1. Changelog
  3. New Content
  4. Updated open world and mission terrain selection screens for better text legibility
  5. Added text for spawn blockers of all tiers
  6. Decorative Geode Lamps - added DMs
  7. Removing additional mesh from spawn blocker T3 and adjusting sizes for T3/T4 spawn blockers
  8. Unlocking T2/3/4 Spawn Blockers Receipes and Talents for release
  9. Fixing Spawnblocker T4 preview mesh setup (it was using an incorrect mesh)
  10. Adding t3 spawn blocker audio and loop event
  11. Stop start loop behavior for spray spawn blocker
  12. Updates to spawn blockers. Fixed missing file due to changing file location error. Added correct spawn sounds for spawn blockers
  13. Adding t4 spawn blocker horn audio. Currently doesn't play in the right time / waiting for full BP setup to set in right place. Proof of concept idea for audio
  15. Fixed
  16. Fixed search for dedicated servers still running in the background when joining a server
  17. Increased lure mesh density on the floatable component and increased the drag so the lure doesnt passively bob too heavily
  18. Decreased amount of force applied to the lure when the reaction time occurs
  19. Fix a crash reported in sentry relating to finding map components to display
  20. Fix a crash reported in sentry relating to player rotation in UE4 engine code
  21. Fix a crash reported in sentry relating to resource multipliers when crafting
  22. Fix a crash reported in sentry relating to updating the stamina bar
  23. Fix a crash reported in sentry where the crafting player has left the server and bench items created by the player complete proccessing
  25. Future Content
  26. Adjusted collision for SM_Breakable_Scoria_Node to fill in existing hole
  27. Wood BLD Rework - added APEX meshes for RoofCorners and Inverted RoofCorners
  28. Added icon to PRO Story5 device to ensure it shows on map and radar.
  29. Updated dialogue priority and placement for PRO Story5 and 6
  30. Updates to lava hunter egg lay event. Tidied end and volume and spacializer. Adjustment to lava slam earthquake event
  31. Fixed metal crate having open sound when closing instead of close. This is used in the new missions
  32. Added Tint and Metallic control to Mesh Mask on MA_ITM
  33. Small adjustments to GL amb to randomize volumes of different layers to give a more varied feel. Helps it from feeling too static in volume after a while
  34. Wood BLD Rework - Added SM_BLD_Roof_HalfPitch_Lower_Wood, AO Masks & Set Up Materials for Buildable Rework Investigation
  35. Adding obsidian tool set and projectiles, featured locked for new frontiers
  36. Adding new stat and modifier ChanceAttacksCauseBurn_% which is an innate state on all obsidian weapons
  37. Adding in First Person Bone Armo mesh and Item template entries for the armor set devlocked out
  38. Merged in Epic's git dependencies fix to fix make setup
  39. Added Sockets to the Stone Set for Buildable Rework
  40. Fixed Collision Geo for SM_BLD_Roof_PyramidHip_Single_Inverted_Wood_R, SM_BLD_Roof_PyramidHip_Single_Wood_L, & SM_BLD_Roof_PyramidHip_Single_Wood_R for Buildable Rework Investigation
  41. Add new fog hooks to WeatherActions DT for designers (future content)
  42. Wood BLD Rework - added APEX meshes for walls, stairs, half pitch roof
  43. Add new fog hooks to WeatherActions DT for designers (future content)
  44. Added cliffs In a lake in the Grasslands and Landscape Sculpting, Green Quad, Prometheus
  45. updating prometheus stage select to work with flavour text
  46. Updated prometeus stage select in widget
  47. Updated prometeus stage select in widget
  48. Fixed bug where placing Rugs down would crash game in release builds.
  49. Added editor asset validation to AActor classes containing GFur components, ensuring that the bAllowCPUAccess flag is enabled for StaticGrowMesh
  50. Adding Cold Steel Tools, the items, stats, talents, recipes and setups
  51. Adding Iron Wood Tools, the items, stats, talents, recipes and setups
  52. Adding new Stats for AttacksCauseBurn, AttacksCauseFreeze, AttacksCauseMiasma as well as their resistance stats