1. the.good.the.bad.and.huckleberry.hound.1988.1080p.bluray.h264-pristine.mkv
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  52.                          Release date: 2024-05-31                                
  53. The.Good.the.Bad.and.Huckleberry.Hound.1988.1080p.BluRay.H264-PRiSTiNE
  55.  URL       ظ¤é https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0192080
  56.  Rating    ظ¤é 6.7
  57.  Genres    ظ¤é Animation Adventure Comedy Family Western
  58.  Runtime   ظ¤é 1 h and 33 min
  59.  Plot      ظ¤é It's the gold rush era in the Wild West. A mysterious stranger
  60.            ظ¤é (Huckleberry Hound) arrives in a small desert town carrying a
  61.            ظ¤é huge golden nugget. The notorious Dalton brothers steal it.
  62.            ظ¤é The town asks "the stranger" to go after them.
  63.            ظ¤é
  64.            ظ¤é
  65.  Video     ظ¤é - Untouched / AVC / 34.9MBs
  66.  Res       ظ¤é - 1920 x 1080
  67.  HDR       ظ¤é - None
  68.  Audio     ظ¤é - DTS-HD Master Audio / 2.1MBs
  69.            ظ¤é - English
  70.            ظ¤é
  71.            ظ¤é
  72.  Subs      ظ¤é - English
  73.            ظ¤é
  74.  Size      ظ¤é - 90x300MB
  75.            ظ¤é
  76.  Notes     ظ¤é - Enjoy.