1. 1.6.1 Patch Notes
  3. Updates
  5. Added a new challenge for Free Solo: Avian Chaos.
  6. A challenge for the particularly masochistic.
  8. Same as Wally mode, except double the chaos.
  9. You'll need to complete the initial avian challenge (Wrath of Wally) in order to start this challenge.
  10. Progress in this mode is wiped on death.
  11. A new achievement and a secret unlockable will be rewarded for the few who (if any) completes the challenge.
  13. Other Updates
  14. Increased the time it takes for recovery after getting hit by ice boulders directly on the body/head. Getting hit on the hands is the same as usual.
  15. Old save files from Free Solo and You Fall You Die will be deleted upon migrating to the new save system to prevent cheesing.
  16. Renamed Time Attack Options to Misc Delete Options as it includes an option to delete progress for Avian Challenges / bird modes.
  17. Fixed an issue with ice axes and hands allowing you to almost fly.
  18. Fixed an issue with birds preferring the right hand right hand.
  20. Bugfixes
  21. Fixed a bug with save migration allowing access to Category 4 prematurely.
  22. Fixed a bug where 100% game completion would display as 99%.
  23. Fixed a bug with the amount of ropes collected in YFYD mode.
  24. Fixed a bug with 2 Wallys on Old Skerry when in Wally Mode.
  25. Fixed a bug with FOV being slightly modified after using the monocular.
  26. Fixed a bug with some peaks not giving progress in the Wally mode.
  27. Fixed a bug with the stamp disappearing after use on Solemn Tempest and Great Bulwark.
  28. Few other minor bugfixes.