- October 25, 2023 - Patch Notes
- Gameplay
- Increased the HP threshold at which the “Emergency Measures†perk activates.
- Increased the temporary HP the player can receive from a drone shot with the Stim Pistol with the “Good Boy†perk.
- The player will now receive unlimited ammo for 10 seconds when activating the “It’s Not Over†perk.
- The number of reloadable rounds for the Repeating Rifle has been increased.
- Increased the amount of weapons that will drop when the "Bad Odor" and "Bad Odor II" perks get triggered.
- Increased the number of killable zombies for the improved Multi-shot Rocket Launcher.
- The gas cloud set by the “Especially Dangerous†perk will now last for one minute.
- Performance
- Addressed random stutters and freezes during gameplay on PlayStation 4.
- Fixed rare crashes and improved stability across all platforms.
- Optimized memory consumption on Xbox Series X/S.
- Improved performance on PlayStation 5.
- Visuals
- Reduced the intensity of the visual effects of shots when using the FSR.
- Increased the intensity of FX effects for the Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher.
- Fixed the low-resolution texture display on Xbox One.
- General
- Fixed a bug when a grenade thrown by a drone with the "On a Bender" perk would damage players.
- Fixed a bug when a drone attached to a teammate with the "Sharing is Caring" and "On a Bender" perks returned to the player after taking damage from an explosion.
- Fixed a bug when the drone remained attached to the player or bot even after their death.
- Fixed a bug when a Fixer class bot could get stuck in the animation of deploying the Supply Bag.
- Fixed a bug when Vanguard class players could stop taking damage when grabbed by a zombie while using the shield.
- Fixed a bug when bots could respawn with a heavy weapon that had previously been taken by a player.
- Fixed a bug when the "Especially Dangerous" and "Cannon Fodder" mutators could simultaneously appear in the Daily Challenge.
- Fixed a bug when the background music would interrupt and replay when hovering over any perk in the perk selection menu.
- Fixed a bug when the reload animation and sound were not synchronized when using reload speed-increasing perks.
- Fixed a bug when players could use two secondary weapons while the "Shotgun Fiesta" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when information about weapons and experience was not displayed on the scoreboard in spectator mode.
- Fixed a bug when the stun effect from the Stun Gun sometimes didn't affect zombies.
- Fixed a bug when the bot replacing a disconnected player would have default weapons.
- Fixed a bug when spawning medkits while killing with Heavy Fire Axe and Lobo melee weapons was happening with regular hits instead of signature hits.
- Fixed a bug when a drone with the "Well Trained" perk would stop working when a new player joined the session.
- Fixed a bug when the "Free Refill III" and "Heavy Bone" perks would work while the "Chainsaw Massacre" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when the "Hidden Pocket" perk didn't work with the Trumper GL.
- Fixed a bug when there was no sound alert from the "Detector" accessory in the first-person view.
- Fixed a bug when the player with the "I am Not a Snack" perk could use equipment bags dropped by special zombies.
- Fixed a bug when multiple quest Flamethrowers could be spawned in the Dead of Winter level.
- Fixed a bug when the Chainsaw applied an electric hit if the player had a Baton.
- Fixed a bug when the bolt-cycling animation did not play at a high fire rate of the Repeating Rifle.
- Fixed a bug when the "Special Mag" perk did not work.
- Fixed a bug when the laser was not displayed on the Repeating Rifle.
- Fixed a bug when the "Heavy Metal I" perk did not work after picking up the unused Chainsaw again.
- Fixed a bug when bandages and adrenaline did not spawn on the level while the "The Impaler" mutator was active.
- Fixed bugs when players could obtain items that were restricted by mutators.
- Fixed a bug when a bot would receive heavy weapons with increased ammo capacity when replacing a disconnected player.
- Fixed a bug when the "Second Wind" perk did not activate with the "Instadeath," "1 HP," and "Iron Man" mutators.
- Fixed a bug when the "Gas, Gas, Gas" perk caused the C4 explosion gas cloud to give players a masking effect.
- Fixed a bug when the background sound could disappear after interrupting character video playback.
- Fixed a bug when the player could disconnect from the session and get replaced by a bot that would not utilize the respective class abilities.
- Fixed a bug with non-functional voice commands in the PvP mode.
- Fixed a bug when the "Backup Plan" perk for the Dunali SxS did not work when starting a match with the "Shotgun Fiesta" mutator active.
- Fixed a bug when buying prestige added 10 levels to the account level.
- Fixed a bug when point-blank shots sometimes did not deal damage.
- Fixed a bug when bots could change the order of reviving incapacitated players.
- Fixed a bug when the additional task "Don't Die or Become Incapacitated" was considered failed when bots got incapacitated or died.
- Fixed a bug when rounds in the magazine were highlighted yellow after picking up explosive rounds from the Supply Bag while the "What Was That Boom?" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when the "Sort It All Out" perk did not activate if the primary weapon was reloaded using the "Gun Fanatic" perk.
- Fixed a bug when C4 did not explode when the "Here Kitty" perk was used.
- Fixed the Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher model clipping in first-person mode.