- Update v2.39:
- *Fixed an issue that caused an "Attempt to Save game FAILED..." error and returned players to the main menu when they attempted to leave an interior during an Aurora.
- Update v2.38:
- *Fixed an issue that caused an "Attempt to Save game FAILED..." error (as shown below) and returned players to the main menu.
- Update v2.36:
- Bug Fixes
- This Hotfix includes fixes for the following issues:
- Fixed an issue on Mac that could result in the application freezing when transitioning between load zones (interior to exterior, or between regions).
- GAMEPLAY, UI, CONTROLSAdditions and Changes
- [Holiday Cheer] Added a Festive Sweater.
- [Holiday Cheer] Added two new Festive Light Decorations that can be found in various locations across Great Bear Island and can be used in Safehouse Customization.
- [Holiday Cheer] Added festive touches to multiple locations around Great Bear Island.
- Added stacks of additional Batteries to the following locations, to account for long-running games that had harvested Batteries before the Trader was added to the game: Prison Interior (Blackrock Region), Main Hangar (Forsaken Airfield Region), and Hibernia Processing (Desolation Point).
- Added an additional description to the interface of the Furniture Workbench to indicate that in progress and finished Furniture can be found in the "container" portion of the Workbench.
- Temporarily removed Cougars from Coastal Highway until we can ensure the spawn regions do not conflict with common player routes required for Trading.
- Tuned values for Vagabond Soup, Porter Soup, Last Resort Soup, and Pemmican Bars.
- Tuned the Camera so that it no longer inherits the weight of Film loaded into it.
- Tuned multiple Trade exchange requirements with an emphasis on reducing the cost of trades involving Batteries.
- Tuned Timberwolf spawn values to reduce the chances of their appearance in Regions where they are able to spawn.
- Tuned multiple Decorations, Tools, and objects which had excessive Destroy time and weight.
- Tuned multiple items to allow for their use as Decoration items in Safehouse Customization.
- Adjusted Broken Soda Machines to allow them to be destroyed.
- Adjusted Stanchions to allow them to be destroyed.
- *Adjusted the "Big Cat Killer" Feat description to clarify it can no longer be unlocked and is a legacy Feat.
- Cougar
- Fixed an issue where the Cougar would sometimes incorrectly engage the Survivor in a Struggle after being shot.
- Fixed an issue where dead Cougars could replay their death animation and sound effect after a player transitioned to and from an interior.
- Fixed an issue when choosing a "Close Risky Respawn" that could result in the Survivor spawning into active Cougar Territory.
- Fixed an issue where Aurora Cougars incorrectly continue to glow after being harvested.
- Fixed an issue where the Cougar could be toggled on in Challenge saves created prior to first installing Tales From the Far Territory.
- Fixed an issue where the Cougar could be toggled on in Pilgrim and Misery Experience saves created prior to first installing Tales From the Far Territory.
- Fixed an issue that could result in the Cougar being present even when toggled off.
- Safehouse Customization
- Fixed an issue that prevented multiple wall-mounted Decorations from being placeable on walls.
- Fixed an issue with overlapping interface elements when attempting to Repair certain Safehouse objects.
- Fixed an issue where Junk could be seen overlapping objects during placement.
- Fixed an issue with Campfires which allowed Decorations to be placed intersecting and within them.
- Fixed an issue where destroying certain objects or Decorations could result in parts of the object remaining floating in that space.
- Fixed an issue where Ruined Fish could incorrectly be used to craft Mounted Fish Decorations.
- Fixed multiple issues that allowed some objects and Decorations to be placed through walls.
- Fixed an issue that caused some shelving to be oriented incorrectly against walls in placement mode.
- Fixed multiple issues with objects and Decorations which intersected improperly with the surface upon which they were placed.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in wall-hung Decorations shifting slightly after exiting and re-entering an interior.
- Fixed an issue where certain wall-hung lamps could be incorrectly collected and moved.
- Fixed an issue where certain Workbenches would yield two Vices when broken down, instead of the intended one.
- Fixed an issue where some fallen Ceiling Panels could not be destroyed.
- Fixed an issue with flag Decorations which made them difficult to place and prevented rotation in placement mode.
- Fixed multiple placement issues with Plates that allowed them to be attached to walls, and positioned under floors.
- Fixed an issue with the orientation of Horseshoe Decorations when mounted to walls.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in objects and Decorations becoming invisible when stacked or placed too closely together.
- Fixed an issue with Stage Curtains that resulted in them being difficult to orient and place.
- Fixed an issue with Stage Curtains that incorrectly allowed players to put them in their Backpack.
- Fixed an issue with Steamer Trunks that prevented them from being placed.
- Fixed an issue where some Soda Display Refrigerators could not be placed.
- Fixed an issue where Safehouse Customization could become unavailable to a player if they attempted to carry an item outside of the customization zone.
