1. 1.1.0 (June 12)
  3. Dear Lords and Ladies,
  5. we haven't been idle over the last weeks!
  6. While there has been a significant amount of work dedicated to our upcoming DLC, we still want to improve the base game and add things as much as we can.
  7. For example, we are going to add a new building! we are currently testing the final steps and it will be functional next week with another patch.
  8. But you can already see it in the building radial as a sneak peek! :)
  9. We also changed the menu layout and there are a lot of quality of life additions.
  10. Let us know in case you encounter any problems or have questions!
  12. New:
  13. - Added ability to Steam to join by using the friend list.
  14. - 'random' personality option in scenario setup
  15. - auto/ai battles spawn 'battle report' cards for each army
  16. - added button hover sounds in map editor
  17. - screen-edge notification symbol for off-screen task highlights
  18. - tool-tip to army merge screen
  19. - joystick snap points to army split +/- icons (see commit notes)
  20. - joystick snaps + 'back button' to rename region dialog
  21. - hotkey (ctrl and shift) for +-10 and +-100 units in merge army menu
  22. - region/target placement banner now shows when holding dynamic tokens
  23. - unit highlight/snap w/ initiative bar hover (+joystick snap to unit portraits in initiative bar)
  24. - tutorial card for hiring mercenaries
  25. - unit to be attacked has yellow outline in initiative bar
  26. - attempted language detection w/ user-generated town names for font selection
  27. - tutorial card for entrenching / delay in tutorial 2nd battle
  28. - displays entrench bonus when hovering unit or entrench button
  29. - more log-writes for game end, loading screen, and FPS spikes
  31. Fixes:
  32. - Fixed armies passing through armies in certain movement setups instead of fighting on allied territory
  33. - Fixed macemen doing 0 damage
  34. - Fixed soft-lock in tutorial w/ certain army stack setups
  35. - Fixed armies occasionally invisible unless hovered + incorrect 'duplicate name' warning
  36. - Fixed some types of raiders / invaders autobattling regardless of map layout
  37. - Fixed castle heritage variable crash
  38. - Fixed crash if trying to send food from a region to itself
  39. - Fixed send food crash w/ regions that are inaccessible
  40. - Fixed string parse crash w/ load game
  41. - Fixed rare army feed crash
  42. - Fixed russian not displaying correctly on battle cards
  43. - Fixed several russian font scaling issues
  44. - Fixed potential crash when loading invalid map files in editor
  45. - Fixed unable to subtract morale in story tree
  46. - Fixed Switch export missing 'X button' hint in build tooltip
  47. - Fixed some languages not displaying choices correctly in mission story
  48. - Fixed button hints / delete icon x-alignment wrong for some languages
  49. - Fixed large option y-placement bug w/ missions + improved option spacing w/ numerous options
  50. - Fixed massive text in mp server lobby in some cases
  51. - Fixed longer menu buttons not properly shrinking text fully to fit
  52. - Fixed save 'delete' buttons leaving snap-point remnants
  53. - Fixed task circle not respecting edge specifiers
  54. - Fixed decoy consuming 'shields up' not displaying icon that this occurred
  55. - Fixed further controller issues w/ merge army
  56. - Fixed army 'max' unit count decimals
  57. - Fixed some skill previews causing single-digit lag on Switch
  58. - Fixed wild animals killing livestock not reported in info cards
  59. - Fixed livestock cards double-counting army consumption
  60. - Fixed editor save / load map names getting jumbled in rare cases
  61. - Fixed killing unit may display damage number above remaining units
  62. - Fixed missing dictionary look-ups on Switch
  63. - Fixed merchants not traveling in rare cases
  64. - Fixed white tile-load flash when going into map on Switch
  65. - Fixed info card for tax/food not updating when changed while open
  66. - Fixed health info card displaying next season's penalty
  67. - Fixed 'spectate' button showing up for your own battles
  68. - Fixed old-style gui popups showing up + glitchy pop-in/out w/ some of the newer
  69. - Fixed dropping bishops on own territor would generate a broken route
  70. - Fixed drop-down displaying fractional resources
  71. - Fixed unit outline flicker w/ skill card
  72. - Fixed white flicker sometimes w/ inital tile load in battles on PC
  73. - Fixed inconsistent option menu open / click w/ 'going to battle' menu
  74. - Fixed save/load menu console hint depth issue
  75. - Fixed re-focusing game window temporarily resetting food consumption icons
  76. - Fixed shoot area not accounting for wall range bonus
  77. - Fixed mercenary 'rental' costs not being portrayed directly after hiring
  78. - Fixed looping 'end season' animation w/ quick end turns
  79. - Fixed ultra-widescreen issues w/ season transition effects
  80. - Fixed lag spike making janky zoom-out w/ battle end
  81. - Fixed difficulty option displaying on custom scenario restart
  82. - Fixed zooming breaking army merge menu
  83. - Fixed mission story 'next' / option overlap allowing accidental double-clicks
  84. - Fixed white-screen flash on battle / editor start
  85. - Fixed player name inputbox disappearing when canceling campaign difficulty
  86. - Fixed editor painting broken after 'auto-save' popup
  87. - Fixed a problem with steam deck intro video compatibility
  88. - Fixed construction tiles sometimes turning blank in LQ mode
  89. - Fixed post-crash report send saying that the game would close, when it does not.
