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├ؤ├ؤ┬▓┬░┬▓┬▓├ؤ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ┬▓├ؤ├ؤ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├£┬▓├£├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ا ├ا ┬▓├ؤ├ؤ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ؤ├ؤ├ا├£├ا ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ┬░ ├ؤ├ؤ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├£┬░
├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ا├£├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├£├ا├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├£├ا ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ا├ؤ├£├ؤ ┬▓├ؤ├ؤ ├ا├£├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا┬░├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├إ ├╛ ├ؤ├ؤ┬▓┬░┬▓ ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ا┬▓├ؤ┬░
├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا├إ ├£├ؤ┬▓┬▓├£├£ ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ┬░├£ ├ئ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا├إ ├£├£┬▓├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├£┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├£ ├ئ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£ ├ا├ؤ
├£├ؤ┬▓├ا ├£ ├إ├ئ├ؤ┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ┬░┬▓├£ ├ا┬▓├ؤ├£ ┬▓├إ├ئ ├£ ├ا┬▓├ؤ├ؤ ┬▒┬▒┬▒├ا├ؤ├ؤ┬▓├ا ├£ ├إ├ئ├ؤ├ا├ؤ├£├£├£┬▓┬░ ┬░┬▒┬░┬▒┬▓├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ ├ئ ├£ ├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├إ
├ئ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├ؤ┬▓ ├إ├ئ┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ├£ ┬░┬▓├£├£├£├£├£├ؤ├إ├ئ ┬▓├ؤ ├ئ├ؤ├ؤ├إ┬░┬░┬░├ئ├ؤ├ؤ├إ ├ؤ┬▓ ├إ├ئ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ┬▓┬▒┬░ ├╛ ┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▓├ؤ├ؤ ├ئ ┬▓├ؤ ├ئ├ؤ├إ├إ
├ا┬▓├ؤ├£ ├ا ├إ├ئ┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ├╛ ┬░┬▒┬▓├ؤ├£├ؤ├ؤ┬▓├ئ ├ا ├£├ؤ┬▓├ا ├ا┬▓├ؤ├£ ├ا ├إ├ئ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ┬▓┬▒┬░ ├£ ├ا ┬░┬▒┬▓├ؤ┬▓ ├ئ ├ا ├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├إ
├ئ├ا├ئ├£ ├£├إ├ئ├ؤ┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▓├ؤ├ا├ا├ا ├£┬▓├£┬▓├ا├ا ├ا ├ا├ا┬▓├£┬▓├£ ├ا├ا├ا┬▓┬▒┬░ ├ا┬▓├ا ┬░┬▒┬▓┬▓├ؤ┬▓ ├ئ├£├╛├£ ├ا ├إ
├ئ ├ئ ├ا┬▓├£├£ ├ا├ؤ┬▓┬▒┬░ ├ا ├£├£├£┬▓├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا┬▓├£├£├£┬░ ┬░┬▓┬▓┬▓┬▓├ا ├£├£┬▓├ا ├إ
├ئ ├ئ ┬░├ا├ئ┬▓├£ ├ا┬▓├ا ├£┬▓├ا├ا ├ا├ا┬▓├£ ┬░┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا ├£┬▓├إ├ا┬░ ┬░ ├ا
├ا ├ئ ├╛├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ┬░ ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├╛ ┬▒
├ا ├ئ ├╛├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ Secrets of Grindea v1.00a ├ئ├ؤ├إ ┬░ ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├╛ ┬▒
├ا ├ئ ├╛├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ┬░ ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├╛ ┬▒
├ئ m0├ئ├ؤ├إ├╛ ├ا┬▓├£ ├£┬▓├ا ├ا ├ئ├ؤ├إCRO ├£┬▓├£
├ئ ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├ا ├ا├ا ├ا├ؤ├£ ├ا
├ئ├£├£├£ ├ا ├ا ├£├£├£
├£├ا┬▓├ا [ ] KEYMAKER [ ] SERIAL [ ] CRACK [x] RETAIL ├ا┬▓├ا├£
├ئ├إ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ├ئ├إ
├ا├£┬▓├£ CRACKER.......: DELiGHT RELEASE DATE..: 04/03/2024 ├£┬▓├£├ا
├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£ RLS PACKAGER..: DELiGHT FILES.........: 14x50.00 ├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا
├£├ا├£┬▓├ا ├ا┬▓├£├ا├£
├ئ├إ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├£ ├£ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ├ئ├إ
├ا├£├ؤ┬▓├£ ├£ ├ئ├إ ├ا├£ ├£ ├ئ├إ├ئ├إ ├£ ├£├ا ├ئ├إ ├£ ├£┬▓├ؤ├£├ا
├ا├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ا ├£ ├ا├£ ├£┬▓├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£├ا ├ا├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£┬▓├£ ├£├ا ├£ ├ا├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ؤ├ا
├ا├ئ├ؤ ├£├ؤ├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ا ├£├£├ا ├£├£┬▓├£├ا├ا ├ا├ا├£┬▓├£├£ ├ا├£├£ ├ا ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├ؤ├£ ├ؤ├إ├ا
├ا├ئ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£├ا├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا├ا├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ├إ├ا
├ئ ├ا┬▓├£ ├ا┬▓├ا├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├ا┬▓├ا ├£┬▓├ا ├إ
├ا ├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا R E L E A S E N O T E S ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا ├ا
├ؤ├ا ├ا├ؤ
├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ
├ا├£ ├£├ا
Secrets of Grindea is an old-school Action
RPG with co-op support for up to 4 players.
