created a new FS-JÄGER (MG-34) squad with MG-34 but without FG-42
  19. created a new FS-JÄGER (ZF) squad with scoped Kar.98
  20. created a new FS-JÄGER squad.
  21. (1FJ) replaced 1 card of FS-JÄGER (FG-42) with 1 of FS-JÄGER (ZF)
  22. (1FJ) added one card (A/B) of s.FH 404 149mm
  23. (1FJ) added SDKFZ. 3 MAULTIER to the division
  24. (3FJ) replaced 6 cards of FS-JÄGER (FG-42) with 4 of FS-JÄGER (ZF) & 2 of FS-JÄGER (MG-34). That leaves only 2 of the current FS-JÄGER (FG-42), representing the rariry of that weapon.
  25. (3FJ) added 2 cards FS-JÄGER, vet-locked at 0 and from phase B only, representing the green 5. FJD recruits used to reinforce the division over the course of the battle of Normandy
  26. (3FJ) removed all cards of LW-JÄGER & LW-FÜHRER. Passed on to 21. Panzer
  27. (3FJ) added two cards of MAULTIER VIELFACHWERFER
  28. (4FJ) replaced all 6 cards of FS-JÄGER (FG-42) with 2 of FS-JÄGER (ZF) and 4 of FS-JÄGER (MG-34). The division had no FG-42 IRL.
  29. 21. PANZER REWORK:
  30. Be aware, some of those changes will affect your current deck, make sure to check it and replace empty slots before using 21. Panzer ingame.
  31. SDKFZ. 135/1 re-roled as direct fire support gun and moved to SUPP tab
  32. created a new LORRAINE(f) 150mm SPG, identical to former SDKFZ. 135/1, replacing it in the SPG role
  33. removed GRILLE from division (replaced with SDKFZ. 135/1)
  34. changed KÖNIGSTIGER's availability, from 4 cards of 1/2/- to 1 of -/2/4
  35. added TIGER E to the division, with two cards of -/4/6
  36. increased PAK 43's number of cards from 2 to 4
  37. increased REIHENWERFER's number of cards from 1 to 2
  38. increased U304 FLAK's number of cards from 1 to 2
  39. added 2 cards LW-JÄGER & 1 card of LW-FÜHRER, vet-locked at 0 and from phase B only, representing the disbanded 16. LwFD personnel used to reinforce the division over the course of the battle of Normandy + increased number of available DMA transports to accomodate them
  41. created and added one card of REKRUCI in B/C, representing Polish POWs and French miners of Polish origins joining the division over the course of the campaign
  42. added one card of A-only STAGHOUND
  43. decreased ACHILLES IIc' number of cards from 4 to 2
  44. added one card of WOLVERINE
  45. ALLIES:
  46. increased (American) AB SCOUTS' price from 20 to 25
  47. changed FORCEMEN (BAR)'s base availability from 6/12/18 to 5/10/15
  48. changed CRUSADER AA MK.1's base availability from 2/4/6 to 3/6/9
  49. changed CENTAUR IV's availability from 3/6/9 to 2/4/6 + price increased from 70 to 75
  50. decreased (all nations) M7 PRIEST's price from 105 to 90
  51. decreased LAGG 3-4 (with AT rockets) from 100 to 90
  52. decreased KV-8's price from 45 to 35
  53. decreased L3/35 LANCIAFIAMME's price from 20 to 15
  54. (9GCav) merged the two 1/2/4 cards of LAGG 3-4 (AT rockets) into one of 2/4/6
  55. AXIS:
  56. changed PUPPCHEN's base availability from 6/12/- to 4/8/(12)
  57. decreased PZ.VERNICHTUNGS.' price from 30 to 25
  58. decreased PANZERJÄGER's price from 30 to 25
  59. decreased FLAMMPANZER III's price from 30 to 15
  60. decreased SDKFZ. 251/16's price from 25 to 20
  61. added S307(f) PAK 40 some HE rounds + decreased price from 40 to 35
  62. decreased WESPE's price from 80 to 75
  63. decreased NIMROD's AP round's accuracy from 45 to 40%
  64. increased NIMROD (no HEAT variant)'s price from 90 to 95
  65. decreased (both) TANKINTORJUNTA's price from 30 to 25
  66. (5SS) increased PAK 40 75mm's number of cards from 1 to 3
  67. (Hart) moved one (unused) 3pt slot from AA to ART
  68. (16Pz) moved one (unused) 3pt slot from AA to INF
  69. (116Pz) add one card of JU-88 (4x250kg)
  70. (116Pz) add one card of JU-88 (28x50kg)
  71. (715ID) replaced SDKFZ. 135/1 with new LORRAINE(f) 150mm (see "21. Panzer rework" above) in the exact same role. It needs to be reaffected to the deck though.
