1. 1.2.6 Patch Notes
  3. - Japanese language added
  4. - Fix occasional crash when loading into conquest maps, or launching maps from the editor
  5. - Fix movement of Pegasus and Turtle units when ambushed in fog of war. These units are allowed to move into FoW if the target tile is not blocked. If it is, the unit is considered "ambushed" and placed on the last free tile in its path of movement.
  6. - Fix all HQ structures, not just the one of the current player, regaining health on each turn
  7. - Fix map design issues in Pearlescent Valley
  8. - No more combat preview tooltips or target highlights for enemy units not in line of sight of Riflemen
  9. - Objective texts are now updated properly when changing the language during a match
  10. - Tooltips in the unit info UI now always use the correct commander icon
  11. - Audio: changing tabs in codex does not play the sound FX twice
  12. - Audio: stop active music track when loading map editor
  13. - Audio: fix double sound FX with interaction menu in maps with free movement
  14. - Fixed quick play rating sometimes not updated if first player abandons the match (note: this is a server-side change and has been patched for *all* versions already)
  15. - Fixed bug which could cause performance problems and crashes when stacking buffs on units, for example with ranged units holding an attack boosting item and Emeric's tier 2 groove
  16. - Tenri's groove can not target kraken, its tentacles, and tentacled units anymore
  17. - Tornado and push/pull abilities can not target immovable units anymore, for example the crystal spawned by the Twins' groove
  18. - Fixed list of units (tentacles, crystals spawned by Twins) not convertible by Elodies groove
  19. - Fixed Pistils tier 2 groove behaving weirdly when used by AI
  20. - Neutral structures do not take damage anymore by slamming units into them
  21. - Fixed graphics effect of tentacles wrapped around units not being removed sometimes
  22. - Fixed bug in "The General" mission which could cause a story dialogue to be skipped
  23. - Fixed scripting bug which could cause bridges fail to spawn in "A Great Fall"
  24. - The correct weather setting is now shown in match info of a multiplayer lobby
  25. - Updated incorrect description texts of Nuru and Twins on commander selection screen
  26. - Fixed exit confirmation dialog opened twice when pressing ESC key in title screen
  27. - Fixed crash rendering preview image for custom maps in map selection screen
  28. - Fixed crash trying to run misconfigured unit actions on custom maps
  29. - Conquest: Fixed various bugs with the kraken mini boss and its tentacles
  30. - Conquest: Fixed smoke screen effect persisting until end of map
  31. - Conquest: Fixed issues caused by units loaded into transport units. Units are now unloaded automatically when progressing to the next event.
  32. - Conquest: Fixed units playing wrong animations sometimes after loading a new map
  33. - Conquest: Prevent some situations where the player was able to walk backwards on the world map
  34. - Conquest: Commander icon is now shown, instead of Knight, in the "vulnerable" section of unit info UI
  35. - Editor: fix waterfall decoration changing position when switching to Dungeon biome
  36. - Editor: in the unit palette tool, cycling through neutral faction does not reset the current selection to Soldier anymore
  37. - Editor: fix ghost shadows when switching maps in the campaign map editor
  38. - Editor: fixed cutscene dialogue box cutting through overlapping UI elements
  39. - Editor: fixed unit facing option not working correctly if language isn't set to English
  40. - Editor: Fixed crash when trying to edit properties of treasure chest