1. v1.0.13 Update Notes
  3. Overview:
  4. Thanks for giving the feedbacks to us, they offer great helps.
  5. - Fungus is weaker.
  6. - Heat effect is weaker.
  7. - Unicellar is stronger.
  8. - Lower the mutate genes' cost, especially the higher tier mutate ones.
  9. - Polish the movement mechanism
  11. Modifed:
  12. 1. Sporogony: the area is chagned from 20 tiles to 12 tiles, reproduce time(RT) is changed from 1 ~ 2 turns to 0.6 ~ 2 turns.
  13. 2. Sporocarp: RT reduce 25% is changed to Min Reproduce Range -0.5.
  14. 3. Nucleoid: now has RT reduce 50%, and can use other reproduce genes.
  15. 4. Schizongony: now has no extra effects for Unicellar.
  16. 5. Mitochondria: LT increased is changed from 100% to 30%, heat is changed from +5 to +2
  17. 6. Predation Collar Cell: LT is changed from 2.5 turns to 4 turns, effects for Benthos status is changed from LT increased 100% to 50%, and now has Tech Point increased 200%.
  18. 7. Woody Stems: LT increased is changed from 100% (only for Producer) to 50% (for all)
  19. 8. Mouth: Food is changed from Arthropod, Cnidaira to Herb, Fungus.
  20. 9. Now Migrate, Move, Predacate, Push will not make zone has a fragmentary resource any more.
  21. 10. Now Push by Ocrean Current and Typhoon will not make so many creatures die.
  23. Added:
  24. 1. Hot resist Terrestrial Skin: Mutate from Terrestrial Skin. Can offer Hot Resist and Terrestrial Effect
  25. 2. Cold resist Terrestrial Skin: Mutate from Terrestrial Skin. Can offer Cold Resist and Terrestrial Effect
  27. Bug Fixed:
  28. 1. Fix bug the mission in 4th planet will reoccur after reload.
  29. 2. Fix bug that some side mission cannot be complete after changing planet in a single run;
  30. 3. Fix a bug that some movement genes have no effects;
  31. 4. Add species move time property shown.
  32. 5. Fix a bug that some species will disappear after move or predecate failed.
  33. 6. Fix a bug that some species will been blocked if no available zones to move.
  34. 7. Fix a bug that species move time will be reset after being pushed.
  35. 8. Fix some localization words errors.