1. Supreme Ruler 2030 Update Build 1167
  3. Change log for Build 1167
  5. Fixes for crashing aircraft, should be resolved (Ongoing testing)
  6. Fix potential crash if going directly from unit design popup to actual unit popup
  7. Fixed missing messages about war declarations
  8. Significant relationship changes across all sandbox modes
  9. Updated playable countries and added Liechtenstein to map and game
  10. Fixed population numbers of Sudan, Yemen and Ukraine
  11. Fixed flag of Palau
  12. Default Army Reserve populations added where values not set
  13. Colonies will no longer inherit parent technologies
  14. Locking units from AI control will prevent additional actions
  15. AI regions don't try to protect allies unless they are under attack
  16. Adjustments to AI weighting of certain unit values when building units
  17. Tutorial 2 fixes
  18. Improved engine support for different resolutions and UI Scales
  19. Changing graphics options resets game
  20. Button added to main menu to reset UI resolution and scale, top left of screen
  21. Fixed count of missile facilities in Regional Atlas
  22. Various UI fixes and new UI displays and tooltips
  23. Fast update of data on map Tooltips
  24. Tech tree text and "leads to" fixes
  25. Some updates to region starting designs and techs
  26. Fixed some misplaced leader pics
  27. Spy selection issue fixed for both Russia & Ukraine
  28. Updated campaign descriptions for other languages
  29. Italian text updated for sandbox country descriptions
  30. Germany campaign fixes
  31. Bug fixes for missile capacity
  32. import/export ETT fixed for better feedback
  33. Garrison values adjusted
  34. Fixes to unit picture/scale
  35. Fixes for scrapping research centers
  36. Adjustments to Special Forces stats, Elite Forces amphibious specialty
  37. Minor fixes to various alert messages
  38. New game options to customize double click on units and right click drag behaviours