It is a tribute to and sometimes a parody
of the old SNES games so many of us grew
up with and loved!
Journey through fantastical lands, and
battle tons of different enemies and
bosses in your quest for truth, friend-
ship and,above all, finding the world's
rarest treasures!
├ئ├إ ├ا├£ ├£ ├ئ├إ├ئ├إ ├£ ├£├ا ├ئ├إ
├£ ├ا├£ ├£┬▓├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£├ا ├ا├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£┬▓├£ ├£├ا ├£
├£├ؤ├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ا ├£├£├ا ├£├£┬▓├£├ا├ا ├ا├ا├£┬▓├£├£ ├ا├£├£ ├ا ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├ؤ├£
├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£├ا├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا├ا├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ
├ا┬▓├£ ├ا┬▓├ا├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├ا┬▓├ا ├£┬▓├ا
├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا I N S T A L L N O T E S ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا
├ؤ├ا ├ا├ؤ
├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ
├ا├£ ├£├ا
..: Another fine Release by DELiGHT :..
1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Have fun!
This Release belongs to the Scene.
P2P and web warez are the end of the scene.
It is competition and our hobby to release
- P2P's and fucking lamer's only skill is
Don't share our releases to P2P -they don't
contribute anything to the scene so they have
no right to use our releases and can buy it!
Furthermore Bit Torrent Tracker, the FXP-
Scene and other One-Click-Hoster are a huge
risk to the whole scene.
Support the software company and buy it.
├ئ├إ ├ا├£ ├£ ├ئ├إ├ئ├إ ├£ ├£├ا ├ئ├إ
├£ ├ا├£ ├£┬▓├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£├ا ├ا├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£┬▓├£ ├£├ا ├£
├£├ؤ├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ا ├£├£├ا ├£├£┬▓├£├ا├ا ├ا├ا├£┬▓├£├£ ├ا├£├£ ├ا ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├ؤ├£
├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£├ا├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا├ا├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ
├ا┬▓├£ ├ا┬▓├ا├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├ا┬▓├ا ├£┬▓├ا
├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا D E L i G H T N E W S ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا
├ؤ├ا ├ا├ؤ
├ئ├إ DELiGHT is currently looking for experienced ├ئ├إ
├ا├£ members with the following skills: ├£├ا
* capable of defeating commercial software
protections (Armadillo, SecuROM ,VOB...)
* familiar with creating keygens for games,
commercial,crypto and custom protections
* able to supply unreleased software
(games of all kinds and applications)
* anything else that could contribute to
our group
├ئ├إ ├ا├£ ├£ ├ئ├إ├ئ├إ ├£ ├£├ا ├ئ├إ
├£ ├ا├£ ├£┬▓├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£├ا ├ا├£ ├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ ├£┬▓├£ ├£├ا ├£
├£├ؤ├ا ├ا┬▓├£ ├ا ├£├£├ا ├£├£┬▓├£├ا├ا ├ا├ا├£┬▓├£├£ ├ا├£├£ ├ا ├£┬▓├ا ├ا├ؤ├£
├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£├ا├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا├ا├£├£┬▓├ؤ├£├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ ├£ ├ئ├ؤ├إ
├ا┬▓├£ ├ا┬▓├ا├£├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا├ا ├ا├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ├£├ا┬▓├ا ├£┬▓├ا
├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا├ا G R E E T I N G S ├ا├ا┬▓├ؤ┬▓├ا
├£├ؤ├ا ├ا├ؤ├£
├ئ├ؤ├إ ACME - CYGNUS - MYTH - HOODLUM ├ئ├ؤ├إ
├ا┬▓├£ DEViANCE - UCF - GENESIS ├£┬▓├ا
├ا┬▓├£├£ CORE - ZEKE - Hatred ├£├£┬▓├ا
├ا├ا┬▓├£├£├£ Razor 1911 ├£├£├£┬▓├ا├ا
├ا├ا┬▓├£├£ ├£├£┬▓├ا├ا
├ا├ا├£ ├£├ا├ا
├ا ├╛ ├╛ ├ا
├ئ├إ ├ئ├إ
├£ ├ا ├ا ├£
├ئ├إ ├£ ├£ ├ئ├إ
├ا├£ ├£┬▓├ا ASCII BY m0lo- ├ا┬▓├£ ├£├ا
├ئ├ؤ├إ ├ئ├ؤ├إ
├ا┬▓├£ ├£├╛ OF CRO ├╛├£ ├£┬▓├ا
├ا┬▓├إ ├ئ┬▓├ا
├ا├£├£ ├£├£├ا
├ا├£ ├£├ا
├ئ ├ئ├إ
├ا├إ ├ئ├ا
├إ┬░ ├ئ