1. Changelog v1.2.49.110526
  3. New Content
  4. Updating SMPL3: Lost and enabling Dynamic Quest
  5. Removing Campfire from SMPL3: Lost and added Drying Rack
  6. Updated Orgin Spawn Location of Dynamic_Base_1
  7. Updating Lost Loot quest step to auto complete (its optional and item spawns are % based)
  8. Adding new Images for SMPL3: Lost
  9. Removing t2 Communictor from SMPL3: Lost mission
  10. Reducing SMPL3 frequency as it was high for experiemtnal testing and balancing loot drops
  12. Fixed
  13. Update many UI elements that could not correctly be translated.
  14. Update refrigerator description to no correctly mention that it only greatly slows spoilage.
  15. Update incendiary round description to not mention explosions.
  16. Update fruit salad flavor text to mention that it's a dessert rather than a desert.
  17. WATERFALL: Update mission step to mention supply crate rather than dropship
  18. Fixed material slots on Stone Statue DMs
  19. Fixed a typo in Quests table
  20. Fix Titanium 200, 500, 5000 Accolades all unlock at 1000 mined
  21. Prevent pre-chewed corpses from providing rewards that would otherwise only be available with specific stats
  22. Adding in more quest cleanup logic for dynamic drop pods
  23. Search Areas, Map Icons and dynamic drop pods will now trigger a clean up when a new mission is started, abandoned or ended
  24. Save game variables now trigger onReps upon database load
  25. EQS_FindDynamicQuestLocationBuilding no longer accepts areas close to blocking geometry like rocks and trees.
  26. Replaced expensive nearby dynamic mission beacon test from EQS_FindDynamicQuestLocationTower
  27. Fixed issue where EnvQueryContext_QuestBoardSingle wasn't selecting a quest board within a currently loaded world tile
  28. Adjusting Search Area Colour and Removing Logging from various files
  29. DYN_Drone: Reduced difficulty of standard creatures spawned, allowed additional creatures to be spawned at a single time, increased the frequency of worm spawns at harder difficulties but lowered at easier difficulties. Correctly scaled by quest difficulty rather than prospect difficulty.
  30. Dynamic mission reward pods now spawn slightly further away, mainly to resolve build mission pods dropping directly on the building
  31. Adding Loot to SMPL3: Lost
  32. Increased performance cost of generating dynamic mission spawn locations in worlds where multiple communicator boards had been placed. Reduced maximum spawn distance of supply transport pod in Lost dynamic mission
  33. More quest cleanup fixes, this should fix drones & other quest map markers being staying after quest completion
  34. Increased size of minimum unobstructed area check by 30% when looking for a place to dynamically spawn building in DYN_Lost mission
  36. Future Content
  37. Update fish recipes modifier icons.
  38. Update Larkwell explosive arrow description and info on the arrows set
  39. Update outside deployable tooltip warning type
  40. Updates to batdog collision auduio. removed unneeded sockets
  41. Adding in T3 Fishing rod on the rod rig and reimported bending animations to work properly with the new rig, also added T2 rod textures related to IC-21671
  42. Fixed Issues in prefab caves where players could get blocked by maco cliffs and Removed Foliage from Persistant Level, Prometheus
  43. Restored accidentally deleted actors inside purple quad. Added new utility actor for diffing between lists of level actors
  44. Fixed diff actor tool streaming level names not showing correctly
  45. Resubmitting material for ITM_Shield_Composite Tactical
  46. Adjusting Accolade Lists for the new Achievements to include specifics on what needs to be done
  47. Updated textures on Fish01_var4, Fish02_Var4, Fish03_Var3, Fish04_Var1, Fish04_4, Fish05_Var2, Fish06_Var3, Fish08_Var4, Fish09_Var4, and Fish10_Var4 with notes from the big fish review
  48. Decrease break chance for Larkwell Whistling arrow to 50%.
  49. Disable KillCam support for Bait arrow as it is incompatible with 100% break chance.
  50. Disable UnbreakableDuringKillCam for DevFireball and set to Development feature level.
  51. Tweak DataValidation to check first if KillCam is true before checking further compatibility
  52. Adding T3 Fishing Rod Mesh and Item Hookup
  53. Correctly added all fishing rod tier meshables
  54. Setting up Shield Scene and adding new shields
  55. Adding New Fish Variations for 4,5 & 14
  56. Updated texture for fish 13 V3
  57. ENCROACHMENT: Complete mission setup, currently feature locked
  58. Addng in additional animations for te Lava hunter including heavy hit react and jump attack
  59. Fixing Dynamic Quest Lost Spawning Logic and Creature Spawn Triggers
  60. Dynamic Quest Lost now triggers a reward
  61. Adjusting Fish01_Skeleton
  62. Updated textures for fish 12 V2, V3 & V4
  63. Adding in base slug mesh and material and first suite of animations
  64. Updated textures for fish 11 V2
  65. Fixed Issues in prefab caves where players could get blocked by maco cliffs and Removed Foliage from Persistant Level, Prometheus
  66. Add all fish entries to spawn zone configs for Oly and Styx
  67. Add basic validation for fishing tables
  68. Update playerfacing data for fish
  69. Add Biome names to heatmap PSDs
  70. Added basic phases to Lava Hunter's combat BT. Lava Hunter now plays additive hit react when single damage instance crosses specifed threshold. Fixed Lava Hunter egg not being replicated
  71. Added drag onto the floatable of the lure to make it move slower.
  72. Added a horizontal and vertical movement speed when reeling in so you can reel slowly and it still reach you at heights.
  73. Added panini to the lure when holding it for inspection.
  74. Adjusted some sockets so the fish looks better on the hooks.
  75. Swapped out the default hook for the rubbery hook because the default hook is imported with a wrong rotation
  76. Added text for T2 and T3 fishing rods
  77. Added text for shields
  78. Added descriptions and names for Prom story missions
  79. Added description text for Prometheus Open World
  80. Fixed Issues in prefab caves where players could get blocked by maco cliffs and Removed Foliage from Persistant Level, Prometheus
  81. Lots of new audio layers for the lava hunter. Multi attack, quick ground slam, large jump attack, flinch / fall sound etc
  82. Clients can now play the minigame.
  83. Fixed an infinite loop that occured when removing onrep fish data.
  84. Fixed lure not appearing in clients hands when inspecting
  85. Added cliff landmarks and rock formations, general clean up, polished around manual cave and nav blockers, Blue Quad, DLC