  90. - Fixed armies rarely sliding into water / across borders
  91. - Fixed token motion planning placing tokens on top of eachother in rare cases
  92. - Fixed bound units able to use 'shoot area'
  93. - Fixed partial fog behind some units
  94. - Fixed further cases of single-word pages in mission stories (language dependant)
  95. - Fixed 'campaign' no longer disabling if tutorial is incomplete
  96. - Fixed 'delete' buttons sometimes disappearing for save slots
  97. - Fixed cursor snapping to top-left in main menu
  98. - Fixed some controller hints not capitalized
  99. - Fixed possible to click 'next' past an options page
  100. - Fixed forests not reducing 'shoot area' attacks
  101. - Fixed merc fire confirm menu spawning on wrong layer
  102. - Fixed minimap not always updating single-layer tiles in time
  103. - Fixed water under ports in battle on LQ zoomed in
  104. - Fixed some battles from sea / allied regions autobatteling when they shouldn't
  105. - Fixed incorrect 'ranged' analysis for castle attacks w/ ranged + prep for attack mode toggle
  106. - Fixed garbled graphics while going to Custom Battle on XBOX
  109. Changes:
  110. - battle now starts with 5 cards instead of 4
  111. - "load" is now in the first main menu level instead of under singleplayer/multiplayer
  112. - improved skill card text scaling / alignment / readability
  113. - 'formation' skill moved up the skill tree for new matches
  114. - 'shields up' only applies if damage > 5% estimated damage range
  115. - Adjusted so quick cards for battle players do not contain blindfire, as they confuse players being attacked by their allies.
  116. - mission story options align bottom-up to prevent overflowing outside the book
  117. - battle tile distribution to minimize atteckers w/ indefensible camps
  118. - Ignore file check for log files to allow crash reporter to send it.
  119. - Make some save pars more compression friendly.
  120. - raiders now disband upon first loss regardless of remaining units
  121. - removed textbox 'highlight' effect from consoles
  122. - improved battle unit render speed
  123. - moved 'load game' entries to their own combined menu entry
  124. - moved multiplayer battle map name up to be more readable
  125. - improved battle units animation timing
  126. - bound units can now attack walls / baricades
  127. - armies do not hunger when in port unless region has no food
  128. - further switch performance improvements
  129. - increased tooltip size on Switch / Steam Deck for readability
  130. - 'health' info card 'beggars' to icon + fixed minor alpha bug w/ info cards
  131. - increased top/bottom gui number sizes on handhelds + font consistency between languages
  132. - improved text readability + alignment for 'going to battle' screen
  133. - dynamic tokens now require extra click to drop
  134. - added option to unlock skills and change cards in hand for change general node in story editor
  135. - added blur + fade for in-game menu
  136. - army scales up a little when zooming out
  137. - peasants on fields w/ no seads now display as idle peasants
  138. - removed some gui tool-tips when disabled by story / tutorial
  139. - removed broken map 'delete' options from editor
  140. - window keeps position after res change w/ game startup
  141. - battle info scroll switches sides if covering damage prediction
  142. - made info banner for items more readable
  143. - mercs now reset their numbers over time after being fired
  144. - unhired mercenaries recoup 25% of max every turn
  145. - regular peasants can no longer use 'bind' card.
  146. - removed extra arrow when using 'shoot area'