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- ▄███▓░ ▄ ▀ ░▓██▀▀▀ ░▓██▀ ▀██▓░ ▀▀▀██▓░ ▀ ▄ ░▓███▄
- ▄▀ ▄▄████▓░ ██▓▄▓██▀ ░▓███ ███▓░ ▀██▓░▓██ ░▓████▄▄ ▀▄
- ▓▌▀██▀▀█▓░░ ████▀ ░▓████ ███▓░ ▀████ ░░▓█▀▀██▀▐▓
- ▐▓▄ ░ ░ ▐██ ░▀██ ██▀░ ██▌ ░ ▄▓▌
- ▓██▓▓▒░ ▄▄▓▒ █ ▀ ▀ █ ▒▓▄▄ ░▒▓▓██▓
- ░▓████████▓▀ Darkwood ▀█████████▓░
- ░ ░▒▓████▀ v1.4a ▀████▓▒░
- ░▓█▀ ▀█▓░
- ▄▀ Release date: 29/12/23 Source: Secret ▀▄
- ▄▄▄█▀ Platform: MacOS Files: 48x50MB ▀█▄▄▄
- ░▒▓██▄▄▄ Protection: None Genre: Action ▄▄▄██▓▒░
- ░▒▓███▀ ▀███▓▒░ ░
- ░ ▀ ▀
- Game Description :
- Darkwood provides a new perspective on survival horror.
- Scavenge and explore the rich, ever-changing free-roam
- world by day, then hunker down in your hideout and pray
- for the morning light.
- Survival horror from a top-down perspective that is terrifying
- to play.
- By day explore the randomly generated, ever-sinister woods,
- scavenge for materials, craft weapons and discover new secrets.
- By night find shelter, barricade, set up traps and hide or defend
- yourself from the horrors that lurk in the dark.
- Gain skills and perks by extracting a strange essence from mutated
- fauna and flora and injecting it into your bloodstream. Watch out
- for unexpected consequences.
- Make decisions that impact the world of Darkwood, its inhabitants
- and the story you experience.
- Meet eerie characters, learn their stories and decide their fate.
- And remember - donْt trust anyone.
- As nights go by, the lines between reality and nightmarish fantasies
- begin to blur. Are you ready to step into Darkwood?
- Installation > Unrar, mount, install, enjoy !
- ▀▄ ▄▀
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- ▓▌▄█████▓░░ ████▄ ░▓████ ████▓░ ▄████ ░░▓█▄▄██▄▐▓
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