1. Hot Fixes Applied!
  3. Thank you so much for playing MISTROGUE! We've received overwhelming amount of players, and we're addressing the bug reports and incompatible issues one by one.
  5. So far, we've fixed:
  7. 1. There were issues when the players from Mainland China access the game, the Unity SDK API interfered with its geolocation, resulting in the loading screen never progresses over 90%. It's now fully fixed.
  9. 2. There were reports of players with M1 Mac (and probably with Win Arm chips) whose installed game immediately crashes due to the memory bad access. Win is fully fixed, but Mac build is still limited without some of Title screen capabilities. We're working to build for Mac to resume its full Title screen capability.
  11. 3. Some pads won't be recognized as we only support the XInput mode for Windows build. Before we'll add support for DirectInput mode pads, please refer to some external libraries such as "Xbox 360 Controller Emulator" to make your DirectInput only pad to XInput mode.
  13. 4. Some areas of HUD (In Battle) UI were not registered to trigger the normal attack, resulting in the attack won't work sometimes. We've removed the raycast for these boxes, now clicking the minimap or similar areas will not block the normal attack.
  15. We'll keep adding to the list of fixes over the course of week, stay tuned! Again, thank you so much for all of your support for the game.