1. Bugs:
  2. Knocked-out enemies rarely fell into the surrounding geometry in such an unfortunate way, that they got invisible.
  3. Searching issue in "Petrol Quest" from mission 02
  4. Units carrying a mobile-mounted gun would lose it under some rare conditions.
  5. Automatic healing now works differently. Before a unit had to survive an attack to apply a medkit afterwards. Now a medkit in personal inventory effectively extends the unit's health. The unit can take damage, that would be lethal otherwise.
  6. Silent eradication of stunned enemies is now really silent.
  7. Unwanted open fire after Knockout
  8. Infinitely looping Alarm Music
  9. Incorrect navigation and collisions in several missions
  11. Improvements:
  12. Improved gameplay of the first mission
  13. Extended Inventory tutorial
  14. Extended Weapons description
  15. "Sell all tradeable items" button
  16. Inventory slots description
  17. New obtained skill notification icon
  18. More noticeable visual information of the alert
  19. Units remember crouch/stealth command after leaving a cover.
  20. A synchronized transition between Run and Crouch