1. Patch (v1.1.2): Auto Select Fixes, Steam Deck Updates
  3. Hey everyone!
  5. Just a quick little patch before I head out for a week to visit family. Will be using some of the down-time while away to work on the story patch, where I'm thinking I'll add 2-3 new playable characters. Which designs do you all think are the most interesting from the cast that didn't make the initial cut? Any cool personal abilities that come to mind when you look at a particular character?
  9. This patch is mostly centered around addressing feedback Valve sent me from the Steam Deck verification review, but also reverts a small change I made last patch to auto-select abilities, as it was putting some people in a weird place of not being able to toggle between weapons.
  11. I reverted the auto-select for now in the main branch, and I have a fix out for it in the "beta" branch, so feel free to point there if you want to try the fix out. I didn't want to make the fix part of the main branch because it's a fairly hefty code change, and I didn't want to push out a big change before leaving for a week.
  13. Also we're already up to 30 responses to the item voting form, keep it up! Loving to see which abilities the community finds the most interesting.
  15. Changelog
  16. Fix: Temporarily removed the auto-select that was introduced in the last patch as it was putting some units in situations where they couldn't equip their other weapons as the auto select kept trying to defer to any usable abilities.
  17. Fix: Font sizes increased across settings/inventory/glyphs to better support readability on the Steam Deck.
  18. Fix: Fixed a scaling issue when listening to conversations in the base menu. (They would scale to whacky sizes after a conversation)
  19. Fix: Fixed a scaling issue when moving items within the inventory. (Again scaling to weird sizes)
  21. As always, I'll be away from my development computer, but I'll still be on the forums/email/Discord and socials if you need to reach me. Hope you're all still enjoying your time with the game, and I'm excited to get back and get the story patch out to you all!
  23. Best,
  24. Eldin T.