1. Card Balancing
  2. Greetings Samurai,
  4. We wanted to give some more in-depth information about our most recent patch and the reasoning behind it.
  6. In this update we went through and changed the values of more than 25 different cards.
  8. To decide how to go at this to make for a more fair gaming experience, we investigated which cards had a low success rate among players, meaning cards that were not frequently present in game decks that resulted in a successful mission.
  10. We also analyzed strategies that seemed to be picked repeatedly or were more often successful and compare them to the strategies more infrequently used or those that commonly resulted in failures (As an example: poison did not seem to be commonly used or was often unsuccessful in combat, so we came to the decision to boost it).
  12. With these changes, players should see more fair gameplay that can allow for mission success with a larger variety of gameplay strategies.