1. v1.3.1 Hotfix Update
  2. Hello Admirals,
  4. We just deployed a hotfix patch with a significant set of fixes following up the major update v1.3. Please read below:
  6. *Hotfix Update v1.3.1*
  7. - Fixed bug that could cause ship parts that weren’t cleaned up from a previously deleted design to stick in the interface and not allow to make a new design. This bug could happen quite often depending on player actions or even for AI causing it to save empty hulls. Please let us know if it happens again.
  8. - Fixed issue that could make a ship overweight after being saved.
  9. - Fixed rare barbette bug that could cause misplacements and fixed dual barbettes issue that prevented them from rotating consistently.
  10. - Fixed diplomacy bug making dissolved nations to wrongly participate in some events.
  11. - Fixed ports of minor nations not showing if they have ships inside.
  12. - Fixed inconsistent ship damage applied in campaign (a ship could have some structural damage but get saved with extra damage from module hits).
  13. - Fixed rare crash issues that could be caused by weather mechanics.
  14. - Fixed some inconsistencies on weather and slightly improved the visuals and lighting.
  15. - Fixed a rare bug exception that could be caused by sections on fire.
  16. - Fixed a campaign bug that could cause a turn to stall.
  17. - Fixed some minor text and interface errors.
  18. - Fixed a formation issue which could cause rear ships to not follow the leader consistently.
  19. - Some minor hull improvements/fixes.
  20. - Adjusted instability mechanics so that some ships are not having incurable weight offsets.
  22. Furthermore, there is a beta development poll appearing when you launch this patch asking you if you would like to have mines and submarines as optional.
  24. Thank you for reading, enjoy!
  26. The Game-Labs Team