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- ▀ ░░▄ ░░ ░░ ▄ ▀ ▄▄ ■ ▀
- ▀░░ ▄▒ ▄ ■■ ▀ ▀ ░░▀▀ ░
- ____proudly presents____
- Nevergrind Online
- (c) Neverworks Games
- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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- ░░▀ ▀
- Release On : 11.07.2024 Disk Amount/Format : 1 Disc
- Type of Game : RPG Media Protection : Steam
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- ░░▀ ▀
- Nevergrind Online is a multiplayer first-person dungeon crawl RPG with
- real-time combat! You can choose to play solo or team up with friends
- online! Minions of evil are stirring below and the Kingdom of Edenburg
- is counting on you to vanquish the sinister forces of darkness. Do you
- have what it takes to restore order to the world of Vandamor? Team up
- and form a party of up to five players to help restore peace and order
- to the Kingdom! Nevergrind Online combines classic RPG heritage with a
- unique twist, creating a unique RPG experience unlike anything else!
- Nevergrind Online was designed with multiplayer in mind, though the
- game may also be enjoyed solo. Players can choose from a large variety
- of 14 races and 14 classes, each with their own strengths and
- weaknesses. By teaming up, players can take on greater challenges and
- receive even greater rewards! Generally, classes are designed for
- tank, healer, dps, or utility roles, though these roles are not rigid
- and players may opt to experiment and play however they see fit!
- Supports offline and online play! Want to play Nevergrind Online with
- no internet connection? No problem!
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- Burn/mount, install, play!
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