1. October 25, 2023 - Patch Notes
  3. Gameplay
  4. Increased the HP threshold at which the “Emergency Measures” perk activates.
  5. Increased the temporary HP the player can receive from a drone shot with the Stim Pistol with the “Good Boy” perk.
  6. The player will now receive unlimited ammo for 10 seconds when activating the “It’s Not Over” perk.
  7. The number of reloadable rounds for the Repeating Rifle has been increased.
  8. Increased the amount of weapons that will drop when the "Bad Odor" and "Bad Odor II" perks get triggered.
  9. Increased the number of killable zombies for the improved Multi-shot Rocket Launcher.
  10. The gas cloud set by the “Especially Dangerous” perk will now last for one minute.
  11. Performance
  12. Addressed random stutters and freezes during gameplay on PlayStation 4.
  13. Fixed rare crashes and improved stability across all platforms.
  14. Optimized memory consumption on Xbox Series X/S.
  15. Improved performance on PlayStation 5.
  16. Visuals
  17. Reduced the intensity of the visual effects of shots when using the FSR.
  18. Increased the intensity of FX effects for the Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher.
  19. Fixed the low-resolution texture display on Xbox One.
  20. General
  21. Fixed a bug when a grenade thrown by a drone with the "On a Bender" perk would damage players.
  22. Fixed a bug when a drone attached to a teammate with the "Sharing is Caring" and "On a Bender" perks returned to the player after taking damage from an explosion.
  23. Fixed a bug when the drone remained attached to the player or bot even after their death.
  24. Fixed a bug when a Fixer class bot could get stuck in the animation of deploying the Supply Bag.
  25. Fixed a bug when Vanguard class players could stop taking damage when grabbed by a zombie while using the shield.
  26. Fixed a bug when bots could respawn with a heavy weapon that had previously been taken by a player.
  27. Fixed a bug when the "Especially Dangerous" and "Cannon Fodder" mutators could simultaneously appear in the Daily Challenge.
  28. Fixed a bug when the background music would interrupt and replay when hovering over any perk in the perk selection menu.
  29. Fixed a bug when the reload animation and sound were not synchronized when using reload speed-increasing perks.
  30. Fixed a bug when players could use two secondary weapons while the "Shotgun Fiesta" mutator was active.
  31. Fixed a bug when information about weapons and experience was not displayed on the scoreboard in spectator mode.
  32. Fixed a bug when the stun effect from the Stun Gun sometimes didn't affect zombies.
  33. Fixed a bug when the bot replacing a disconnected player would have default weapons.
  34. Fixed a bug when spawning medkits while killing with Heavy Fire Axe and Lobo melee weapons was happening with regular hits instead of signature hits.
  35. Fixed a bug when a drone with the "Well Trained" perk would stop working when a new player joined the session.
  36. Fixed a bug when the "Free Refill III" and "Heavy Bone" perks would work while the "Chainsaw Massacre" mutator was active.
  37. Fixed a bug when the "Hidden Pocket" perk didn't work with the Trumper GL.
  38. Fixed a bug when there was no sound alert from the "Detector" accessory in the first-person view.
  39. Fixed a bug when the player with the "I am Not a Snack" perk could use equipment bags dropped by special zombies.
  40. Fixed a bug when multiple quest Flamethrowers could be spawned in the Dead of Winter level.
  41. Fixed a bug when the Chainsaw applied an electric hit if the player had a Baton.
  42. Fixed a bug when the bolt-cycling animation did not play at a high fire rate of the Repeating Rifle.
  43. Fixed a bug when the "Special Mag" perk did not work.
  44. Fixed a bug when the laser was not displayed on the Repeating Rifle.
  45. Fixed a bug when the "Heavy Metal I" perk did not work after picking up the unused Chainsaw again.
  46. Fixed a bug when bandages and adrenaline did not spawn on the level while the "The Impaler" mutator was active.
  47. Fixed bugs when players could obtain items that were restricted by mutators.
  48. Fixed a bug when a bot would receive heavy weapons with increased ammo capacity when replacing a disconnected player.
  49. Fixed a bug when the "Second Wind" perk did not activate with the "Instadeath," "1 HP," and "Iron Man" mutators.
  50. Fixed a bug when the "Gas, Gas, Gas" perk caused the C4 explosion gas cloud to give players a masking effect.
  51. Fixed a bug when the background sound could disappear after interrupting character video playback.
  52. Fixed a bug when the player could disconnect from the session and get replaced by a bot that would not utilize the respective class abilities.
  53. Fixed a bug with non-functional voice commands in the PvP mode.
  54. Fixed a bug when the "Backup Plan" perk for the Dunali SxS did not work when starting a match with the "Shotgun Fiesta" mutator active.
  55. Fixed a bug when buying prestige added 10 levels to the account level.
  56. Fixed a bug when point-blank shots sometimes did not deal damage.
  57. Fixed a bug when bots could change the order of reviving incapacitated players.
  58. Fixed a bug when the additional task "Don't Die or Become Incapacitated" was considered failed when bots got incapacitated or died.
  59. Fixed a bug when rounds in the magazine were highlighted yellow after picking up explosive rounds from the Supply Bag while the "What Was That Boom?" mutator was active.
  60. Fixed a bug when the "Sort It All Out" perk did not activate if the primary weapon was reloaded using the "Gun Fanatic" perk.
  61. Fixed a bug when C4 did not explode when the "Here Kitty" perk was used.
  62. Fixed the Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher model clipping in first-person mode.