- Fixed an issue where Safehouse Customization could be toggled while using the Trader Radio.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect axe icon was present in the "Break Down" and "Destroy" options for Workbenches in Safehouse Customization.
- Fixed an issue in one of Mystery Lake's Cabins where a shelf was incorrectly oriented and could not be interacted with via Safehouse Customization.
- Fixed an issue where choosing to "Break Down" specific Drawers had no effect.
- Fixed an issue where plastic Milk Crates could unintentionally only be placed on walls instead of surfaces.
- Fixed an issue with multiple Signs and Picture Frames where debug text could be seen when looking at the Decoration.
- Fixed an issue where certain shelves would drop to the floor after exiting and re-entering an interior.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in bloody bandages remaining after choosing to Clear Junk.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple objects highlighted in Safehouse Customization mode not being interactable.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in certain doors incorrectly allowing players to place, move and destroy them.
- Fixed multiple issues in Blackrock Prison's Barracks with objects and Decorations that could not be placed after being picked up.
- Fixed an issue in Blackrock Prison Interior where objects and Decorations could not be placed on the floor of the workshop.
- Fixed an issue with the Moosehead Trophy in Pleasant Valley Community Hall which prevented it from being moved along with its mount.
- Fixed multiple issues in Forsaken Airfield's Hangar with containers which could not be searched or used as storage.
- Fixed multiple issues in Forsaken Airfield's Hangar with objects and Decorations that could not be placed after being picked up.
- Fixed multiple issues in Forsaken Airfield's Hangar with objects and Decorations that could be incorrectly mounted on walls.
- Fixed an issue in Forsaken Airfield's Terminal building where wall-hung objects would be difficult to place, and oriented incorrectly when placed.
- Fixed multiple issues in Zone of Contamination's Idle Camp where items could not be moved or placed in Safehouse Customization mode.
- Fixed an issue in Zone of Contamination's Concentrator which prevented many objects and Decorations from being placed on the walls and floor.
- Fixed multiple issues in Mountain Town's St. Christopher's Church with objects and Decorations that could be incorrectly mounted on walls.
- Fixed multiple issues in Mountain Town's St. Christopher's Church with objects and Decorations that could not be placed after being picked up.
- Fixed an issue in Mountain Town's Park Hut where objects and Decorations could not be placed on a certain section of the floor.
- Trader
- Fixed an issue where the Survivor could fall through the ground immediately after exiting the Bunker during the Trader's fifth Special Request.
- Fixed an issue where the Hatch Wheel could disappear from the Survivor's backpack during the Trader's fifth Special Request, making it incompleteable.
- Fixed an issue where the Trader's first line of dialogue can be heard twice when first contacting them.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Trader's fourth Special Request being incompletable. The request can now be completed on new and pre-existing save files.
- General
- Fixed an issue in Coastal Highway near the Southwestern bridge where players could get stuck.
- Fixed an issue in Pleasant Valley's Farmhouse Barn where a player could get stuck trying to drop down past the ladder.
- Fixed an issue where Notes found in the Blackrock Prison Interior were missing icons in the Survivor's Journal.
- Fixed an issue where “Fluffy†could incorrectly spawn in the Bleak Inlet Workshop when the player revisits this location.
- Fixed an issue where the number of Ptarmigan killed was not displayed in Journal Statistics.
- Fixed an issue where the Heatpad warmth bonus could be lost when swapping between multiple activated Heatpads.
- Fixed an issue where Heatpads were too large when displayed in the Inspect interface.
- Fixed an issue where Inspecting a Film Pack resulted in the item being scaled and positioned in a poor initial state.
- Fixed an issue where a "Deploy" option was present when viewing the contents of containers.
- Fixed an issue where interacting with a repairable object while holding a Lantern resulted in being unable to extinguish or stow it.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a missing "Required Material" icon when attempting to repair an item that required more than one Material.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in unlocking the "Something Warm to Drink" achievement after finding only one Insulated Flask.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in unlocking the "To the Teeth" achievement after finding only one firearm variant.
- Fixed an issue with the Nomad Challenge where time spent in the Stone Church was not registering, rendering the Challenge incompletable.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in an "Attempt to SAVE game failed." error message when moving Decorations stored in the Travois.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in items stored in the Travois disappearing after transitioning.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Vagabond and Last Resort Soup sharing the same icon and model in the Recipe Book interface.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Cooking Oil and Broth sharing the same icon in the Recipe Book interface.
- Fixed an issue where the Vitamin-C benefit of Recipes viewed in the Recipe Book was overlapped by the Recipe name.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Cured Meat and Fish causing Food Poisoning at much too high a rate.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to pass through walls using object placement and collision.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in stuttering when exiting to Pleasant Valley from any interior.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Fish from being caught in Custom Survival games.
- Fixed an issue with a rug in the Pleasant Valley Community Hall which caused it to flicker during and after being placed.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect and inconsistent exterior lighting when moving in and out of caves.
- Fixed multiple locations where Cougar claw marks on trees were stretched or warped.