  73. Update v103807:
  74. FIXES:
  75. fixed both RSI & ITA's BERSAGLIERI's AT icons: the one with an AT weapon didn't have it, the other the opposite. Display bug only
  76. fixed MONT. MITR. 7,62mm's weapon model which displayed a mortar. Display bug only.
  77. fixed HELLCAT I's 6x.50 cal's display stats issue. Now they are similar to HELLCAT II.
  78. fixed CENTAUR IV's aim tim from 6s to 20s, on par with other similar gun.
  79. fixed PANZER IV H's veterancy ratios for PzD "GD", 5.SS, Dünkirchen & 4. Munte, on par with other divisions.
  80. fixed PZ.GREN. (SCHRECK)'s NATO icon from AT team to Infantry
  81. fixed DECIMA's displayed weapon models (display issue only)
  82. fixed NISEI LDR.'s displayed weapon models (display issue only)
  83. fixed 72-K 25mm's picture
  84. fixed (US) ENGINEER LEADER's displayed hand grenades
  85. fixed (US) CMDT SAPEURS' displayed hand grenades
  86. add the KANGAROO RIFLES their missing AT icon (display issue only)
  87. removed all leaders & commanders the Raider icon when they had it: command traits already have their own rules regarding frontline, overuling Raider
  88. changed VALENTINE KOMROTI's coaxial MG from Besa to Browning, as historical for a Valentine VII variant
  89. ALLIES:
  90. standardized all M16/M17 AA halftracks' price from 80 to 60
  91. standardized all M16/M17 AA halftracks' base availability from 2/4/8 to 3/6/9
  92. decreased SHERMAN CALLIOPE's price from 140 to 130 (announced previously but forgotten)
  93. increased FORCEMEN's price from 30 to 35
  94. changed AB PARAS' availability from 6/12/24 to 6/12/18 + standardized vet ratios with AB PARAS (PIAT)
  95. increased TANKODESANTNIKI (and foreign equivalents)' price from 20 to 25, since PPSh 41's buff
  96. (Tyurin) unlocked HE rocket PE-3BIS from A, on par with AT ones
  97. (126LGK) added a card of VZVOD UPR. (= artillery leader)
  98. (SSB) added WYLLIS as transport option for FIELD ENGINEERS
  99. AXIS:
  100. reclassified DECIMA MAS from "Commando Squad" to "Assault Command Squad"
  101. removed SS-GEB.-PIONIER's Shock trait, restricted to assault pioniers only
  102. (GD) added a A-phase only card of STUH 42
  103. (PsD) added KOMSOMOLETS as transport option for 75 K/40 75mm
  104. (Raappana) added KOMSOMOLETS as transport option for 75 PstK/97-38 75mm
  105. (Raappana) added KOMSOMOLETS as transport option for 81 Krh/36 81mm
  106. (Raappana) added RSO HUOLTO as transport option for 155 K/17 155mm
  107. (17D) added KOMSOMOLETS as transport option for 81 Krh/36 81mm (both variant)
  108. (17D) added RSO HUOLTO as transport option for 152 H/37 152mm