1. Patch notes: 1.0.1
  3. Bug fixes and UI tweaks:
  5. Power Diversion now, correctly, does not nerf Strafe or Payback shots
  6. Nanofiber Hull + Heal Booster now correctly heals you for 2 at the end of every combat
  7. Salvage Arm no longer incorrectly triggers when shooting drones with shields
  8. Pressing Q/E no longer uses droneshift if there are no drones to shift
  9. The card Glissade is no longer missing from the codex
  10. A few character shouts trigger less often. (Yes, Max, we know we have Jet Thrusters.)
  11. Controller tooltips now remember if you've turned them on/off between combats.
  12. (To prevent early players missing that they're toggleable, they will still turn themselves back on until you've beat zone 1 once.)
  13. Changed a few internal things to make modding a little bit easier
  14. Made credits easier to exit (and fixed messaging on click + hold)