- Fixed an issue in Sundered Pass where a Deer Carcass was incorrectly placed beneath terrain.
- Fixed multiple locations in Zone of Contamination where Pallets, Metal Sheets, and debris would appear and disappear when approached.
- Fixed multiple issues in Pleasant Valley, Forsaken Airfield, Broken Railroad, and Zone of Contamination where objects could be collided with, but were not visible.
- Fixed an issue in Sundered Pass which resulted in Aurora Wildlife glowing too brightly.
- Fixed an issue where Aurora effects took precedence over placement and Safehouse Customization effects.
- Fixed an issue where equipping a Bow and Tactical Gloves resulted in the Survivor's right hand appearing much larger than normal.
- Fixed an issue in Forsaken Airfield where an Oil Tank would become invisible when approached.
- Fixed an issue where the Pemmican Bar Recipe Card incorrectly referenced "Orca Bar".
- Fixed an issue in the Ash Canyon transitional Cave that caused a visible seam in terrain.
- Fixed an audio issue with multiple Signs and Picture Frames where the wrong sound played when Destroyed.
- Update v2.35:
- Bug Fixes
- This Hotfix includes fixes for the following issues:
- * Fixed multiple issues that returned players to the main menu with a 'Failed to restore the game from a previous save' message after transitioning to a new location.
- * Fixed an issue where First Aid Kits could not be placed on the walls of Trapper's Cabin.
- * Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly able to Pick Up or Destroy Buffer Memory Laptops. Players will now only be able to move Laptops.
- * Fixed multiple issues that resulted in warning messages being hidden behind existing menus and interfaces.
- * Fixed an issue in Mystery Lake, Sundered Pass and Forsaken Airfield where Ravaged Deer Carcasses would not appear as intended in Cougar Territory.
- * Fixed an issue where after killing a Cougar, a new Cougar would appear in the same Region much sooner than intended.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented Furniture Workbenches from being Destroyed.
- * Fixed an issue that caused Decoration placement to become greatly offset after Destroying or Breaking Down an object on which the Decoration was placed.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented Cougars from spawning in Custom Survival games if the 'Cougar Spawn Chance' setting was 'low'.
- * Fixed an issue where debug text could be seen when viewing the details of a WINTERMUTE save file.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented players from Quartering Aurora Cougar Carcasses.
- * Fixed an issue where Breaking Down a player built Workbench did not generate a Workbench Vice.
- * Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple objects returning less resources than intended.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented multiple objects from being used in Safehouse Customization.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented players from enabling the Cougar in a save created prior to purchasing and installing Tales from the Far Territory.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented players from enabling the Cougar when loading pre-existing Custom Survival saves.
- * Fixed an issue that caused the Rüdiger's Dream achievement to delay triggering until after reloading the save in which it was unlocked.
- * Fixed an issue that prevented players from selecting a Photograph to place in a player-crafted Framed Photo when using any controller as their main input.
- * Fixed an issue that limited players to 3 exchanges with the Trader instead of the intended 10.
- * Fixed an issue where conversation prompts were too close to the screen when contacting the Trader from the Radio in Pleasant Valley Community Hall.
- * Fixed an issue in the cave leading to Zone of Contamination, Forsaken Airfield, and Sundered Pass that incorrectly allowed Safehouse Customization within it.
- * Fixed an issue that removed the option to Break Down some objects, preventing players from reaching certain locations.
- * Fixed an issue inside Hibernia Processing in Desolation Point that prevented players from searching a metal locker.
- * Fixed an issue inside the Lonely Lighthouse in Desolation Point that prevented players from searching the main floor dresser.
- * Fixed an issue in Desolation Point that caused some containers to spawn multiple times in the same location.
- * Fixed an issue where moveable containers could reset their contents after being placed.
- * Fixed an issue that caused Scurvy to become disabled in pre-existing saves where it should be enabled.
- * Fixed an issue that caused Woodworking Tools in some locations to fail to spawn.
- * Tuned Misery Experience Mode Trader values to be more in line with the expected Misery experience.
- * Fixed an issue where no icons were present in the Trader Radio interface for raw fish, animal meat, dried hides or harvestable plants.
- * Fixed an issue where the Cougar entrance cinematic was too dark and players could not distinguish what was occurring in the scene.
- * Fixed an issue that caused orange Patterned Wool Mittens to become invisible when dropped or placed.
- * Fixed an issue where the Pemmican Bar icon in the Recipe Book was incorrectly shown as a Recipe Card.
- * Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in human arms appearing momentarily next to the Cougar during its Struggle animation.
- * Fixed an issue that caused Cougar vocalizations to play out of sync in certain entrance cinematics.
- * Fixed an issue on Steam Deck that caused a black screen when attempting to take a Photograph with the Camera while reloading it with Film.
- * Fixed an issue on Xbox and the Xbox app for Windows that caused a crash when a new player launched the application for the first time.